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#!/usr/bin/env php5

//Controls the PHP-process on the PHP-side.
class php_process{
  private $errortypes = array (
    E_ERROR => 'Error',
    E_WARNING => 'Warning',
    E_PARSE => 'Parsing Error',
    E_NOTICE => 'Notice',
    E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error',
    E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning',
    E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error',
    E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning',
    E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error',
    E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning',
    E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice',
    E_STRICT => 'Runtime Notice'

  //Opens stdin and stdout for processing. Sets various helper-variables.
  function __construct(){
    $this->sock_stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
    $this->sock_stdout = fopen("php://stdout", "w");
    $this->objects = array();
    $this->objects_spl = array();
    $this->objects_count = 0;
    $this->created_functions = array();
    $this->proxy_to_func = array("call_created_func", "constant_val", "create_func", "func", "get_var", "memory_info", "object_cache_info", "object_call", "require_once_path", "set_var", "static_method_call", "unset_ids");
    $this->func_specials = array("constant", "define", "die", "echo", "exit", "require", "require_once", "include", "include_once");
    $this->send_count = 0;

    print "php_script_ready:" . getmypid() . "\n";

  //Starts listening in stdin for new instructions. Calls 'handle_line' for every line gotten.
  function start_listening(){
      $line = fgets($this->sock_stdin, 1048576);

  //Writes the given data to stdout. Serializes and encodes it as well and increases the 'send_count'-variable.
  function send($data){
    $id = $this->send_count;
    $data_packed = trim(base64_encode(serialize($data)));
    if (!fwrite($this->sock_stdout, "%{{php_process:begin}}send:" . $id . ":" . $data_packed . "%{{php_process:end}}\n")){
      throw new exception("Could not write to stdout.");

  //Handles the given instruction. It parses it and then calls the relevant method.
  function handle_line($line){
    $data = explode(":", $line);
    $type = $data[0];
    $id = intval($data[1]);
    $args = unserialize(base64_decode($data[2]));
    if ($args === false){
      throw new exception("The args-data was not unserializeable: " . base64_decode($data[2]));

      if ($type == "send"){
        if ($args["type"] == "eval"){
          $res = eval($args["eval_str"] . ";");
          $this->answer($id, $res);
        }elseif($args["type"] == "new"){
          $this->new_object($id, $args);
        }elseif(in_array($args["type"], $this->proxy_to_func)){
          $this->$args["type"]($id, $args);
          throw new exception("Unknown send-type: " . $args["type"] . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($args)) . ") (" . base64_decode($data[2]) . ")");
        throw new exception("Invalid type: " . $type);
    }catch(php_process_native_ruby_exception $e){
      $this->answer($id, array("type" => "exception", "msg" => $e->getMessage(), "bt" => $e->getTraceAsString(), "ruby_type" => $e->ruby_exc_name));
    }catch(exception $e){
      $this->answer($id, array("type" => "exception", "msg" => $e->getMessage(), "bt" => $e->getTraceAsString()));

  //Parses objects into special arrays, which again will be turned into proxy-objects on the Ruby-side. Recursivly scans arrays to do the same.
  function parse_data($data){
    if (is_array($data)){
      foreach($data as $key => $val){
        if (is_object($val)){
          $data[$key] = $this->parse_data($val);

      return $data;
      $spl = spl_object_hash($data);

      if (array_key_exists($spl, $this->objects_spl)){
        $id = $this->objects_spl[$spl];
        $id = $this->objects_count;

        if (array_key_exists($id, $this->objects)){
          throw new exception("Object with that ID already exists: " . $id);

        $this->objects[$id] = array("obj" => $data, "spl" => $spl);
        $this->objects_spl[$spl] = $id;

      $ret = array("proxyobj", $id);
      return $ret;
      return $data;

