<template> <KScreen :title="$t('KResetPassword.TITLE')" :actions="actions"> <div slot="screen-content"> <div class="column justify-center sm-gutter"> <div :class="textClass" v-if="message"> <p> <q-icon name="las la-exclamation-circle" v-show="send"/> {{ message }} </p> </div> <!-- Form --> <KForm ref="formRef" :schema="schema" /> <!-- Actions --> <div class="row justify-around"> <KAction id="reset-password" label="APPLY" renderer="form-button" :loading="processing" :handler="apply" /> </div> </div> </div> </KScreen></template> <script setup>import _ from 'lodash'import { computed, ref } from 'vue'import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'import { Notify } from 'quasar'import { i18n, utils } from '../..'import KScreen from '../screen/KScreen.vue' // Dataconst route = useRoute()const formRef = ref(null)const message = ref(i18n.t('KResetPassword.MESSAGE'))const processing = ref(false)const send = ref(false)const schema = ref({ $schema: '', $id: '', title: 'Reset Password form', description: 'Reset password form', type: 'object', properties: { password: { type: 'string', format: 'password', field: { component: 'form/KPasswordField', label: 'KResetPassword.PASSWORD_FIELD_LABEL' } }, confirmPassword: { type: 'string', format: 'password', const: { $data: '1/password' }, field: { component: 'form/KPasswordField', label: 'KResetPassword.CONFIRM_PASSWORD_FIELD_LABEL' } }, token: { type: 'string', minLength: 6, maxLength: 6, tokenLength: 6, field: { component: 'form/KTokenField', label: 'KResetPassword.TOKEN_FIELD_LABEL' } } }, required: ['password', 'confirmPassword', 'token']}) // Computedconst textClass = computed(() => { const classObject = {} classObject['self-center'] = true if (send.value) classObject['text-negative'] = true return classObject})const actions = computed(() => { return [{ id: 'reset-password-link', label: 'KResetPassword.RESEND_LINK', route: { name: 'send-reset-password' } }]}) // Functionsasync function apply () { const { isValid, values } = formRef.value.validate() if (!isValid) return false try { processing.value = true await utils.resetPassword(, values.token, values.password) Notify.create({ type: 'positive', message: i18n.t('KResetPassword.SUCCESS_MESSAGE') }) await utils.login(, values.password) processing.value = false } catch (error) { processing.value = false // Translate the error if we have a specific message, ie a translation key exists const translation = _.get(error, 'data.translation') if (translation) { message.value = i18n.tie('errors.' + translation.key, translation.params) } else { // Otherwise use a message linked to the generic error type const type = _.get(error, 'errors.$className') switch (type) { case 'badParams': message.value = i18n.t('KResetPassword.ERROR_MESSAGE_BAD_PARAMS') break case 'resetExpired': message.value = i18n.t('KResetPassword.ERROR_MESSAGE_VERIFY_EXPIRED') break default: message.value = i18n.t('KResetPassword.ERROR_MESSAGE_DEFAULT') } } } send.value = true}</script>