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# pi-oven

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Customize RaspberryPi disk images on x86_64

## Prerequisites

- Ubuntu 20.04
- Statically linked QEMU user mode emulator for armhf/aarch64
- Binfmt configuration for armhf/aarch64
- parted and kpartx

## Installation

### Install dependencies

$ sudo apt install -y qemu-user-static binfmt-support parted kpartx

### Install pi-oven

$ curl -O
$ sudo install oven /usr/bin

## Usage

_Oven_ is a simple yet flexible tool for customizing RaspberryPi disk images to
match your needs.

$ sudo oven [options] src [dst]

By default, oven modifies and overwrites the disk image at `src`. If `dst` is
specified, `src` is first copied to `dst` and then modified. Note that oven
requires root privilege because it internally uses loop mounts and chroot.

Available options are:

- `-r`, `--resize SIZE`: Resize the root file system before provisioning
- `-s`, `--script PATH`: Path to a shell script for customization
- `-i`, `--interactive`: Start an interactive shell for customization
- `--bootpart [1-4]`: Partition number of the boot partition (default=1)
- `--rootpart [1-4]`: Partition number of the root partition (default=2)
- `-v`, `--version`: Print version information
- `-h`, `--help`: Show usage

### Examples

The following command will:

1. Use `./raspbian-jessie-lite.img` as a base image.
2. Resize the image to 2000 MB.
3. Customize the image by running `./`.
4. Save the resulting image to `./foo.img`.

$ sudo oven -r 2000 -s ./ ./raspbian-jessie-lite.img ./foo.img

## Troubleshooting

- If DNS resolution fails, check if `/etc/resolv.conf` exists within the disk
  image and contains a valid configuration.
- If kernel update fails on a Ubuntu image with the following error:
  Failed to create symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-1038-raspi: Operation not permitted at /usr/bin/linux-update-symlinks line 64.
  It's likely because of [this]( bug in Ubuntu. Adding the following lines to `/etc/kernel-img.conf` should fix the issue.
  do_symlinks = No
  no_symlinks = Yes
- If you encounter the error "no space left on device" when installing
  packages, resize the disk image using the `-r` option.