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Test Coverage

# Provision the required files
travis_fold start "provision"

source .travis.env.sh

travis_fold end "provision"

# Build the app
travis_fold start "build"

yarn pwa:build
check_code $EXIT_CODE 0 "Builing the client" 

# Log in to docker before building the app because of rate limiting
docker login -u="$DOCKER_USER" -p="$DOCKER_PASSWORD"
check_code $? 0 "Connecting to Docker"

# Create an archive to speed docker build process
cd ../..
tar --exclude-vcs --exclude='$APP/test' --exclude='development' -zcf $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/kalisio.tgz kalisio

# Build the image
docker build --build-arg APP=$APP --build-arg FLAVOR=$FLAVOR --build-arg BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER -f dockerfile -t kalisio/$APP:$TAG . 
check_code $? 0 "Building the app docker image"

travis_fold end "build"

# Deploy the app
travis_fold start "deploy"

# Push the app image to the hub with the version tag
docker push kalisio/$APP:$TAG
check_code $? 0 "Pushing the $APP:$TAG docker image"

# Push the app image to the hub with the flavor tag
docker tag kalisio/$APP:$TAG kalisio/$APP:$FLAVOR
docker push kalisio/$APP:$FLAVOR
check_code $? 0 "Pushing the $APP:$TAG docker image"

travis_fold end "deploy"