import _ from 'lodash'import chroma from 'chroma-js'import moment from 'moment'import { Color } from 'cesium'import { Time, Units, TemplateContext } from '../../../../core/client/index.js'import { getFeatureStyleType } from '../../utils/utils.features.js'import { convertPointStyleToSimpleStyle, convertLineStyleToSimpleStyle, convertPolygonStyleToSimpleStyle, convertSimpleStyleColors, convertSimpleStyleToPointStyle, convertSimpleStyleToLineStyle, convertSimpleStyleToPolygonStyle, PointStyleTemplateMappings, LineStyleTemplateMappings, PolygonStyleTemplateMappings } from '../../utils/'import { Cesium } from './utils.cesium.js' export const CesiumStyleMappings = { stroke: 'stroke', 'stroke-color': 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity': 'stroke.alpha', 'stroke-width': 'strokeWidth', fill: 'fill', 'fill-color': 'fill', 'fill-opacity': 'fill.alpha', 'marker-size': 'markerSize', 'marker-symbol': 'markerSymbol', 'marker-color': 'markerColor'} export const CesiumStyleOptions = _.values(CesiumStyleMappings)export const CesiumEntityTypes = ['billboard', 'box', 'corridor', 'cylinder', 'ellipse', 'ellipsoid', 'label', 'model', 'path', 'plane', 'point', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rectangle', 'wall'] const GeoJsonGeometryTypesToCesiumEntityMappings = { Point: 'point', LineString: 'polyline', Polygon: 'polygon'} const StyleToCesiumEntityStyleMappings = { altitudeMode: 'heightReference', width: 'width', color: 'material'} const AltitudeModesMappings = { clampToGround: 'Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND', relativeToGround: 'Cesium.HeightReference.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND', absolute: 'Cesium.HeightReference.NONE'} export function convertToCesiumFromSimpleStyle (style, inPlace) { if (!style) return {} const convertedStyle = (inPlace ? style : {}) _.forOwn(style, (value, key) => { if (_.has(CesiumStyleMappings, key)) { const mapping = _.get(CesiumStyleMappings, key) // Convert from string to color object as required by cesium if ((typeof value === 'string') && ['markerColor', 'fill', 'stroke'].includes(mapping)) { _.set(convertedStyle, mapping, Color.fromCssColorString(chroma(value).alpha(_.get(convertedStyle, [mapping, 'alpha'], 1)).css())) } else { _.set(convertedStyle, mapping, value) } if (inPlace) _.unset(style, key) } }) return convertedStyle} Function `convertToCesiumFromStyle` has 74 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.export function convertToCesiumFromStyle (feature, options) { const style = _.get(feature, 'style', false) if (!style || !_.get(feature, 'geometry')) return {} let geometryType = _.get(GeoJsonGeometryTypesToCesiumEntityMappings, _.get(feature, 'geometry.type')) if (!geometryType) return {} const convertedStyle = {} const additionalFeatures = [] const entityStyle = {} // Check for options to apply to all features if (_.get(options, 'cesium.minZoom') || _.get(options, 'cesium.maxZoom')) { entityStyle.distanceDisplayCondition = { type: 'Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition', options: [ _.get(options, 'cesium.minZoom', 0) || 0, _.get(options, 'cesium.maxZoom', Number.MAX_VALUE) || Number.MAX_VALUE] } } _.forOwn(style, (value, key) => { if ((typeof value === 'string') && ['color'].includes(key)) { let cesiumColor = Color.fromCssColorString(value) if (_.has(style, 'opacity')) { cesiumColor = Color.fromAlpha(cesiumColor, _.get(style, 'opacity')) } _.set(entityStyle, _.get(StyleToCesiumEntityStyleMappings, key), cesiumColor) } else if (key === 'altitudeMode') { _.set(entityStyle, _.get(StyleToCesiumEntityStyleMappings, key), _.get(AltitudeModesMappings, value)) // Clamp to ground is used by polylines _.set(entityStyle, 'clampToGround', value === 'clampToGround') } else if (key === 'extrude') { switch (geometryType) { case 'polygon': // Extrude from ellipsoid to point height _.set(entityStyle, 'extrudedHeight', 0) _.set(entityStyle, 'perPositionHeight', true) break case 'polyline': // Convert polyline to wall if extruded geometryType = 'wall' break } } else if (key === 'icon') { // Convert to billboard if entity has an icon geometryType = 'billboard' _.set(entityStyle, 'image', _.get(value, 'url')) } else { const target = _.get(StyleToCesiumEntityStyleMappings, key) if (target) _.set(entityStyle, target, value) } }) if (geometryType === 'polygon' && !_.has(style, 'extrude') && (!_.has(style, 'altitudeMode') || style.altitudeMode === 'clampToGround')) { // Force perPositionHeight to false, for clamped to ground polygons _.set(entityStyle, 'perPositionHeight', false) // Force altitude to 0.0 for clamped to ground polygons if (_.get(feature, 'geometry.coordinates[0][0]', []).length < 3) { _.forEach(_.get(feature, 'geometry.coordinates', []), (coordinates, index) => { feature.geometry.coordinates[index] =, (coord) => { return [coord[0], coord[1], 0.0] }) }) } // Cesium does not support outlines for clamped to ground polygons, so we convert them to polylines // In the case of a clamped to ground filled polygon with outline, the outline will not display if (_.get(style, 'opacity') === 0) { geometryType = 'polyline' _.set(convertedStyle, 'geometry.type', 'LineString') _.set(convertedStyle, 'geometry.coordinates', _.get(feature, 'geometry.coordinates[0]')) _.set(convertedStyle, 'style.opacity', _.get(style, 'stroke.opacity', 1)) _.set(entityStyle, 'clampToGround', true) } else { // Create new feature for oultine const polylineFeature = _.cloneDeep(feature) _.set(polylineFeature, 'geometry.type', 'LineString') _.set(polylineFeature, 'geometry.coordinates', _.get(feature, 'geometry.coordinates[0]')) _.set(polylineFeature, 'properties.entityStyle.polyline', entityStyle) additionalFeatures.push(polylineFeature) } } _.set(convertedStyle, ['properties', 'entityStyle', geometryType], entityStyle) if (['point', 'billboard'].includes(geometryType)) { _.set(convertedStyle, 'properties.entityStyle.label', { text: _.get(feature, '', '').trim(), heightReference: _.get(entityStyle, _.get(StyleToCesiumEntityStyleMappings, 'altitudeMode'), 'Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND') }) } return { convertedStyle, additionalFeatures }} function processStyle (style, feature, options, mappings) { if (!options) return const cesiumOptions = options.cesium || options // We allow to template style properties according to feature, // because it can be slow you have to specify a subset of properties const context = Object.assign({ properties:, feature, chroma, moment, Units, Time }, TemplateContext.get()) if (cesiumOptions.template) { // Create the map of variables if (options.variables) context.variables = _.reduce(options.variables, (result, variable) => Object.assign(result, { []: variable }), {}) cesiumOptions.template.forEach(entry => { _.set(style, _.get(mappings, _.kebabCase(,, entry.compiler(context)) }) } const type = getFeatureStyleType(feature) // visibility attribute can be used to hide individual features // visibility is true by default but can also be a string when it's // a result of a lodash string template evaluation let visibility = _.get(style, `style.${type}.visibility`, _.get(style, 'style.visibility', true)) if (typeof visibility === 'string') visibility = visibility === 'true' // The 'kdk-hidden-features' pane is created when the leaflet map is initialized // if (!visibility) _.set(style, `style.${type}.pane`, 'kdk-hidden-features') return style} export function getPointSimpleStyle (feature, options, engine, engineStylePath = 'style.point') { const engineStyle = _.get(engine, engineStylePath, {}) const layerStyle = options ? _.get(options.cesium || options, 'layerPointStyle') : {} const featureStyle = ? _.get(feature, 'style', {}) : convertSimpleStyleToPointStyle( const style = _.merge({}, engineStyle, layerStyle, featureStyle) processStyle({ style: { point: style } }, feature, options, PointStyleTemplateMappings) return convertSimpleStyleColors(convertPointStyleToSimpleStyle(style))} export function getLineSimpleStyle (feature, options, engine, engineStylePath = 'style.line') { const engineStyle = _.get(engine, engineStylePath, {}) const layerStyle = options ? _.get(options.cesium || options, 'layerLineStyle') : {} const featureStyle = ? _.get(feature, 'style', {}) : convertSimpleStyleToLineStyle( const style = _.merge({}, engineStyle, layerStyle, featureStyle) processStyle({ style: { line: style } }, feature, options, LineStyleTemplateMappings) return convertSimpleStyleColors(convertLineStyleToSimpleStyle(style))} export function getPolygonSimpleStyle (feature, options, engine, engineStylePath = 'style.polygon') { const engineStyle = _.get(engine, engineStylePath, {}) const layerStyle = options ? _.get(options.cesium || options, 'layerPolygonStyle') : {} const featureStyle = ? _.get(feature, 'style', {}) : convertSimpleStyleToPolygonStyle( const style = _.merge({}, engineStyle, layerStyle, featureStyle) processStyle({ style: { polygon: style } }, feature, options, PolygonStyleTemplateMappings) return convertSimpleStyleColors(convertPolygonStyleToSimpleStyle(style))} // Helper to convert from string to objectsexport function createCesiumObject () { const args = Array.from(arguments) const constructor = args[0] args.shift() const Class = _.get(Cesium, constructor) // Can be callable, constructable or constant let object if (typeof Class === 'function') { try { object = Class(...args) } catch (error) { /* Simply avoid raising any error */ } try { object = new Class(...args) } catch (error) { /* Simply avoid raising any error */ } } else object = Class return object} Function `convertToCesiumObjects` has a Cognitive Complexity of 29 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.export function convertToCesiumObjects (style) { const mapValue = (value) => { if (typeof value === 'object') { const type = value.type const options = value.options if (type && options) { const constructor = type.replace('Cesium.', '') // Take care to nested objects as constructor arguments let args if (options.type) { // Create argument object args = convertToCesiumObjects({ object: options }) args = args.object } else { args = convertToCesiumObjects(options) } if (Array.isArray(options)) return createCesiumObject(constructor, ...args) else return createCesiumObject(constructor, args) } else return convertToCesiumObjects(value) } else if (typeof value === 'string') { if (value.startsWith('Cesium.')) { const constructor = value.replace('Cesium.', '') return createCesiumObject(constructor) } const n = _.toNumber(value) if (_.isFinite(n)) value = n }Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return value } if (typeof style === 'object') { if (Array.isArray(style)) return else return _.mapValues(style, mapValue) } else { return _.mapValues({ value: style }, mapValue).value }}