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In the repository we use and enforce the commit message conventions. The conventions are verified using [commitlint] with [Angular config](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@commitlint/config-angular).

## The reasons for these conventions:
- automatic generating of the changelog
- simple navigation through git history (e.g. ignoring style changes)

## Format of the commit message:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>

## Example commit message:

fix(middleware): ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616

Add one new dependency, use `range-parser` (Express dependency) to compute
range. It is more well-tested in the wild.

Fixes #2310

## Message subject (first line)
The first line cannot be longer than 72 characters and should be followed by a blank line. The type and scope should always be lowercase as shown below.

### Allowed `<type>` values:

* **feat** for a new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a MINOR version.
* **fix** for a bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a PATCH version.
* **perf** for performance improvements. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a PATCH version.
* **docs** for changes to the documentation.
* **style** for formatting changes, missing semicolons, etc.
* **refactor** for refactoring production code, e.g. renaming a variable.
* **test** for adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change.
* **build** for updating build configuration, development tools or other changes irrelevant to the user.

### Example `<scope>` values:

* init
* runner
* watcher
* config
* web-server
* proxy
* etc.

The `<scope>` can be empty (e.g. if the change is a global or difficult
to assign to a single component), in which case the parentheses are
omitted. In smaller projects such as Karma plugins, the `<scope>` is empty.

## Message body

Just as in the `<subject>`, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes". Message body should include motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior.

## Message footer

### Referencing issues
Closed issues should be listed on a separate line in the footer prefixed with "Closes" keyword like this:
Closes #234
or in the case of multiple issues:
Closes #123, #245, #992
### Breaking changes

All breaking changes have to be mentioned in footer with the
description of the change, justification and migration notes.

`port-runner` command line option has changed to `runner-port`, so that it is
consistent with the configuration file syntax.

To migrate your project, change all the commands, where you use `--port-runner`
to `--runner-port`.

Any commit with the breaking change section will trigger a MAJOR release and appear on the changelog independently of the commit type.


This document is based on [Angular Commit Message Format]. See the [commit history] for examples of properly-formatted commit messages.

[commitlint]: https://conventional-changelog.github.io/commitlint/
[Angular config]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@commitlint/config-angular
[Angular Commit Message Format]: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
[commit history]: https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/commits/master