<template> <!-- Button renderer --> <q-btn v-if="renderer === 'button'" :id="id" no-caps no-wrap :color="computedColor" :icon="!iconRight ? computedIcon : undefined" :icon-right="iconRight ? computedIcon : undefined" :size="size" :flat="flat" :outline="outline" :round="label === null" :rounded="label !== null" :stack="stack" :dense="dense" :disable="computedDisabled" v-close-popup="closePopup" @click="onClicked" :class="{ 'k-action-toggled': isToggled }" > <!-- label --> <div v-if="computedLabel" :class="{ 'ellipsis q-pr-md': iconRight, 'ellipsis q-pl-md': !iconRight }"> {{ computedLabel }} </div> <!-- tooltip --> <q-tooltip v-if="computedTooltip"> {{ computedTooltip }} </q-tooltip> <!-- badge --> <q-badge v-if="badge" v-bind="badge" :label="computedBadgeLabel"> <q-icon v-if="badge.icon" v-bind="badge.icon" /> </q-badge> <!-- extra content --> <slot> </slot> </q-btn> <!-- Form button renderer --> <q-btn v-else-if="renderer === 'form-button'" :id="id" no-wrap color="primary" :outline="outline" :size="size" :disable="computedDisabled" :loading="loading" v-close-popup="closePopup" @click="onClicked" > <div class="ellipsis"> {{ computedLabel }} </div> </q-btn> <!-- Item renderer --> <q-item v-else-if="renderer === 'item'" :id="id" class="full-width" clickable :dense="dense" :disable="computedDisabled" v-close-popup="closePopup" @click="onClicked" > <q-item-section v-if="computedIcon || badge" avatar> <q-icon v-if="computedIcon" :name="computedIcon" :color="computedColor" :dense="dense" /> <!-- badge --> <q-badge v-if="badge" v-bind="badge" :label="computedBadgeLabel"> <q-icon v-if="badge.icon" v-bind="badge.icon" /> </q-badge> </q-item-section> <q-item-section :class="'text-' + computedColor" no-wrap> <q-item-label :lines="1">{{ computedLabel }}</q-item-label> </q-item-section> <!-- extra content --> <slot> </slot> </q-item> <!-- Fab renderer --> <q-btn v-else-if="renderer === 'fab'" :id="id" class="k-action-fab" :icon="computedIcon" :color="computedColor" :size="size" :round="true" :dense="dense" :disable="computedDisabled" @click="onClicked" > <!-- tooltip --> <q-tooltip v-if="computedTooltip" anchor="top middle" self="bottom right"> {{ computedTooltip }} </q-tooltip> <!-- badge --> <q-badge v-if="badge" v-bind="badge" :label="computedBadgeLabel"> <q-icon v-if="badge.icon" v-bind="badge.icon" /> </q-badge> </q-btn> <!-- Fab action renderer --> <q-fab-action v-else-if="renderer === 'fab-action'" :id="id" class="k-action-fab-action" no-caps :icon="computedIcon" :color="computedColor" :label="computedLabel" square external-label :label-position="iconRight ? 'left' : 'right'" label-class="bg-primary text-white text-caption k-fab-action" :disable="computedDisabled" @click="onClicked" > <!-- tooltip --> <q-tooltip v-if="computedTooltip" anchor="top middle" self="bottom right"> {{ computedTooltip }} </q-tooltip> <!-- badge --> <q-badge v-if="badge" v-bind="badge"> <q-icon v-if="badge.icon" v-bind="badge.icon" /> </q-badge> </q-fab-action> <!-- Tab renderer --> <q-btn v-else-if="renderer === 'tab'" :class="{'k-action-tab-active': isToggled }" :id="id" no-caps no-wrap :label="computedLabel" :color="computedColor" :size="size" flat square :dense="dense" :disable="computedDisabled" @click="onClicked" > <!-- tooltip --> <q-tooltip v-if="computedTooltip"> {{ computedTooltip }} </q-tooltip> <!-- badge --> <q-badge v-if="badge" v-bind="badge" :label="computedBadgeLabel"> <q-icon v-if="badge.icon" v-bind="badge.icon" /> </q-badge> <!