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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Runner for non-parallel execution of a single scenario.
# It prints all the info stdout, etc and basically replaces itself with the scenario execution.
# It is useful when we work with a single spec and we need all the debug info

raise 'This code needs to be executed WITHOUT bundle exec' if Kernel.const_defined?(:Bundler)

require 'open3'
require 'fileutils'
require 'pathname'
require 'tmpdir'
require 'etc'

ROOT_PATH = Pathname.new(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../')))

# Load all the specs
specs = Dir[ROOT_PATH.join('spec/integrations/**/*.rb')]

# If filters is provided, apply
# Allows to provide several filters one after another and applies all of them
ARGV.each do |filter|
  specs.delete_if { |name| !name.include?(filter) }

raise ArgumentError, "No integration specs with filters: #{ARGV.join(', ')}" if specs.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "Many specs found with filters: #{ARGV.join(', ')}" if specs.size != 1

exec("bundle exec ruby -r #{ROOT_PATH}/spec/integrations_helper.rb #{specs[0]}")