import _ from 'lodash'import path from 'path'import makeDebug from 'debug'import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'import mongodb from 'mongodb'const { ObjectID } = mongodb const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))const modelsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'models')const servicesPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'services') const debug = makeDebug('kdk:core:services') export function getServiceNameAndContext (servicePath) { const app = this // Get name from service path without api prefix let name = servicePath.replace(app.get('apiPath').substring(1) + '/', '') // Then without context if any const lastSlash = name.lastIndexOf('/') const contextId = (lastSlash >= 0 ? name.substring(0, lastSlash) : '') if (contextId && ObjectID.isValid(contextId)) { name = name.replace(contextId + '/', '') return { name, contextId } } else { return { name } }} export function decorateDistributedService (service) { const app = this // Remote service are registered according to their path, ie with API prefix (but without trailing /) const remoteService = app.service(service.path) const { name, contextId } =, service.path) = name remoteService.context = contextId // As remote services have no context, from the internal point of view path = name // Unfortunately this property is already set and used by feathers-distributed and should not be altered // remoteService.path = name = app remoteService.getPath = function (withApiPrefix) { const path = (contextId ? contextId + '/' + name : name) return (withApiPrefix ? app.get('apiPath') + '/' + path : path) } remoteService.getContextId = function () { return contextId } return remoteService} export function createStorageService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.createService('storage', Object.assign({ servicesPath, modelsPath, methods: ['create', 'get', 'find', 'remove', 'createMultipartUpload', 'completeMultipartUpload', 'uploadPart', 'putObject'], events: ['multipart-upload-created', 'multipart-upload-completed', 'part-uploaded', 'object-put'], id: '_id' }, options))} export function removeStorageService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.removeService(app.getService('storage', options.context))} export function createMessagesService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.createService('messages', Object.assign({ servicesPath, modelsPath }, options))} export function removeMessagesService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.removeService(app.getService('messages', options.context))} export function createDatabasesService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.createService('databases', Object.assign({ servicesPath }, options))} export function removeDatabasesService (options = {}) { const app = this return app.removeService(app.getService('databases', options.context))} export default async function () { const app = this const authConfig = app.get('authentication') if (authConfig) { await app.createService('users', { modelsPath, servicesPath, methods: ['create', 'get', 'find', 'update', 'patch', 'remove', 'logout'], events: ['logout'] }) debug('\'users\' service created') await app.createService('account', { servicesPath, methods: ['create', 'verifyEmail'] }) debug('\'account\' service created') await app.createService('authorisations', { servicesPath }) debug('\'authorisations\' service created') } const storageConfig = app.get('storage') if (storageConfig) { await debug('\'storage\' service created') } const importExportConfig = app.get('import-export') if (importExportConfig) { await app.createService('import-export', { servicesPath, events: ['import-created', 'import-completed', 'export-created', 'export-completed'] }, app) debug('\'import-export\' service created') } const messagesConfig = app.get('messages') if (messagesConfig) { await debug('\'messages\' service created') } const mailerConfig = app.get('mailer') if (mailerConfig) { await app.createService('mailer', { servicesPath }) debug('\'mailer\' service created') } const pushConfig = app.get('push') if (pushConfig) { await app.createService('push', { servicesPath }) debug('\'push\' service created') }}