  //Recursivly read the given data from the Ruby-side. Changing special arrays into the objects they refer to.
  function read_parsed_data($data){
    if (is_array($data) and array_key_exists("type", $data) and $data["type"] == "proxyobj" and array_key_exists("id", $data)){
      $object = $this->objects[$data["id"]]["obj"];
      if (!$object){
        throw new exception("No object by that ID: " . $data["id"]);

      return $object;
    }elseif(is_array($data) and array_key_exists("type", $data) and $data["type"] == "php_process_created_function" and array_key_exists("id", $data)){
      $func = $this->created_functions[$data["id"]]["func"];
      return $func;
      foreach($data as $key => $val){
        $data[$key] = $this->read_parsed_data($val);

      return $data;
      return $data;

  //Answers a request ID with the given data. Writes it to stdout.
  function answer($id, $data){
    if (!fwrite($this->sock_stdout, "%{{php_process:begin}}answer:" . $id . ":" . base64_encode(serialize($this->parse_data($data))) . "%{{php_process:end}}\n")){
      throw new exception("Could not write to socket.");

  //Ruby wants spawn an object. Cache it and return (Ruby will tell us when to unset it automatically).
  function new_object($id, $args){
    $class = $args["class"];
    $new_args = $this->read_parsed_data($args["args"]);

    $klass = new ReflectionClass($class);
    $object = $klass->newInstanceArgs($new_args);

    $this->answer($id, $object);

  //Ruby wants to set an instance variable on an object. Do that and answer with 'true'.
  function set_var($id, $args){
    $object = $this->objects[$args["id"]]["obj"];
    if (!$object){
      throw new exception("No object by that ID: " . $args["id"]);

    $object->$args["name"] = $args["val"];
    $this->answer($id, true);

  //Ruby wants to read an instance variable on an object. Return the variable's value.
  function get_var($id, $args){
    $object = $this->objects[$args["id"]]["obj"];
    if (!$object){
      throw new exception("No object by that ID: " . $args["id"]);

    $this->answer($id, $object->$args["name"]);

  //Ruby wants to call a method on an object. Do that and return the result.
  function object_call($id, $args){
    if (!array_key_exists($args["id"], $this->objects)){
      throw new exception("No object by that ID: " . $args["id"]);

    $object = $this->objects[$args["id"]]["obj"];
    $call_arr = array($object, $args["method"]);

    //Error handeling.
    if (!$object){
      throw new exception("No object by that ID: " . $args["id"]);
    }elseif(!method_exists($object, $args["method"])){
      throw new exception("No such method: " . get_class($object) . "->" . $args["method"] . "()");
      throw new exception("Not callable: " . get_class($object) . "->" . $args["method"] . "()");

    $res = call_user_func_array($call_arr, $this->read_parsed_data($args["args"]));
    $this->answer($id, $res);

  //Ruby wants to call a function. Do that and return the result.
  function func($id, $args){
    //These functions cant be called normally. Hack them with eval instead.
    $newargs = $this->read_parsed_data($args["args"]);

    if (in_array($args["func_name"], $this->func_specials)){
      $eval_str = $args["func_name"] . "(";
      $count = 0;
      foreach($newargs as $key => $val){
        if (!is_numeric($key)){
          throw new exception("Invalid key: '" . $key . "'.");

        if ($count > 0){
          $eval_str .= ",";

        $eval_str .= "\$args['args'][" . $count . "]";
      $eval_str .= ");";

      $res = eval($eval_str);
      if (!function_exists($args["func_name"])){
        throw new php_process_native_ruby_exception("Method does not exist: '" . $args["func_name"] . "'.", "NoMethodError");

      $res = call_user_func_array($args["func_name"], $newargs);

    $this->answer($id, $res);

  //Ruby has given us various object-IDs to unset. Unset them from cache and return 'true'.
  function unset_ids($id, $args){
    foreach($args["ids"] as $obj_id){
      if (!array_key_exists($obj_id, $this->objects)){

      $spl = $this->objects[$obj_id]["spl"];

      if (!array_key_exists($spl, $this->objects_spl)){
        throw new exception("SPL could not be found: " . $spl);


    $this->answer($id, true);

