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import { promisify } from 'util'
import errors from '@feathersjs/errors'
import makeCote from 'cote'
import makeDebug from 'debug'
import portfinder from 'portfinder'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { DEFAULT_METHODS, DEFAULT_EVENTS, COMPONENTS, HealthcheckService } from './utils.js'
import { publishService, unpublishService, publishServices } from './publish.js'
import { registerService, unregisterService, registerApplication, unregisterApplication } from './register.js'

const { Unavailable } = errors
const debug = makeDebug('feathers-distributed')
const debugIgnore = makeDebug('feathers-distributed:ignore')

export async function initialize (app) {
  debug('Initializing cote with options', app.coteOptions)
  // Setup cote with options
  app.cote = makeCote(app.coteOptions)
  app.distributionKey = app.distributionOptions.key || 'default'
  // Placeholder for request/events managers for remote services
  app.serviceRequesters = {}
  app.serviceEventsSubscribers = {}
  // Placeholder for remote app replicas
  app.remoteApps = {}

  // This subscriber listen to an event each time a remote app service has been registered
  app.serviceSubscriber = new app.cote.Subscriber({
    namespace: 'services',
    key: 'services',
    subscribesTo: ['service', 'service-removed'],
    appUuid: app.uuid,
    appDistributionKey: app.distributionKey
  }, app.coteOptions)
  debug('Services subscriber ready for app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey)
  // When a remote service is declared create the local proxy interface to it
  app.serviceSubscriber.on('service', async serviceDescriptor => {
    // When a new app pops up ensure the required proxy to it is created first
    // Indeed this should be done by new component detection but as it is based on a check interval it might occur later
    await registerApplication(app, serviceDescriptor)
    registerService(app, serviceDescriptor)
  // When a remote service is removed remove the local proxy interface to it
  app.serviceSubscriber.on('service-removed', serviceDescriptor => {
    unregisterService(app, serviceDescriptor)

  // Wait before instanciating new component to avoid too much concurrency on port allocation
  await promisify(setTimeout)(app.distributionOptions.componentDelay)
  // This publisher publishes an event each time a local app or service is registered
  app.servicePublisher = new app.cote.Publisher({
    namespace: 'services',
    key: 'services',
    broadcasts: ['service', 'service-removed'],
    appUuid: app.uuid,
    appDistributionKey: app.distributionKey
  }, app.coteOptions)
  debug('Services publisher ready for app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey)
  // Dispatcher of service events to other nodes
  if (app.distributionOptions.publishEvents) {
    // Wait before instanciating new component to avoid too much concurrency on port allocation
    await promisify(setTimeout)(app.distributionOptions.componentDelay)
    app.serviceEventsPublisher = new app.cote.Publisher({
      namespace: app.distributionKey,
      key: app.distributionKey,
      broadcasts: app.distributionOptions.distributedEvents || DEFAULT_EVENTS,
      appUuid: app.uuid,
      appDistributionKey: app.distributionKey
    }, app.coteOptions)
    debug('Service events publisher ready for local app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey)
  // Wait before instanciating new component to avoid too much concurrency on port allocation
  await promisify(setTimeout)(app.distributionOptions.componentDelay)
  // Create the response manager for local services
  const methods = app.distributionOptions.distributedMethods || DEFAULT_METHODS
  app.serviceResponder = new app.cote.Responder({
    namespace: app.distributionKey,
    key: app.distributionKey,
    requests: methods.concat(['healthcheck']),
    appUuid: app.uuid,
    appDistributionKey: app.distributionKey
  }, app.coteOptions)
  debug('Service responder ready for local app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey)
  debug('Registering listeners for ', methods.concat(['healthcheck']))
  // Answer requests from other nodes
  if (methods.includes('find')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('find', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding find() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.find(Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully find() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  if (methods.includes('get')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('get', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding get() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.get(req.id, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully get() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  if (methods.includes('create')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('create', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding create() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.create(req.data, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully create() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  if (methods.includes('update')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('update', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding update() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.update(req.id, req.data, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully update() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  if (methods.includes('patch')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('patch', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding patch() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.patch(req.id, req.data, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully patch() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  if (methods.includes('remove')) {
    app.serviceResponder.on('remove', async (req) => {
      const service = app.service(req.path)
      debug('Responding remove() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
      const result = await service.remove(req.id, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
      debug('Successfully remove() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
      return result
  // Healthcheck is always used
  app.serviceResponder.on('healthcheck', async (req) => {
    debug('Responding healthcheck() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
    const service = app.service(req.path)
    if (!service) throw new Unavailable('Unavailable distributed service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
    debug('Successfully healthcheck() local service on path ' + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
    return true
  // Process custom methods
  methods.forEach(method => {
    if (!DEFAULT_METHODS.includes(method)) {
      app.serviceResponder.on(method, async (req) => {
        const service = app.service(req.path)
        debug(`Responding ${method}() local service on path ` + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key, req)
        const result = await service[method](req.data, Object.assign({ fromRemote: true }, req.params))
        debug(`Successfully ${method}() local service on path ` + req.path + ' with key ' + req.key)
        return result

