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import _ from 'lodash'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import { Blob } from 'buffer'
import { Writable, pipeline } from 'stream'
import createDebug from 'debug'
import { BadRequest } from '@feathersjs/errors'
import {
  S3Client, ListObjectsCommand, GetObjectCommand, PutObjectCommand, DeleteObjectCommand,
  CreateMultipartUploadCommand, UploadPartCommand, CompleteMultipartUploadCommand
} from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
import { getSignedUrl } from '@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner'

const debug = createDebug('feathers-s3:service')

const pipelineAsync = promisify(pipeline)

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/interfaces/_aws_sdk_types.requestpresigningarguments-1.html
const signingOptions = [

function atob (data) {
  return Buffer.from(data, 'base64')
function btoa (data) {
  return Buffer.from(data).toString('base64')

export class Service {
  constructor (options) {
    // check options
    if (!options) throw new Error('constructor: `options` must be provided')
    // check s3Client configuration
    if (!options.s3Client) throw new Error('constructor: `options.s3Client` must be provided')
    const signatureVersion = _.get(options.s3Client, 'signatureVersion', 'v4')
    if (signatureVersion !== 'v4') throw new Error('constructor: `options.s3Client.signatureVersion` must be provided and equal to `v4`')
    this.s3Client = new S3Client(options.s3Client)
    // check for bucket
    if (!options.bucket) throw new Error('constructor: `options.bucket` must be provided')
    this.bucket = options.bucket
    // check for optional delimiter
    this.delimiter = options.delimiter || '/'
    // check for optional prefix
    this.prefix = options.prefix
    // handle bto/atob implementation
    this.atob = options.atob || atob
    this.btoa = options.btoa || btoa
    this.id = options.id || 'id'

  getKey (id) {
    return this.prefix ? this.prefix + this.delimiter + id : id

  async find (params) {
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      Bucket: this.bucket
    // take into account the service prefix
    if (this.prefix) {
      if (commandParams.Prefix) commandParams.Prefix = this.prefix + this.delimiter + commandParams.Prefix
      else commandParams.Prefix = this.prefix
    // send command
    const response = await this.s3Client.send(new ListObjectsCommand(commandParams))
    return _.map(response.Contents, object => {
      if (this.prefix) {
        object.Key = _.replace(object.Key, this.prefix + this.delimiter, '')
      return object

  async create (data, params) {
    // check payload
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('create: missing \'data.id\'')
    if (!data.command) throw new BadRequest('create: missing \'data.command\'')
    debug(`method 'create' called with 'command': ${data.command} and 'id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      ..._.omit(data, ['id']),
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket
    // create the signed url using the expected command
    let command
    switch (data.command) {
      case 'PutObject':
        command = new PutObjectCommand(commandParams)
      case 'GetObject':
        command = new GetObjectCommand(commandParams)
      case 'UploadPart':
        if (!commandParams.UploadId) throw new BadRequest('create: missing \'data.UploadId\'')
        if (!commandParams.PartNumber) throw new BadRequest('create: missing \'data.PartNumber\'')
        command = new UploadPartCommand(commandParams)
        throw new BadRequest(`create: invalid command ${data.command}`)
    const SignedUrl = await getSignedUrl(this.s3Client, command, _.pick(data, signingOptions))
    return { [this.id]: data.id, SignedUrl }

  async get (id, params) {
    // check id
    if (!id) throw new BadRequest('get: missing \'id\'')
    debug(`method 'get' called with 'id': ${id}`)
    const response = await this.getObjectCommand({ id }, params)
    const buffer = await response.Body.transformToByteArray()
    // Need to convert array buffer to something serializable in JSON
    return { [this.id]: id, buffer: this.btoa(buffer), type: response.ContentType }

  async remove (id, params) {
    // Check id
    if (!id) throw new BadRequest('remove: missing \'id\'')
    debug(`method 'remove' called with 'id': ${id}`)
    // Setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      Key: this.getKey(id),
      Bucket: this.bucket
    // send command
    const response = await this.s3Client.send(new DeleteObjectCommand(commandParams))
    return Object.assign({ [this.id]: id }, response)

  async createMultipartUpload (data, params) {
    // check paylod
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('createMultipartUpload: missing \'data.id\'')
    if (!data.type) throw new BadRequest('createMultipartUpload: missing \'data.type\'')
    debug(`method 'createMultipartUpload' called with 'data.id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      ..._.omit(data, ['id']),
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket,
      ContentType: data.type
    // Send command
    let response = await this.s3Client.send(new CreateMultipartUploadCommand(commandParams))
    response = Object.assign({ [this.id]: data.id }, response)
    // emit the event
    if (this.emit) this.emit('multipart-upload-created', response)
    return response