  //Ruby wants information about the object-cache on the PHP-side. Return that in an array.
  function object_cache_info($id, $args){
    $types = array();
    foreach($this->objects as $key => $val){
      if (is_object($val)){
        $types[] = "object: " . get_class($val);
        $types[] = gettype($val);

    $this->answer($id, array(
      "count" => count($this->objects),
      "types" => $types

  //Ruby wants to call a static method. Answers with the result.
  function static_method_call($id, $args){
    $call_arr = array($args["class_name"], $args["method_name"]);

    if (!class_exists($args["class_name"])){
      throw new php_process_native_ruby_exception("Class does not exist: '" . $args["class_name"] . "'.", "NameError");
    }elseif(!method_exists($args["class_name"], $args["method_name"])){
      throw new php_process_native_ruby_exception("Such a static method does not exist: " . $args["class_name"] . "::" . $args["method_name"] . "()", "NoMethodError");
      throw new exception("Invalid class-name (" . $args["class_name"] . ") or method-name (" . $args["method_name"] . "). It was not callable.");

    $newargs = $this->read_parsed_data($args["args"]);
    $res = call_user_func_array($call_arr, $newargs);

    $this->answer($id, $res);

  //Creates a function which can be used for callbacks on the Ruby-side.
  function create_func($id, $args){
    $cb_id = $args["callback_id"];
    $func = create_function("", "global \$php_process; \$php_process->call_back_created_func(" . $cb_id . ", func_get_args());");
    if (!$func){
      throw new exception("Could not create function.");

    $this->created_functions[$cb_id] = array("func" => $func);
    $this->answer($id, true);

  //This function is called, when a create-function is called. It then callbacks to Ruby, where a 'Proc' will be executed.
  function call_back_created_func($func_id, $args){
      "type" => "call_back_created_func",
      "func_id" => $func_id,
      "args" => $args

  //Ruby wants to call a created function. Pretty much just executes that function. This is useually done for debugging callbacks.
  function call_created_func($id, $args){
    $func = $this->created_functions[$args["id"]]["func"];
    if (!$func){
      throw new exception("No created function by that ID: '" . $args["id"] . "'.\n\n" . print_r($args, true) . "\n\n" . print_r($this->created_functions, true));

    $eval_str = "\$func(";
    $count = 0;

    foreach($args["args"] as $key => $val){
      if ($count > 0){
        $eval_str .= ", ";

      $eval_str .= "\$args['args'][" . $count . "]";

    $eval_str .= ");";
    $res = eval($eval_str);
    $this->answer($id, $res);

  //Ruby wants to read a constant. This is not done by 'func', because of keeping caching posibility open and not wanting to eval.
  function constant_val($id, $args){
    $this->answer($id, constant($args["name"]));

  //Returns various information about the object-cache.
  function memory_info($id, $args){
    $this->answer($id, array(
      "objects" => count($this->objects),
      "objects_spl" => count($this->objects_spl),
      "created_functions" => count($this->created_functions)

  //Makes errors being thrown as exceptions instead.
  function error_handler($error_number, $error_message, $file_name, $line_number, $vars, $args = null){
    if ($error_number == E_STRICT || $error_number == E_NOTICE || $error_number == E_WARNING){
        "type" => "php_error",
        "error_message" => $error_message,
        "error_type" => $this->errortypes[$error_number],
        "file_name" => $file_name,
        "line_number" => $line_number,
        "backtrace" => debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)

      return null;

    throw new exception("Error " . $this->errortypes[$error_number] . ": " . $error_message . " in \"" . $file_name . ":" . $line_number);

class php_process_native_ruby_exception extends exception{
  public $msg;
  public $ruby_exc_name;

  function __construct($msg, $ruby_exc_name){
    $this->ruby_exc_name = $ruby_exc_name;

//Spawn the main object.
$php_process = new php_process();

//Set error-level and make warnings and errors being thrown as exceptions.
set_error_handler(array($php_process, "error_handler"));
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);

//Start listening for instructions from host process.