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Copyright (c) Maciej Mensfeld

WaterDrop is part of Karafka and it is an Open Source project licensed under the terms of
the LGPLv3 license. Please see <https://github.com/karafka/karafka/blob/master/LICENSE-LGPL>
for license text.

Karafka ecosystem can also be used under commercial-friendly license, with commercial support and commercial components.

All of the commercial components are present in the lib/karafka/pro and lib/karafka/web/pro
directory of this repository and their usage requires commercial license agreement.

By sending a pull request to the pro components, you are agreeing to transfer the copyright of your
code to Maciej Mensfeld.

You can find the commercial license in LICENSE-COMM <https://github.com/karafka/karafka/blob/master/LICENSE-COMM>.

Please see https://karafka.io for purchasing options.