  async completeMultipartUpload (data, params) {
    // check paylod
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('completeMultipartUpload: mising \'data.id\'')
    if (!data.uploadId && !data.UploadId) throw new BadRequest('completeMultipartUpload: missing \'data.[U|u]ploadId\'')
    if (!data.parts) throw new BadRequest('completeMultipartUpload: missing \'data.parts\'')
    debug(`method 'completeMultipartUpload' called with 'data.id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      ..._.omit(data, ['id', 'parts']),
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket,
      MultipartUpload: { Parts: data.parts }
    // send command
    let response = await this.s3Client.send(new CompleteMultipartUploadCommand(commandParams))
    response = Object.assign({ [this.id]: data.id }, response)
    // emit the event
    if (this.emit) this.emit('multipart-upload-completed', response)
    return response

  async uploadPart (data, params) {
    // check data object
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('uploadPart: missing \'data.id\'')
    if (!data.UploadId && !data.UploadId) throw new BadRequest('uploadPart: missing \'data.UploadId\'')
    if (!data.PartNumber) throw new BadRequest('uploadPart: missing \'data.PartNumber\'')
    if (!data.buffer) throw new BadRequest('uploadPart: missing \'data.buffer\'')
    if (!data.type) throw new BadRequest('uploadPart: missing \'data.type\'')
    debug(`method 'uploadPart' called with 'data.id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      ..._.omit(data, ['id', 'buffer']),
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket,
      Body: this.atob(data.buffer),
      ContentType: data.type
    // send command
    let response = await this.s3Client.send(new UploadPartCommand(commandParams))
    response = Object.assign({ [this.id]: data.id }, response)
    // emit the event
    if (this.emit) this.emit('part-uploaded', response)
    return response

  async putObject (data, params) {
    // check data object
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('putObject: missing \'data.id\'')
    if (!data.buffer) throw new BadRequest('putObject: missing \'data.buffer\'')
    if (!data.type) throw new BadRequest('putObject: missing \'data.type\'')
    debug(`method 'putObject' called with 'data.id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      ..._.omit(data, ['id', 'buffer']),
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket,
      Body: this.atob(data.buffer),
      ContentType: data.type
    // send command
    let response = await this.s3Client.send(new PutObjectCommand(commandParams))
    response = Object.assign({ [this.id]: data.id }, response)
    // emit the event
    if (this.emit) this.emit('object-put', response)
    return response

  async getObjectCommand (data, params) {
    // check data object
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('getObjectCommand: missing \'data.id\'')
    debug(`method 'getObjectCommand' called with 'id': ${data.id}`)
    // setup command params
    const commandParams = {
      Key: this.getKey(data.id),
      Bucket: this.bucket
    // send command
    return await this.s3Client.send(new GetObjectCommand(commandParams))

  async uploadFile (data, params) {
    // check data object
    if (!data.filePath) throw new BadRequest('uploadFile: missing \'data.filePath\'')
    if (!data.contentType) throw new BadRequest('uploadFile: missing \'data.contentType\'')
    // retireve id. If not defined uses the basename of the file
    const id = _.get(data, 'id', path.basename(data.filePath))
    // retrieve chunk size
    const chunkSize = _.get(data, 'chunkSize', 1024 * 1024 * 5) // default to 5MB
    debug(`method 'uploadFile' called with 'data.id': ${id}`)
    // check file size
    const stats = fs.statSync(data.filePath)
    if (stats.size <= chunkSize) {
      debug(`method 'uploadFile' singlepart upload (size: ${stats.size})`)
      const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(data.filePath)
      const blob = new Blob([fileContent], { type: data.contentType })
      return this.putObject({
        buffer: await blob.arrayBuffer(),
        type: data.contentType
      }, params)
    } else {
      debug(`method 'uploadFile' multipart upload (size: ${stats.size}, chunkSize: ${chunkSize}`)
      // initialize the multipart upload
      let response = await this.createMultipartUpload({
        type: data.contentType
      const uploadId = response.UploadId
      const parts = []
      let partNumber = 1
      // read the file stream aand upload part by read chunk
      const UploadStream = new Writable({
        write: async (chunk, encoding, callback) => {
          response = await this.uploadPart({
            buffer: chunk,
            type: data.contentType,
            PartNumber: partNumber,
            UploadId: uploadId
          parts.push({ PartNumber: partNumber, ETag: response.ETag })
          callback(null, chunk)
      await pipelineAsync(fs.createReadStream(data.filePath, { highWaterMark: chunkSize }), UploadStream)
      // complete the multipart upload
      response = await this.completeMultipartUpload({
        UploadId: uploadId,
      if (this.emit) this.emit('file-uploaded', response)
      return response

  async downloadFile (data, params) {
    // check data object
    if (!data.id) throw new BadRequest('downloadFile: missing \'data.filePath\'')
    if (!data.filePath) throw new BadRequest('downloadFile: missing \'data.filePath\'')
    debug(`method 'downloadFile' called with 'data.id': ${data.id}`)
    const response = await this.getObjectCommand(data, params)
    await pipelineAsync(response.Body, fs.createWriteStream(data.filePath))
    if (this.emit) this.emit('file-downloaded', data)
    return data