

3 hrs
Test Coverage
import makeDebug from 'debug'
import _ from 'lodash'
import qs from 'qs'
import 'winston-daily-rotate-file'
// import { RateLimiter } from 'limiter'
import HttpLimiter from 'express-rate-limit'
import mongodb from 'mongodb'
import errors from '@feathersjs/errors'
import { AuthenticationService, JWTStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication'
import { LocalStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication-local'
import OAuth from '@feathersjs/authentication-oauth'
import PasswordValidator from 'password-validator'
const debug = makeDebug('kdk:core:authentication')
const { ObjectID } = mongodb
const { oauth, OAuthStrategy } = OAuth
const { NotAuthenticated } = errors
export class Authentication extends AuthenticationService {
// Feathers does not seem to take input payload into account when renewing the token,
// see
async getPayload (authResult, params) {
// Params can override defaults
if (params.payload) {
return params.payload
} else if (authResult.authentication && authResult.authentication.payload) {
// Avoid conflicting with default token options added when generating a new token
return _.omit(authResult.authentication.payload, ['aud', 'iss', 'exp', 'sub', 'iat', 'jti', 'nbf'])
} else {
return {}
export class AuthenticationProviderStrategy extends OAuthStrategy {
setAuthentication (auth) {
const authConfig = this.authentication.configuration
const { oauth } = authConfig
// Single logout supported ?
const { logout_url: logoutUrl, post_logout_url: postLogoutUrl, key } = this.configuration
if (logoutUrl && key) {
// Cannot use oauth/:provider/logout route as oauth/:provider is already intercepted by feathers and this causes an error`/oauth-logout/${}`, (req, res) => {
return res.redirect(logoutUrl + '?' + qs.stringify({
post_logout_redirect_uri: postLogoutUrl || oauth.redirect,
client_id: key
async getEntityData (profile, entity) {
const createEntity = _.isNil(entity)
// Add provider Id
entity = { [`${}Id`]: || profile.sub }
// When creating a new user extract required information from profile
if (createEntity) {
_.set(entity, 'email', _.get(profile, this.emailFieldInProfile || 'email'))
_.set(entity, 'name', _.get(profile, this.nameFieldInProfile || 'name'))
// Store provider profile information
if (profile) entity[`${}`] = profile
debug('Creating/Updating OAuth user', entity)
return entity
async getEntityQuery (profile) {
// Ensure the profile is right before requesting based on it
// as when an error is raised the profile will not contain any ID or email
// and we might build a request retrieving any user
if (!_.has(profile, 'id') && !_.has(profile, 'sub') && !_.has(profile, this.emailFieldInProfile || 'email')) {
// This ensure no user will be retrieved
return { $limit: 0 }
const query = {
$or: [
{ [`${}Id`]: || profile.sub },
{ email: _.get(profile, this.emailFieldInProfile || 'email') }
$limit: 1
debug('Finding OAuth user with query', query)
return query
// This strategy is inspired by the following:
// 1) Custom strategy to ensure we renew the JWT when reauthenticating
// 2) Custom strategy to ensure we can use JWT tokens not attached to a user for API access
// However, it has been rewritten to work simultaneously with:
// - a stateless or user attached JWT
// - a socket or a rest transport
// It also supports token given as query parameter
export class JWTAuthenticationStrategy extends JWTStrategy {
async authenticate (authentication, params) {
const { accessToken } = authentication
const authConfig = this.authentication.configuration
const { identityFields } = authConfig
const { entity } = this.configuration
const renewJwt = _.get(this.configuration, 'renewJwt', true)
if (!accessToken) {
throw new NotAuthenticated('No access token')
const payload = await this.authentication.verifyAccessToken(accessToken, params.jwt)
const result = {
// First key trick - by deleting the token here
// we will get Feathers generate a new one
// accessToken,
authentication: {
strategy: 'jwt',
if (!renewJwt) result.accessToken = accessToken
// Second key trick
// Return user attached to the token if any
// Return basic information for a stateless token otherwise
if (payload.sub) {
// Check for a valid MongoDB ID
if (ObjectID.isValid(payload.sub)) {
const entityId = await this.getEntityId(result, params)
const value = await this.getEntity(entityId, params)
return {
[entity]: value
} else if (identityFields) {
// Otherwise use others fields to identify the user if defined
const query = {
$or: _.reduce(identityFields, (or, field) => or.concat([{ [field]: payload.sub }]), []),
$limit: 1
const response = await this.entityService.find({ ...params, query })
const [value = null] = ? : response
// Otherwise assume a stateless token
if (value) {
return {
[entity]: value
return result
async parse (req) {
const { jwt } = req.query
if (jwt) {
debug('Found parsed query value')
delete req.query.jwt
return {
strategy: 'jwt',
accessToken: jwt
} else {
const result = await super.parse(req)
return result
export async function createDefaultUsers () {
const app = this
const defaultUsers = app.get('authentication').defaultUsers
if (!defaultUsers) return
const usersService = app.getService('users')
// Create default users if not already done
const users = await usersService.find({ paginate: false })
for (let i = 0; i < defaultUsers.length; i++) {
const defaultUser = defaultUsers[i]
const createdUser = _.find(users, { email: })
if (!createdUser) {'Initializing default user (email = ' + + ')')
await usersService.create(defaultUser)
// Middleware to be used to support jwt as a query param
export function extractJwtFromQuery (req, res, next) {
const { jwt } = req.query
if (jwt) {
_.set(req, 'feathers.authentication', {
strategy: 'jwt',
accessToken: jwt
Function `auth` has a Cognitive Complexity of 37 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
export default function auth (app) {
const config = app.get('authentication')
if (!config) return
// Having undefined providers causes an issue in feathers but we'd like to be able
// to set providers undefined in config file based on some conditions (eg env vars)
if (config.oauth) config.oauth = _.omitBy(config.oauth, _.isNil)
app.set('authentication', config)
const authentication = new Authentication(app)
const strategies = config.authStrategies || []
if (strategies.includes('jwt')) authentication.register('jwt', new JWTAuthenticationStrategy())
if (strategies.includes('local')) authentication.register('local', new LocalStrategy())
// Store available OAuth providers
if (config.oauth) {
app.authenticationProviders = _.keys(_.omit(config.oauth, ['redirect', 'origins', 'defaults']))
for (const provider of app.authenticationProviders) {
authentication.register(provider, new AuthenticationProviderStrategy())
app.use(config.path, authentication)
const limiter = config.limiter
if (limiter && limiter.http) {
app.use(config.path, new HttpLimiter(limiter.http))
// Get access to password validator if a policy is defined
if (config.passwordPolicy) {
let validator
app.getPasswordPolicy = function () {
// Create on first access, should not be done outside a function because the app has not yet been correctly initialized
if (validator) return validator
const { minLength, maxLength, uppercase, lowercase, digits, symbols, noSpaces, prohibited } = config.passwordPolicy
validator = new PasswordValidator()
if (minLength)
if (maxLength)
if (uppercase) validator.has().uppercase()
if (lowercase) validator.has().lowercase()
if (digits) validator.has().digits()
if (symbols) validator.has().symbols()
if (noSpaces) validator.not().spaces()
if (prohibited)
validator.comparePassword = function (entity, password) {
const [localStrategy] = app.service(config.path).getStrategies('local')
return localStrategy.comparePassword(entity, password)
validator.options = config.passwordPolicy
return validator