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Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2009 Sidu Ponnappa

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
# is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

module Wrest # :nodoc:
  # Wrest::Uri provides a simple api for
  # REST calls. String#to_uri is a convenience
  # method to build a Wrest::Uri from a string url.
  # Note that a Wrest::Uri is immutable.
  # Basic HTTP Authentication is supported.
  # Example:
  #  "http://kaiwren:fupuppies@coathangers.com/portal/1".to_uri
  #  "http://coathangers.com/portal/1".to_uri(:username => 'kaiwren', :password => 'fupuppies')
  # The second form is preferred as it can handle passwords with special characters like ^ and @
  # You can find examples that use real APIs (like delicious) under the wrest/examples directory.
  class Uri
    attr_reader :uri, :username, :password, :uri_string, :uri_path, :query, :default_headers

    # Valid tuples for the options are:
    #   :asynchronous_backend => Can currently be set to either Wrest::AsyncRequest::EventMachineBackend.new
    #                            or Wrest::AsyncRequest::ThreadBackend.new. Easier to do using Uri#using_em and
    #                            Uri#using_threads.
    #   :callback             => Accepts a hash where the keys are response codes or ranges of response codes and
    #                            the values are the corresponding blocks that will be invoked should the response
    #                            code match the key.
    #   :default_headers      => Accepts a hash containing a set of default request headers with which the headers
    #                            passed to Uri#get, Uri#post etc. are merged. Incoming headers will override the
    #                            defaults if there are any clashes. Use this to set cookies or use OAuth2 Authorize
    #                            headers. When extending or cloning a Uri, passing in a new set of default_headers
    #                            will result in the old set being overridden.
    #   :username, :password  => HTTP authentication. Passing nil for either username or password will skip it.
    # See Wrest::Native::Request for other available options and their default values.
    def initialize(uri_string, options = {})
      @options = options.clone

    # Builds a Wrest::UriTemplate by extending the current URI
    # with the pattern passed to it.
    def to_template(pattern)
      template_pattern = URI.join(uri_string, pattern).to_s
      UriTemplate.new(template_pattern, @options)

    # Build a new Wrest::Uri by appending _path_ to
    # the current uri. If the original Wrest::Uri
    # has a username and password, that will be
    # copied to the new Wrest::Uri as well.
    # Example:
    #  uri = "https://localhost:3000/v1".to_uri
    #  uri['/oogas/1'].get
    # To change the username and password on the new
    # instance, simply pass them as an options map.
    # Example:
    #  uri = "https://localhost:3000/v1".to_uri(:username => 'foo', :password => 'bar')
    #  uri['/oogas/1', {:username => 'meh', :password => 'baz'}].get
    def [](path, options = nil)
      Uri.new(uri + File.join(uri_path, path), options || @options)

    # Clones a Uri, building a new instance with exactly the same uri string.
    # You can however change the Uri options or add new ones.
    def clone(opts = {})
      merged_options = @options.merge(opts)
      merged_options[:default_headers] = opts[:default_headers] ? @default_headers.merge(opts[:default_headers]) : {}
      Uri.new(@uri_string, merged_options)

    def eql?(other)
      self == other

    def ==(other)
      return false if other.class != self.class

      other.uri == uri && username == other.username && password == other.password

    def hash
      [@uri, @username, @password].hash

    # This produces exactly the same string as the Wrest::Uri was constructed with.
    # If the orignial URI contained a HTTP username and password, that too will
    # show up, so be careful if using this for logging.
    def to_s

    # :nodoc:
    def build_get(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      Http::Get.new(self, parameters, default_headers.merge(headers),
                    block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # :nodoc:
    def build_put(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      Http::Put.new(self, body.to_s, default_headers.merge(headers), parameters,
                    block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # :nodoc:
    def build_patch(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      Http::Patch.new(self, body.to_s, default_headers.merge(headers), parameters,
                      block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # :nodoc:
    def build_post(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      Http::Post.new(self, body.to_s, default_headers.merge(headers), parameters,
                     block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # :nodoc:
    def build_post_form(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      headers = default_headers.merge(headers).merge(Wrest::H::ContentType => Wrest::T::FormEncoded)
      body = Utils.hash_to_param(parameters)
      Http::Post.new(self, body, headers, {}, block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # :nodoc:
    def build_delete(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      Http::Delete.new(self, parameters, default_headers.merge(headers),
                       block ? @options.merge(callback_block: block) : @options)

