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# Keboola Docker Demo Application

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This is a working example of an application which is encapsulated in a Docker image and is integrated with KBC. Application functionality is simple, it splits long text columns from a single table into multiple rows and adds index number into a new column and writes the result into `/data/out/tables/sliced.csv` file.

## Development
Clone this repository and init the workspace with following command:

git clone
cd docker-demo-app
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm dev composer install

Run the test suite using this command:

docker-compose run --rm tests

### Composer

docker-compose run dev composer install

### Code Style Checker
docker-compose run --rm dev /code/vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=psr2 -n --ignore=vendor --extensions=php .

### PHP Static Code Analysis

docker-compose run --rm dev /code/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --level=7 ./src ./tests

### Running the container

docker-compose run --rm --volume /my-data-dir:/data docker-demo-app

Note: `--volume` needs to be adjusted accordingly and has to lead to a [`data` directory](

### Debugging (using Xdebug and PHPStorm)

#### Environment variables

Create a `.env` file with these variable and replace required values

XDEBUG_CONFIG=remote_host=docker.for.mac.localhost remote_port=9000
##### remote_host

 - The default value `docker.for.mac.localhost` can be used with Docker for Mac 17.06 and newer
 - Older Docker for Mac versions can use `cat ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/database/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/slirp/host`
 - For dlite use `ifconfig` and find the network interface linked to your dlite install (eg. `bridge100`), default is `` 

#### PHPStorm

In **Preferences > Languages & Framewoks > PHP** add a new **CLI Interpreter** with the **Docker Compose** option.

![New CLI Interpreter](./docs/phpstorm-cli-interpreter.png)

In **Preferences > Languages & Framewoks > PHP > Debug** check the following settings in **Xdebug** part.


In **Preferences > Languages & Framewoks > PHP > Servers** add a new server that matches the `serverName` name and add a mapping from the project root to `/code`.


#### Running

docker-compose run --rm --volume /my-data-dir:/data xdebug php run.php

## Configuration

The data folder must contain 

 - JSON configuration stored in `data/config.json`
 - CSV file in `data/in/tables` 

### Sample configuration
Mapped to `/data/config.json` 

  "storage": {
    "input": {
      "tables": [
          "source": "in.c-main.yourtable",
          "destination": "source.csv"
    "output": {
      "tables": [
          "source": "sliced.csv",
          "destination": "out.c-main.yourtable"
  "parameters": {
    "primary_key_column": "id",
    "data_column": "text",
    "string_length": 255

 - `storage.input.tables[0].destination` (required): source table file
 - `parameters.primary_key_column` (required): primary key column of the source table
 - `parameters.data_column` (required): column to be split
 - `parameters.string_length` (required): split length

Note: attributes `storage.input.tables[0].source` and `storage.output` are not required for this script, but required for full functionality within Keboola Docker Bundle.

### Data sample

#### Source
Mapped to `/data/in/tables/source.csv`

1,"Short text","Whatever"
2,"Long text Long text Long text","Something else"

#### Destination
Created in `/data/out/tables/sliced.csv`

1,"Short text",0
2,"Long text Long ",0
2,"text Long Text",1


## License

MIT licensed, see [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file.