-- extra content --> <slot> </slot> </q-btn></template> <script>// WARNING for now we must declare the inheritAttrs this way. Lint will try to move it. Don't do it.TODO found// TODO: need to updated when switch to vue > 3.3 to be able to declare optionsexport default { inheritAttrs: false}</script> <script setup>import _ from 'lodash'import { ref, toRef, computed, watch } from 'vue'import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'import { useQuasar, openURL } from 'quasar'import { i18n } from '../../i18n.js'import { actionProps } from '../../utils/utils.actions'import { bindParams, bindProperties } from '../../utils/utils.content.js' // Propsconst props = defineProps(actionProps) // Dataconst route = useRoute()const router = useRouter()const $q = useQuasar()const isToggled = _.has(props, 'toggle.value') ? toRef(props.toggle, 'value') : ref(props.toggled) // Emitconst emit = defineEmits(['triggered', 'toggled', 'dialog-confirmed', 'dialog-canceled']) // Computedconst computedLabel = computed(() => { // Check also for translation key or already translated message if (isToggled.value && _.has(props.toggle, 'label')) return i18n.tie(props.toggle.label) return i18n.tie(props.label)})const computedIcon = computed(() => { if (isToggled.value && _.has(props.toggle, 'icon')) return props.toggle.icon return props.icon})const computedColor = computed(() => { if (isToggled.value) return _.get(props.toggle, 'color', 'primary') return props.color})const computedTooltip = computed(() => { if (computedDisabled.value) return // Check also for translation key or already translated message if (isToggled.value && _.has(props.toggle, 'tooltip')) return i18n.tie(props.toggle.tooltip) return i18n.tie(props.tooltip)})const computedBadgeLabel = computed(() => { // Check also for translation key or already translated message if (props.badge && _.has(props.badge, 'label')) return i18n.tie(props.badge.label) // Take care that changing this to null or '' breaks the display in Quasar return undefined})const computedDisabled = computed(() => { if (!props.disabled) return false if (typeof props.disabled === 'function') return props.disabled() return props.disabled})const dense = computed(() => { return $}) // Functionsfunction toggle () { isToggled.value = !isToggled.value emit('toggled', props.context, isToggled.value)}function bindRouteParams (path) { // When action is created from code we can directly inject the params. // However, when created from the config we need to manage dynamic values. // A parameter like ':xxx' in config means xxx is a dynamic property of // the current route or the context object, not a static value. // We bind the target params object to both possible context. const currentParams = _.get(route, path, {}) const targetParams = _.get(props.route, path, {}) const routeParams = bindParams(targetParams, currentParams) const contextParams = bindParams(targetParams, props.context) return _.merge(routeParams, contextParams)}async function onClicked (event) { if (!props.propagate) event.stopPropagation() // handle the toggle if needed if (props.toggle) toggle() // handle the URL case if (props.url) openURL(props.url) // handle the callback case if (props.handler) { try { await props.handler(props.context, isToggled.value) } catch (error) { // in case an error is raised we assume toggling has failed if (props.toggle) toggle() throw error } } // handle the route case if (props.route) { // allow to directly call a given URL, eg OAuth callback if (props.route.url) { location.href = props.route.url } else { // process route params router.push(Object.assign({ query: bindRouteParams('query'), params: bindRouteParams('params') }, _.omit(props.route, ['query', 'params']))).catch(() => {}) } } // handle the dialog case if (props.dialog) { let dialog = props.dialog const component = _.get(props.dialog, 'component') if (component) { dialog = { component: 'KDialog', componentProps: bindProperties(dialog, props.context) } } $q.dialog(dialog) .onOk((result) => { emit('dialog-confirmed', props.context, result) }) .onCancel((result) => { emit('dialog-canceled', props.context, result) }) } // notify listeners emit('triggered', props.context, isToggled.value)} // Watchwatch(() => props.toggled, (value) => { if (isToggled.value !== value) isToggled.value = value}) // ExposedefineExpose({ isToggled, toggle})</script> <style lang="scss" scoped>.k-action-fab, .k-action-fab-action { border: 2px solid; border-color: v-bind(computedColor) - 75%; }.k-action-tab-active { border-bottom: solid 2px;}.k-action-toggled { background-color: #efefef !important;}</style>