

Test Coverage
<div class="fit position-relative">
<canvas :ref="onCanvasRef" />
<KStamp v-if="!hasData" icon="las la-exclamation-circle" icon-size="3rem"
:text="$t('KTimeSeriesChart.NO_DATA_AVAILABLE')" text-size="1rem" class="absolute-center" />
<script setup>
import _ from 'lodash'
import moment from 'moment'
import Papa from 'papaparse'
import { Chart } from 'chart.js'
import 'chartjs-adapter-moment'
import { ref, watch, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
import { getCssVar } from 'quasar'
import { Events } from '../../events'
import { downloadAsBlob } from '../../utils'
import { Units } from '../../units'
import { Time } from '../../time'
import { i18n } from '../../i18n'
// const timeserie = {
// variable: { } variable definition
// data:
// label:
// color:
// unit:
// }
// Props
const props = defineProps({
timeSeries: { type: Array, default: () => [] },
xAxisKey: { type: String, default: 'x' },
yAxisKey: { type: String, default: 'y' },
startTime: { type: Object, default: () => null },
endTime: { type: Object, default: () => null },
logarithmic: { type: Boolean, default: false },
zoomable: { type: Boolean, default: true },
panable: { type: Boolean, default: false },
currentTime: { type: Boolean, default: true },
options: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) }
// Emits
const emit = defineEmits(['zoom-start', 'zoom-end', 'legend-click'])
// Data
let canvas = null
let chart = null
const unit2axis = new Map()
const hasData = ref(false)
// Min/Max time (ie for x axis)
const startTime = ref(props.startTime ? moment.utc(props.startTime) : null)
const endTime = ref(props.endTime ? moment.utc(props.endTime) : null)
// Min/max value by unit (ie for y axes)
let min = {}
let max = {}
// Watch
// We use debounce here to avoid multiple refresh when initializing props
const requestUpdate = _.debounce(() => update(), 250)
watch(() => props.timeSeries, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.xAxisKey, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.yAxisKey, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.startTime, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.endTime, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.zoomable, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.logarithmic, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.currentTime, requestUpdate)
watch(() => props.options, requestUpdate)
// Functions
async function onCanvasRef (ref) {
canvas = ref
function getUnit (timeSerie) {
return _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.unit')
function getTargetUnit (timeSerie) {
return _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.targetUnit')
function getZoom () {
const start = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.min'))
const end = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.max'))
return { start, end }
function onZoomStart () {
const start = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.min'))
const end = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.max'))
emit('zoom-start', { chart, start, end })
function onZoomEnd () {
const start = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.min'))
const end = moment.utc(_.get(chart, 'scales.x.max'))
emit('zoom-end', { chart, start, end })
// We allow min/max options to be computed from data min/max using a function
function computeScaleBound (scale, property, min, max) {
const scaleBound = _.get(scale, property)
if (typeof scaleBound === 'function') {
_.set(scale, property, scaleBound(min, max))
async function makeChartConfig () {
// Order matters as we compute internals like data time range
const datasets = await makeDatasets()
// No data ?
