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Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2009 Sidu Ponnappa

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
# is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

module Wrest
  module Native
    # This represents a HTTP request. Typically you will never need to instantiate
    # one of these yourself - you can use one of the more conveient APIs via Wrest::Uri
    # or Wrest::Native::Get etc. instead.
    class Request
      attr_reader :http_request, :uri, :body, :headers, :username, :password, :follow_redirects,
                  :follow_redirects_limit, :follow_redirects_count, :timeout, :connection, :parameters,
                  :cache_store, :verify_mode, :options, :ca_path

      # Valid tuples for the options are:
      #   :username => String, defaults to nil
      #   :password => String, defaults to nil
      #   :follow_redirects => Boolean, defaults to true for Get, false for anything else
      #   :follow_redirects_limit => Integer, defaults to 5. This is the number of redirects
      #                              that Wrest will automatically follow before raising an
      #                              Wrest::Exceptions::AutoRedirectLimitExceeded exception.
      #                              For example, if you set this to 1, the very first redirect
      #                              will raise the exception.
      #   :follow_redirects_count => Integer, defaults to 0. This is a count of the hops made to
      #                              get to this request and increases by one for every redirect
      #                              until the follow_redirects_limit is hit. You should never set
      #                              this option yourself.
      #   :timeout => The period, in seconds, after which a Timeout::Error is raised
      #               in the event of a connection failing to open. Defaulted to 60 by Uri#create_connection.
      #   :connection => The HTTP Connection object to use. This is how a keep-alive connection can be
      #                  used for multiple requests.
      #   :cache_store => The object which should be used as cache store for cacheable responses. If not supplied, caching will be disabled.
      #   :callback => A Hash whose keys are the response codes (or Range of response codes),
      #                        and the values are the callback functions to be executed.
      #                        eg: { <response code> => lambda { |response| some_operation } }
      #  The following options are Net::HTTP specific config options
      #   :detailed_http_logging => nil/$stdout/$stderr or File/Logger/IO object. Defaults to nil (recommended).
      #                             *WARNING* : detailed_http_logging causes a serious security hole. Never use it in production code.
      #   :verify_mode => The verification mode to be used for Net::HTTP https connections. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
      #   :ca_path => The path to the certificates
      def initialize(wrest_uri, http_request_klass, parameters = {}, body = nil, headers = {}, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
        setup_request_state!(body, headers, parameters, wrest_uri)
        @detailed_http_logging = options[:detailed_http_logging]
        @follow_redirects = (@options[:follow_redirects] ||= false)
        @follow_redirects_count = (@options[:follow_redirects_count] ||= 0)
        @follow_redirects_limit = (@options[:follow_redirects_limit] ||= 5)
        @callback = @options[:callback] || Wrest::Callback.new({})
        @callback = @callback.merge(Wrest::Callback.new(@options[:callback_block] || {}))
        @http_request = build_request(http_request_klass, @uri, @parameters, @headers)

      # Makes a request, runs the appropriate callback if any and
      # returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
      # Data about the request is and logged to Wrest.logger
      # The log entry contains the following information:
      #   <- indicates a request
      #   -> indicates a response
      # The type of request is mentioned in caps, followed by a hash
      # uniquely identifying a particular request/response pair.
      # In a multi-process or multi-threaded scenario, this can be used
      # to identify request-response pairs.
      # The request hash is followed by a connection hash; requests using the
      # same connection (effectively a keep-alive connection) will have the
      # same connection hash.
      # Passing nil for either username or password will skip HTTP authentication
      # This is followed by the response code, the payload size and the time taken.
      def invoke
        response = nil

        response = execute_request(response)


        @follow_redirects ? response.follow(@options) : response
      rescue Timeout::Error => e
        raise Wrest::Exceptions::Timeout, e

      # :nodoc:
      def build_request(request_klass, uri, parameters, headers)
        if uri.query.empty?
          request_klass.new(parameters.empty? ? uri.uri_path.to_s : "#{uri.uri_path}?#{Utils.hash_to_param(parameters)}", headers)
            parameters.empty? ? "#{uri.uri_path}?#{uri.query}" : "#{uri.uri_path}?#{uri.query}&#{Utils.hash_to_param(parameters)}", headers

      # :nodoc:
      def do_request
        @connection.request(@http_request, @body)

      # :nodoc:
      def execute_callback_if_any(actual_response)


      def setup_connection!
        @connection ||= @uri.create_connection(timeout: timeout, verify_mode: verify_mode, ca_path: ca_path)
        @connection.set_debug_output @detailed_http_logging
        http_request.basic_auth(username, password) unless username.nil? || password.nil?

      def execute_request(response)
        prefix = "#{http_request.method} #{hash} #{@connection.hash} #{Thread.current.object_id}"

        time = Benchmark.realtime { response = Wrest::Native::Response.new(do_request) }
        log_after_request(prefix, time)


      def log_after_request(prefix, time)
        Wrest.logger.debug "<- (#{prefix}) Time: #{time}"

      def log_before_request(prefix)
        Wrest.logger.debug "<- (#{prefix}) #{@uri.protocol}://#{@uri.host}:#{@uri.port}#{@http_request.path}"
        Wrest.logger.debug "<- (#{prefix}) Body: #{@body}"

      def setup_request_state!(body, headers, parameters, wrest_uri)
        @uri = wrest_uri
        @headers = headers.transform_keys(&:to_s)
        @parameters = parameters
        @body = body

      def setup_options_state!(options)
        @options = options.clone
        @username = @options[:username]
        @password = @options[:password]
        @timeout = @options[:timeout]
        @connection = @options[:connection]
        @cache_store = @options[:cache_store]
        @verify_mode = @options[:verify_mode]
        @ca_path = @options[:ca_path]