  // Each time a new app pops up we republish local services so that
  // service distribution does not depend on the initialization order of the apps
  app.servicePublisher.on('cote:added', (data) => {
    // As this event is emitted for all cote components filtering one should be sufficient
    if (!data.advertisement || (data.advertisement.name !== COMPONENTS.SERVICES_SUBSCRIBER)) {
      debugIgnore('Ignoring cote:added event for other components than services subscriber', data.advertisement)
    const key = data.advertisement.appDistributionKey
    const uuid = data.advertisement.appUuid
    if (!key || !uuid) {
      debugIgnore('Ignoring cote:added event for services subscriber without key/uuid', data.advertisement)
    const shortUuid = uuid.split('-')[0]
    debug('New services subscriber detected for app with uuid ' + shortUuid + ' and key ' + key + ' from app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey, data.advertisement)
    // When a new app pops up create the required proxy to it first
    registerApplication(app, { uuid, shortUuid, key })
  // Manage app going offline
  app.servicePublisher.on('cote:removed', (data) => {
    // As this event is emitted for all cote components filtering one should be sufficient
    if (!data.advertisement || (data.advertisement.name !== COMPONENTS.SERVICES_SUBSCRIBER)) {
      debugIgnore('Ignoring cote:removed event for other components than services subscriber', data.advertisement)
    const key = data.advertisement.appDistributionKey
    const uuid = data.advertisement.appUuid
    if (!key || !uuid) {
      debugIgnore('Ignoring cote:removed event for services subscriber without key/uuid', data.advertisement)
    const shortUuid = uuid.split('-')[0]
    debug('Services subscriber loss detected for app with uuid ' + shortUuid + ' and key ' + key + ' from app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey, data.advertisement)
    // When an app goes offline check if we need to keep cote components alive for remaining replicas
    unregisterApplication(app, { uuid, shortUuid, key })

  // Tell others apps I'm here

  // Add an interval so that we regularly publish services to others nodes
  if (app.distributionOptions.heartbeatInterval > 0) {
    app.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(_ => {
      Object.getOwnPropertyNames(app.services).forEach(path => {
        publishService(app, path)
    }, app.distributionOptions.heartbeatInterval)
    debug('Scheduled heartbeat local services publishing for app with uuid ' + app.shortUuid + ' and key ' + app.distributionKey)

