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import _ from 'lodash'
import logger from 'loglevel'
import config from 'config'
import { Notify } from 'quasar'
import postRobot from 'post-robot'
import utils from '../utils'
import appHooks from '../app.hooks'
import services from '../services'
import { Router } from '../router'
import { initializeApi, i18n, utils as kdkCoreUtils, Store, Layout, Time, Events, Theme, beforeGuard, authenticationGuard } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
import { Geolocation, setupApi, CanvasDrawContext } from '@kalisio/kdk/map.client'

// those are imported to make them available in
// canvas layer's draw context
import destination from '@turf/destination'
// import circle from '@turf/circle'

const kanoLib = {
  // make turf functions available from canvas layer
  turf: {
    // circle


function updateThemeColors () {
  const theme = config.theme
  // Default theme override
  if (theme) Theme.apply(theme)

postRobot.on('setLocalStorage', async (event) => {
  _.forOwn(event.data, (value, key) => {
    window.localStorage.setItem(key, (typeof value === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value))
postRobot.on('unsetLocalStorage', async (event) => {
  _.forEach(event.data, (key) => {
postRobot.on('setConfiguration', async (event) => {
  _.forOwn(event.data, (value, key) => {
    _.set(config, key, value)

export default async ({ app, router }) => {
  // Required to make injections reactively linked to the provider
  // https://vuejs.org/guide/components/provide-inject.html#working-with-reactivity
  app.config.unwrapInjectedRef = true

  // Keep the router around since we need it to setup
  // postrobot listeners (see. utils.js setupEmbedApi)

  await utils.sendEmbedEvent('kano-ready')

  // Initiate the client
  const api = initializeApi(setupApi)
  // Setup app hooks
  // Then all services
  await services.call(api)
  // Now KDK is ready apply theme if configured

  // Initializes i18n
  await i18n.initialize(app, ['core', 'map', 'app', 'plugin'])

  // Add a generic function that can be used from the iframe API
  // to access all service operations easily, eg operation 'get' on service 'catalog'
  const serviceOperation = async (options) => {
    // Extract service/operation from options
    let { operation, service, args } = options
    service = api.getService(service)
    if (!service) throw new Error(`Cannot find service ${service}`)
    operation = service[operation]
    if (!operation || (typeof operation !== 'function')) throw new Error(`Cannot find service operation ${operation}`)
    const result = await operation.bind(service)(...args)
    return result
  // API service operation call
  postRobot.on('api', async (event) => {
    const result = await serviceOperation(event.data)
    return result
  // Event bus dispatch
  postRobot.on('event', async (event) => {
    const result = await serviceOperation({
      operation: 'create',
      service: 'events',
      args: [event.data]
    return result
  // Event bus listening
  api.getService('events').on('event', async (event) => {
    utils.sendEmbedEvent(event.name, event.data)
  // Service events listening
  const serviceEvents = ['created', 'updated', 'patched', 'removed']
  serviceEvents.forEach(event => {
    api.getService('catalog').on(event, data => {
      utils.sendEmbedEvent('catalog', { serviceEvent: event, data })
    api.getService('features').on(event, data => {
      utils.sendEmbedEvent('features', { serviceEvent: event, data })
  // Listen to websocket events
  Events.on('disconnected', () => utils.sendEmbedEvent('kano-disconnected'))
  Events.on('reconnected', () => utils.sendEmbedEvent('kano-reconnected'))

  // Register global properties to the the vue app
  app.config.globalProperties.$store = Store
  app.config.globalProperties.$layout = Layout
  app.config.globalProperties.$time = Time
  app.config.globalProperties.$events = Events
  app.config.globalProperties.$api = api
  app.config.globalProperties.$can = api.can
  app.config.globalProperties.$notify = Notify.create
  app.config.globalProperties.$tie = i18n.tie.bind(i18n)
  app.config.globalProperties.$geolocation = Geolocation
  app.config.globalProperties.$config = function (path, defaultValue) {
    return _.get(config, path, defaultValue)

  // Register global components
  app.component('KAction', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('action/KAction'))
  app.component('KPanel', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('KPanel'))
  app.component('KStamp', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('KStamp'))
  app.component('KModal', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('KModal'))
  app.component('KDialog', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('KDialog'))
  app.component('KForm', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('form/KForm'))
  app.component('KPage', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('layout/KPage'))
  app.component('KTour', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('app/KTour'))
  app.component('KWelcome', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('app/KWelcome'))
  app.component('KLayersPanel', await kdkCoreUtils.loadComponent('catalog/KLayersPanel'))

  // Register global properties
  // FIXME: This is used for testing purpose, don't know how to access this from Puppeteer otherwise
  global.$store = app.config.globalProperties.$store
  global.$layout = app.config.globalProperties.$layout
  global.$time = app.config.globalProperties.$time
  global.$api = app.config.globalProperties.$api

  // Add global guard


  api.on('authenticated', (data) => {
    // Store API gateway token if any
    if (data.gatewayToken) api.get('storage').setItem(config.gatewayJwt, data.gatewayToken)
  api.on('logout', (data) => {
    // Remove API gateway token if any

  // For debug purpose
  logger.debug(`[KDK] is now ready: ${JSON.stringify(Store.get('kdk'), null, 4)}`)