if (_.isEmpty(datasets)) return null
const scales = makeScales(datasets)
const annotation = makeAnnotation()
const config = {
type: 'line',
data: { datasets },
plugins: [],
options: _.merge({
// responsive: true,
animation: false,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
// resizeDelay: 100,
parsing: {
xAxisKey: props.xAxisKey,
yAxisKey: props.yAxisKey
plugins: {
datalabels: { display: false },
tooltip: {
mode: 'x',
callbacks: {
title: (context) => {
// As we are selecting tooltip items based on x coordinate all should have the same one, which is actually the time
const x = _.get(context, '[0].parsed.x')
return (x ? `${Time.format(x, 'date.short')} - ${Time.format(x, 'time.long')}` : '')
label: (context) => {
const { unit, targetUnit, label } = context.dataset
const y = _.get(context, 'parsed.y')
return label + ': ' + Units.format(y, targetUnit?.name ||, targetUnit?.name ||
zoom: (props.zoomable || props.panable
? {
pan: {
enabled: props.panable,
mode: 'x',
scaleMode: 'x',
modifierKey: 'ctrl',
onPanStart: onZoomStart,
onPanComplete: onZoomEnd
zoom: {
drag: {
enabled: props.zoomable,
backgroundColor: getCssVar('secondary') + '88'
mode: 'x',
onZoom: onZoomEnd
: undefined),
decimation: {
enabled: true,
algorithm: 'lttb'
legend: {
onClick: (event, legendItem, legend) => {
const index = legendItem.datasetIndex
const chart = legend.chart
if (chart.isDatasetVisible(index)) {
legendItem.hidden = true
} else {
legendItem.hidden = false
emit('legend-click', { legendItem, legend })
}, props.options)
computeScaleBound(scales.x, 'min', startTime.value, endTime.value)
computeScaleBound(scales.x, 'max', startTime.value, endTime.value)
computeScaleBound(scales.x, 'suggestedMin', startTime.value, endTime.value)
computeScaleBound(scales.x, 'suggestedMax', startTime.value, endTime.value)
return config
function makeScales (datasets) {
// Setup time ticks unit
const hours = endTime.value.diff(startTime.value, 'hours')
const days = endTime.value.diff(startTime.value, 'days')
const months = endTime.value.diff(startTime.value, 'months')
const timeUnit = (months > 12 ? 'month' : (days > 7 ? 'day' : (hours > 2 ? 'hour' : 'minute')))
const x = {
type: 'time',
time: { unit: timeUnit },
min: startTime.value.valueOf(),
max: endTime.value.valueOf(),
ticks: {
autoskip: true,
minRotation: 10,
maxRotation: 45,
major: {
enabled: true
callback: function (value, index, values) {
const time = moment(values[index].value)
if (!_.isNil(values[index])) {
const isMajor = values[index].major
const year = Time.format(time, 'year.short')
const date = Time.format(time, 'date.short')
const shortTime = Time.format(time, 'time.short')
const longTime = Time.format(time, 'time.long')
// Check for tick granularity
if (timeUnit === 'minute') {
return (isMajor ? `${date} ${shortTime}` : `${date} ${longTime}`)
} else if (timeUnit === 'hour') {
return (isMajor ? `${date} ${shortTime}` : `${date} ${shortTime}`)
} else if (timeUnit === 'day') {
return (isMajor ? `${date} ${year}` : `${date}`)
} else { // month
return (isMajor ? `${year}` : `${date}`)
font: function (context) {
if (context.tick && context.tick.major) {
return {
weight: 'bold'
const scales = { x }
// Build a scale per unit
let axisId = 0
for (const timeSerie of props.timeSeries) {
const unit = getUnit(timeSerie)
const targetUnit = getTargetUnit(timeSerie)
const unitName = (targetUnit ? :
if (!unit2axis.has(unitName)) {
// Ensure a related dataset does exist
const axisDatasets = _.filter(datasets, dataset => (_.get(dataset, '', _.get(dataset, '')) === unitName))
if (axisDatasets.length === 0) continue
const axis = `y${axisId}`
// Set axis to related datasets
axisDatasets.forEach(dataset => Object.assign(dataset, { yAxisID: axis }))
unit2axis.set(unitName, axis)
scales[axis] = _.merge({
type: props.logarithmic ? 'logarithmic' : 'linear',
position: (axisId + 1) % 2 ? 'left' : 'right',
title: {
display: true,
text: i18n.tie(targetUnit ? targetUnit.symbol : unit.symbol)
ticks: {
callback: function (value, index, values) {
if (values[index] !== undefined) {
// We do not convert using units here as data should have already be converted
return Units.format(values[index].value, null, null, { symbol: false })
}, _.get(timeSerie.variable.chartjs, 'yAxis', {}))
computeScaleBound(scales[axis], 'min', min[unitName], max[unitName])
computeScaleBound(scales[axis], 'max', min[unitName], max[unitName])
computeScaleBound(scales[axis], 'suggestedMin', min[unitName], max[unitName])
computeScaleBound(scales[axis], 'suggestedMax', min[unitName], max[unitName])
return scales
async function makeDatasets () {
const datasets = []
for (const timeSerie of props.timeSeries) {
const label = _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.label')
const unit = getUnit(timeSerie)
const targetUnit = getTargetUnit(timeSerie)
const data = await
// No data ?