export function finalize (app) {
  debug('Finalizing cote')
  delete app.remoteApps
  if (app.serviceRequesters) {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(app.serviceRequesters).forEach(key => {
      debug(`Finalizing service requester for remote app with key ${key} in local app with uuid ${app.shortUuid} and key ${app.distributionKey}`)
    delete app.serviceRequesters
  if (app.serviceEventsSubscribers) {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(app.serviceEventsSubscribers).forEach(key => {
      debug(`Finalizing service event subscriber for remote app with key ${key} in local app with uuid ${app.shortUuid} and key ${app.distributionKey}`)
    delete app.serviceEventsSubscribers
  if (app.serviceSubscriber) {
    debug(`Finalizing service subscriber for local app with uuid ${app.shortUuid} and key ${app.distributionKey}`)
    delete app.serviceSubscriber
  if (app.servicePublisher) {
    debug(`Finalizing service publisher for local app with uuid ${app.shortUuid} and key ${app.distributionKey}`)
    delete app.servicePublisher
  if (app.serviceResponder) {
    debug(`Finalizing service responder for local app with uuid ${app.shortUuid} and key ${app.distributionKey}`)
    delete app.serviceResponder
  if (app.applicationPublicationTimeout) clearTimeout(app.applicationPublicationTimeout)
  if (app.coteInitializationTimeout) clearTimeout(app.coteInitializationTimeout)
  if (app.heartbeatInterval) clearInterval(app.heartbeatInterval)

export default function init (options = {}) {
  return function (app) {
    // We need to uniquely identify the app to avoid infinite loop by registering our own services
    app.uuid = uuid()
    // For display purpose
    app.shortUuid = app.uuid.split('-')[0]
    app.coteOptions = Object.assign({
      helloInterval: 10000,
      checkInterval: 20000,
      nodeTimeout: 30000,
      masterTimeout: 60000,
      log: (!!process.env.COTE_LOG),
      basePort: (process.env.BASE_PORT ? Number(process.env.BASE_PORT) : 10000),
      highestPort: (process.env.HIGHEST_PORT ? Number(process.env.HIGHEST_PORT) : 20000)
    }, options.cote)
    app.distributionOptions = Object.assign({
      publicationDelay: (process.env.PUBLICATION_DELAY ? Number(process.env.PUBLICATION_DELAY) : 10000),
      componentDelay: (process.env.COMPONENT_DELAY ? Number(process.env.COMPONENT_DELAY) : 1000),
      coteDelay: (process.env.COTE_DELAY ? Number(process.env.COTE_DELAY) : undefined),
      heartbeatInterval: (process.env.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL ? Number(process.env.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) : undefined),
      middlewares: {},
      publishEvents: true,
      distributedEvents: DEFAULT_EVENTS,
      distributedMethods: DEFAULT_METHODS
    }, options)

    debug('Initializing feathers-distributed with options', app.distributionOptions)
    // Change default base/highest port for automated port finding
    portfinder.basePort = app.coteOptions.basePort
    portfinder.highestPort = app.coteOptions.highestPort

    // Setup cote with options and required delay
    if (app.distributionOptions.coteDelay) {
      // -1 means the caller wants to initialize byitself
      if (app.distributionOptions.coteDelay > 0) {
        app.coteInitializationTimeout = setTimeout(_ => { initialize(app) }, app.distributionOptions.coteDelay)
    } else {

    // Healthcheck endpoint(s)
    const healthcheckRoute = (options.healthcheckPath || '/distribution/healthcheck/')
    debug('Initializing feathers-distributed healthcheck route', healthcheckRoute)
    // Route for specific app
    app.use(healthcheckRoute + ':key', new HealthcheckService(app))
    // Route for all registered apps
    app.use(healthcheckRoute, new HealthcheckService(app))

    // We replace the use/unuse method to inject service publisher/responder
    const superUse = app.use
    app.use = function () {
      const path = arguments[0]
      // Register the service normally first
      const superReturn = superUse.apply(app, arguments)
      // Check if cote has already been initialized
      if (!app.cote) return superReturn
      // With express apps we can directly register middlewares: not supported
      if (typeof path !== 'string') return superReturn
      publishService(app, path)
      return superReturn
    const superUnuse = app.unuse
    app.unuse = function () {
      const path = arguments[0]
      // Unregister the remote services first
      // Check if cote has already been initialized
      if (app.cote) unpublishService(app, path)
      // Then local service
      return superUnuse.apply(app, arguments)