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// # etho.js
// ## UMD.js wrapper.
(function (root, factory) {
    // AMD.
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define([], function () {
        return factory();
    // Commonjs.
  } else if(typeof exports !== 'undefined'){
    exports = module.exports = factory();
    // Browser globals.
  } else {
}(this, function () {

// declaring the namespace.
  var etho = {};

  // ### ucfirst
  // Return the string passed as argument with the first letter uppercased.
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  //// Foo
  // ```
  etho.ucfirst = function ethoUcfirst(str){
    return str.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);

  // ### getType
  // Return the *true* type of anything as a string.
  // It always return the type "lowercase"d for consistency.
  // **Exemples**:
  // ```
  //// "string"
  //// "number"
  //// "object"
  //// "array"
  //// "null"
  //// "undefined"
  // ```
  etho.getType = function ethoGetType(thing){
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(thing).match(/^\[object\s+(\w+)\]$/)[1].toLowerCase();

  // ### toArraySliced
  // Try to transform anything into an array and slice it.
  // **Exemples**:
  // ```
  //function test(param){
  //  var args = etho.toArraySliced(arguments);
  //  return param + "|" + args.length;
  // ```
  // ```
  //function test(param){
  //  var args = etho.toArraySliced(arguments, 1);
  //  return param + "|" + args.length;
  // ```
  // ```
  //function test(param, /* foo, bar,.. */ ctx){
  //  var args = etho.toArraySliced(arguments, 1, -1);
  //  return param + "|" + args.length + "|" + ctx;
  //test('foo', 'bar')
  //test('foo', 'baz', 'bar')
  // ```
  etho.toArraySliced = function ethoToArraySliced(obj, sliceStart, sliceEnd){
    sliceStart = sliceStart || 0;
    if(etho.isA('undefined', sliceEnd)){
      return Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, sliceStart);
      return Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, sliceStart, sliceEnd);

  // ### isA
  // Check the type of anything against the supposed type as a string.
  // **Exemples**:
  // ```
  //etho.isA('string', "foo")
  //// true
  //etho.isA('string', {})
  //// false
  // ```
  etho.isA = function ethoIsA(type, obj){
    return etho.getType(obj) === type;

  // ### shallowCopy
  // __Recursively deep copy__ an `array` or an `object` without any reference left !
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  //var foo = {
  //  arr : {
  //    pirate : true,
  //    fakelimb   : [
  //      'leftHand'
  //    ]
  //  }
  //var bar = etho.shallowCopy(foo)
  // ```
  etho.shallowCopy = function ethoShallowCopy(obj){
    var out = {};
      case 'array':
        return etho.toArraySliced(obj);
      case 'object':
        for (var key in obj){
            etho.isA('array',obj[key]) ||
            out[key] = etho.shallowCopy(obj[key]);
            out[key] = obj[key];
        throw new Exception('Wrong Type.');
    return out;

  // ### forEach
  // Run an iterator against each entries of an array or an object.
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  //var foo = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], out = 0;
  //etho.forEach(foo, function(val, key, list){ out += val; });
  //// out === 45
  // ```
  etho.forEach = function ethoForeach(obj, iterator, context) {

    if (obj === null){ throw new Error('no object to iterate on !');}

    if(typeof context === 'undefined'){ context = this; }

    for (var key in obj) {
      if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
        iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);

    return obj;

  // ### merge
  // Recursively an type-checked merge things. Useful to enforce defaultOptions
  // types in Classes Instances !
  // No parameters are affected, it return a shallowCopy of the first merged with
  // the nexts !
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  //var foo = {
  //  arr : {
  //    pirate : false,
  //    fakelimb   : [
  //      'leftHand'
  //    ]
  //  }
  //var bar = {
  //  arr : {
  //    pirate : true,
  //    fakelimb   : false
  //  }
  //var result = etho.merge(foo, bar);
  ////result => {arr:{pirate:true,fakelimb:['leftHand']}}
  // ```
  etho.merge = function ethoMerge(target, seed/*, seed*… */){
    var _return = etho.shallowCopy(target);
    if(etho.isA('undefined', seed)){ return _return; }
    var args = etho.toArraySliced(arguments, 1);
    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      var src = args[i];
      for (var prop in _return) {
        if (
          _return.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&
          !etho.isA('function',_return[prop]) &&
          etho.getType(_return[prop]) === etho.getType(src[prop])
            case 'object':
              _return[prop] = etho.merge(_return[prop], src[prop]);
              _return[prop] = src[prop];
        } else { continue; }
    return _return;

  // ### deepAccess
  //With this function you can, using a string path, inside imbricated objects:
  //* Retrieve a value
  //* Alter a value
  //* Execute a method
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  //var target = {
  //  foo: {
  //    bar: {
  //      baz: [
  //        'madness'
  //      ]
  //    }
  //  }
  //deepAccess(target, 'foo.bar.baz').push('sparta');
  ////target → {foo:{bar:{baz:['madness', 'sparta']}}}
  // ```
  etho.deepAccess = function ethoDeepAccess(obj, path){
    if(etho.isA('undefined',obj)) throw new Error('no object to navigate inside !');
      path = path.replace(/\[/g, '.').replace(/\]/g, '').split('.');
    return path.length === 1 ? obj[path.shift()] : etho.deepAccess(obj[path.shift()], path);

  // ### inherit
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  // ```
  etho.inherit = function ethoInherit(child, parent) {
    for (var key in parent) {
      if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, key)){
        child[key] = parent[key];

    var wrapper = function wrapper() { this.constructor = child; }

    wrapper.prototype = parent.prototype;
    child.prototype = new wrapper();
    child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
    return child;

  // ### x
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  // ```
  etho.x = function ethoX(classname, customConstructor, parentClass){
    if(etho.isA('undefined', classname)){
      throw new Error('classname is missing !');
    var args = etho.toArraySliced(arguments, 1);

    if(etho.isA('undefined', parentClass)){
      parentClass = function Lambda(){};

    var CHILD = this[classname] = customConstructor || etho.x.minimalConstructor();

    return function protoCreation(proto){

      return (function(parent){
        etho.inherit(CHILD, parent);

        for(var attr in proto){
          if( proto.hasOwnProperty( attr ) ) {
            CHILD.prototype[attr] = proto[attr];
        CHILD.prototype.__type__ = classname;

        var autoSuper = function autoSuper(method){
            !etho.isA('undefined', CHILD.__super__) &&
            etho.isA('undefined', CHILD.__super__[method])
            return CHILD.__super__[method];

        for(var oldattr in parent){
          if( parent.hasOwnProperty( oldattr ) ) {
            CHILD.prototype[oldattr] = autoSuper(oldattr);

        return CHILD;


  // ### x.minimalConstructor
  // **Exemple**:
  // ```
  // ```
  etho.x.minimalConstructor = function(){ return function ethoGenericConstructor(options){
      this.options = etho.merge(this.defaultOptions, options);
      this.options = options;
    if( this.init ){ this.init(); }
    if( this.listen ){ this.listen(); }
    return this;

  return etho;