<template> <div v-if="readOnly && model" :id=" + '-field'"> <q-icon :name="" :color="model.color" /> </div> <div v-else> <q-field :for=" + '-field'" :id=" + '-field'" v-model="model" :label="label" clearable :error-message="errorLabel" :error="hasError" :disable="disabled" bottom-slots @clear="onCleared"> <!-- Icon chooser --> <template v-slot:prepend> <q-btn id="icon-chooser-button" round flat icon="las la-icons" @click="onIconClicked" /> <k-icon-chooser id="icon-chooser" ref="iconChooser" :icon-set="iconSet" :palette="color" @icon-choosed="onIconChoosed" /> </template> <!-- Content --> <template v-slot:default> <q-icon class="q-pt-xs" size="sm" id="choosed-icon" :name="iconName" :color="iconColor" /> </template> <!-- Helper --> <template v-if="hasHelper" v-slot:append> <k-action :id=" + '-helper'" :label="helperLabel" :icon="helperIcon" :tooltip="helperTooltip" :url="helperUrl" :dialog="helperDialog" :context="helperContext" @dialog-confirmed="onHelperDialogConfirmed" color="primary" /> </template> </q-field> </div></template> <script>import { KIconChooser } from '../input'import { baseField } from '../../mixins'import { getIconName } from '../../utils'import _ from 'lodash' export default { components: { KIconChooser }, mixins: [baseField], computed: { hasIcon () { return !this.isEmpty() }, iconName () { return getIconName(this.model, 'name') }, iconColor () { // We support icon without a color return _.get(this.model, 'color', 'dark') } }, data () { return { iconSet: _.get(, 'iconSet', 'font-awesome'), color: _.get(, 'color', true), inverted: _.get(, 'inverted', false) } }, methods: { emptyModel () { // We support icon without a color, in this case we have a string as model return (this.color ? { name: '', color: '' } : '') }, onFocused () { if (this.isEmpty()) this.$ }, onCleared () { this.model = this.emptyModel() this.onChanged() }, onIconClicked () { this.$ }, onIconChoosed (icon) { // We support icon without a color, in this case we have a string as model this.model = (this.color ? Object.assign({}, icon) : icon) this.onChanged() } }}</script>