if (_.isEmpty(data)) continue
const unitName = (targetUnit ? :
const dataset = Object.assign({
}, _.omit(_.get(timeSerie, 'variable.chartjs', {}), 'yAxis'))
const xAxisKey = _.get(dataset, 'parsing.xAxisKey', props.xAxisKey)
const yAxisKey = _.get(dataset, 'parsing.yAxisKey', props.yAxisKey)
// Update time/value range
data.forEach(item => {
const time = moment.utc(_.get(item, xAxisKey))
// Take zero into account
if (_.has(item, yAxisKey)) {
const value = _.get(item, yAxisKey)
if (_.isFinite(value)) {
if (_.isNil(min[unitName]) || (value < min[unitName])) min[unitName] = value
if (_.isNil(max[unitName]) || (value > max[unitName])) max[unitName] = value
if (!props.startTime) {
if (!startTime.value || time.isBefore(startTime.value)) startTime.value = time
if (!props.endTime) {
if (!endTime.value || time.isAfter(endTime.value)) endTime.value = time
// Check for individual chartjs properties if any
if (!_.isEmpty(dataset.perItemProperties)) {
// In that case dataset requires an array of values, one for each data point
dataset.perItemProperties.forEach(property => {
const values = []
data.forEach(item => {
// Get property value for item and fallback to default value in dataset
values.push(_.get(item, property, _.get(dataset, property)))
Object.assign(dataset, { [property]: values })
return datasets
function makeAnnotation () {
let annotation = {}
// Is current time visible in chart ?
if (props.currentTime) {
const currentTime = Time.getCurrentTime()
if (currentTime.isBetween(startTime.value, endTime.value)) {
annotation = {
annotations: [{
type: 'line',
mode: 'vertical',
scaleID: 'x',
value: currentTime.toDate(),
borderColor: 'grey',
borderWidth: 1,
label: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.65)',
content: _.get(Time.getCurrentFormattedTime(), 'time.long'),
position: 'start',
enabled: true
clip: false
return annotation
async function exportSeries (options = {}) {
let times = []
for (let i = 0; i < props.timeSeries.length; i++) {
const timeSerie = props.timeSeries[i]
const xAxisKey = _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.chartjs.parsing.xAxisKey', props.xAxisKey)
const data = await
times = times.concat(, xAxisKey))
// Make union of all available times for x-axis
times = _.uniq(times).map(time => moment.utc(time)).sort((a, b) => a - b)
// Convert to json
const json = []
for (let t = 0; t < times.length; t++) {
const time = times[t]
const row = {
[i18n.t('KTimeSeriesChart.TIME_LABEL')]: time.toISOString()
for (let i = 0; i < props.timeSeries.length; i++) {
const timeSerie = props.timeSeries[i]
const visible = chart.isDatasetVisible(i)
// Skip invisible variables in export
if (options.visibleOnly && !visible) return
const xAxisKey = _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.chartjs.parsing.xAxisKey', props.xAxisKey)
const yAxisKey = _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.chartjs.parsing.yAxisKey', props.yAxisKey)
const data = await
const value = _.find(data, item => moment.utc(_.get(item, xAxisKey)).valueOf() === time.valueOf())
const name = _.get(timeSerie, '')
const label = _.get(timeSerie, 'variable.label')
row[options.labelAsHeader ? `${label}` : `${name}`] = value ? _.get(value, yAxisKey) : null
// Convert to csv
const csv = Papa.unparse(json)
downloadAsBlob(csv, _.template(options.filename || i18n.t('KTimeSeriesChart.SERIES_EXPORT_FILE'))(),
async function update () {
if (!canvas) return
// Reset time/value range
startTime.value = (props.startTime ? moment.utc(props.startTime) : null)
endTime.value = (props.endTime ? moment.utc(props.endTime) : null)
min = {}
max = {}
const config = await makeChartConfig()
if (!config) {
if (chart) {
chart = null
hasData.value = false
if (!chart) {
chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext('2d'), config)
hasData.value = true
} else {
Object.assign(chart, config)
async function updateCurrentTime () {
if (!props.currentTime) return
// Hooks
onMounted(() => {
Events.on('time-current-time-changed', updateCurrentTime)
onBeforeUnmount(() => {'time-current-time-changed', updateCurrentTime)
// Expose