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== Facebook Example with OAuth 2.0

This example demonstrates how easy it is to use OAuth 2.0 and integrate with a service like the Facebook APIs. Look ma, no OAuth 2.0 gem! It's so easy, it's just a dozen lines of code.

== Instructions

* cp config/facebook.yml.sample config/facebook.yml
* Edit config/facebook.yml and add your facebook {app id and secret}[http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php] (remember to set your site url under the 'Web Site' tab to http://localhost:10005/)
* bundle install
* rake server
* Open http://localhost:10005 in your browser
* Once you've seen it work, take a look at {lib/models/facebook_client.rb}[http://github.com/kaiwren/wrest/blob/master/examples/facebook_auth/lib/models/facebook_client.rb] to see what's involved.

That's all there is to OAuth 2.0 and Facebook - you don't need a gem for this.