    # Make a GET request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Get, executes it and returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    def get(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      build_get(parameters, headers, &block).invoke

    # Make a GET request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Get.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    # Note: get_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    # This implementation of asynchronous get is currently in alpha. Hence, it should not be used in production.
    def get_async(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_get(parameters, headers, &block))

    # Make a PUT request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Put, executes it and returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    def put(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      build_put(body, headers, parameters, &block).invoke

    # Make a PUT request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Put.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    # Note: put_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    # This implementation of asynchronous put is currently in alpha. Hence, it should not be used in production.
    def put_async(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_put(body, headers, parameters, &block))

    # Make a PATCH request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Patch, executes it and returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    def patch(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      build_patch(body, headers, parameters, &block).invoke

    # Make a PATCH request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Patch.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    # Note: patch_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    def patch_async(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_patch(body, headers, parameters, &block))

    # Makes a POST request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Post, executes it and returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    def post(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      build_post(body, headers, parameters, &block).invoke

    # Makes a POST request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Post.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    # Note: post_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    # This implementation of asynchronous post is currently in alpha. Hence, it should not be used in production.
    def post_async(body = '', headers = {}, parameters = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_post(body, headers, parameters, &block))

    # Makes a POST request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that mimics a form being posted; some allegly RESTful APIs like FCBK require
    # this.
    # Form encoding involves munging the parameters into a string and placing them
    # in the body, as well as setting the Content-Type header to
    # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    def post_form(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      build_post_form(parameters, headers, &block).invoke

    # Makes a POST request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that mimics a form being posted; some allegly RESTful APIs like FCBK require
    # this.
    # Form encoding involves munging the parameters into a string and placing them
    # in the body, as well as setting the Content-Type header to
    # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    # Note: post_form_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    # This implementation of asynchronous post_form is currently in alpha. Hence, it should not be used in production.
    def post_form_async(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_post_form(parameters, headers, &block))

    # Makes a DELETE request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Delete, executes it and returns a Wrest::Native::Response.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    def delete(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      build_delete(parameters, headers, &block).invoke

    # Makes a DELETE request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Delete.
    # Remember to escape all parameter strings if necessary, using URI.escape
    # Note: delete_async does not return a response and the response should be accessed through callbacks.
    # This implementation of asynchronous delete is currently in alpha. Hence, it should not be used in production.
    def delete_async(parameters = {}, headers = {}, &block)
      @asynchronous_backend.execute(build_delete(parameters, headers, &block))

    # Makes an OPTIONS request to this URI. This is a convenience API
    # that creates a Wrest::Native::Options, executes it and returns the Wrest::Native::Response.
    def options
      Http::Options.new(self, @options).invoke

    def https?

    # Provides the full path of a request.
    # For example, for
    #  http://localhost:3000/demons/1/chi?sort=true
    # this would return
    #  /demons/1/chi?sort=true
    def full_path

    def protocol

    def host

    def port

    include Http::ConnectionFactory
    include Uri::Builders


    def setup_request_config!
      @username = (@options[:username] ||= @uri.user)
      @password = (@options[:password] ||= @uri.password)
      @asynchronous_backend = @options[:asynchronous_backend] || Wrest::AsyncRequest.default_backend
      @options[:callback] = Callback.new(@options[:callback]) if @options[:callback]
      @default_headers = @options[:default_headers] || {}

    def setup_uri_state!(uri_string)
      @uri_string = uri_string.to_s
      @uri = URI.parse(@uri_string)
      uri_scheme = URI.split(@uri_string)
      @uri_path = uri_scheme[-4].split('?').first || ''
      @uri_path = (@uri_path.empty? ? '/' : @uri_path)
      @query = uri_scheme[-2] || ''