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# Action policy module
# Constructs action probability distribution used by agent to sample action and calculate log_prob, entropy, etc.
from gym import spaces
from slm_lab.env.wrapper import LazyFrames
from slm_lab.lib import distribution, logger, math_util, util
from torch import distributions
import numpy as np
import torch

logger = logger.get_logger(__name__)

# register custom distributions
setattr(distributions, 'Argmax', distribution.Argmax)
setattr(distributions, 'GumbelSoftmax', distribution.GumbelSoftmax)
setattr(distributions, 'MultiCategorical', distribution.MultiCategorical)
# probability distributions constraints for different action types; the first in the list is the default
    'continuous': ['Normal', 'Beta', 'Gumbel', 'LogNormal'],
    'multi_continuous': ['MultivariateNormal'],
    'discrete': ['Categorical', 'Argmax', 'GumbelSoftmax'],
    'multi_discrete': ['MultiCategorical'],
    'multi_binary': ['Bernoulli'],

def get_action_type(action_space):
    '''Method to get the action type to choose prob. dist. to sample actions from NN logits output'''
    if isinstance(action_space, spaces.Box):
        shape = action_space.shape
        assert len(shape) == 1
        if shape[0] == 1:
            return 'continuous'
            return 'multi_continuous'
    elif isinstance(action_space, spaces.Discrete):
        return 'discrete'
    elif isinstance(action_space, spaces.MultiDiscrete):
        return 'multi_discrete'
    elif isinstance(action_space, spaces.MultiBinary):
        return 'multi_binary'
        raise NotImplementedError

# action_policy base methods

def get_action_pd_cls(action_pdtype, action_type):
    Verify and get the action prob. distribution class for construction
    Called by body at init to set its own ActionPD
    pdtypes = ACTION_PDS[action_type]
    assert action_pdtype in pdtypes, f'Pdtype {action_pdtype} is not compatible/supported with action_type {action_type}. Options are: {pdtypes}'
    ActionPD = getattr(distributions, action_pdtype)
    return ActionPD

def guard_tensor(state, body):
    '''Guard-cast tensor before being input to network'''
    if isinstance(state, LazyFrames):
        state = state.__array__()  # realize data
    state = torch.from_numpy(state.astype(np.float32))
    if not body.env.is_venv:
        # singleton state, unsqueeze as minibatch for net input
        state = state.unsqueeze(dim=0)
    return state

def calc_pdparam(state, algorithm, body):
    Prepare the state and run algorithm.calc_pdparam to get pdparam for action_pd
    @param tensor:state For pdparam = net(state)
    @param algorithm The algorithm containing
    @param body Body which links algorithm to the env which the action is for
    @returns tensor:pdparam

    pdparam = calc_pdparam(state, algorithm, body)
    action_pd = ActionPD(logits=pdparam)  # e.g. ActionPD is Categorical
    action = action_pd.sample()
    if not torch.is_tensor(state):  # dont need to cast from numpy
        state = guard_tensor(state, body)
        state =
    pdparam = algorithm.calc_pdparam(state)
    return pdparam

def init_action_pd(ActionPD, pdparam):
    Initialize the action_pd for discrete or continuous actions:
    - discrete: action_pd = ActionPD(logits)
    - continuous: action_pd = ActionPD(loc, scale)
    args = ActionPD.arg_constraints
    if 'logits' in args:  # discrete
        # for relaxed discrete dist. with reparametrizable discrete actions
        pd_kwargs = {'temperature': torch.tensor(1.0)} if hasattr(ActionPD, 'temperature') else {}
        action_pd = ActionPD(logits=pdparam, **pd_kwargs)
    else:  # continuous, args = loc and scale
        if isinstance(pdparam, list):  # split output
            loc, scale = pdparam
            loc, scale = pdparam.transpose(0, 1)
        # scale (stdev) must be > 0, log-clamp-exp
        scale = torch.clamp(scale, min=-20, max=2).exp()
        if 'covariance_matrix' in args:  # split output
            # construct covars from a batched scale tensor
            covars = torch.diag_embed(scale)
            action_pd = ActionPD(loc=loc, covariance_matrix=covars)
            action_pd = ActionPD(loc=loc, scale=scale)
    return action_pd

def sample_action(ActionPD, pdparam):
    Convenience method to sample action(s) from action_pd = ActionPD(pdparam)
    Works with batched pdparam too
    @returns tensor:action Sampled action(s)

    # policy contains:
    pdparam = calc_pdparam(state, algorithm, body)
    action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, pdparam)
    action_pd = init_action_pd(ActionPD, pdparam)
    action = action_pd.sample()
    return action

# action_policy used by agent

def default(state, algorithm, body):
    '''Plain policy by direct sampling from a default action probability defined by body.ActionPD'''
    pdparam = calc_pdparam(state, algorithm, body)
    action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, pdparam)
    return action

def random(state, algorithm, body):
    '''Random action using gym.action_space.sample(), with the same format as default()'''
    if body.env.is_venv:
        _action = [body.action_space.sample() for _ in range(body.env.num_envs)]
        _action = [body.action_space.sample()]
    action = torch.tensor(_action)
    return action

def epsilon_greedy(state, algorithm, body):
    '''Epsilon-greedy policy: with probability epsilon, do random action, otherwise do default sampling.'''
    epsilon = body.explore_var
    if epsilon > np.random.rand():
        return random(state, algorithm, body)
        return default(state, algorithm, body)

def boltzmann(state, algorithm, body):
    Boltzmann policy: adjust pdparam with temperature tau; the higher the more randomness/noise in action.
    tau = body.explore_var
    pdparam = calc_pdparam(state, algorithm, body)
    pdparam /= tau
    action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, pdparam)
    return action

# multi-body/multi-env action_policy used by agent
# TODO rework

def multi_default(states, algorithm, body_list, pdparam):
    Apply default policy body-wise
    Note, for efficiency, do a single forward pass to calculate pdparam, then call this policy like:

    pdparam = self.calc_pdparam(state)
    action_a = self.action_policy(pdparam, self, body_list)
    # assert pdparam has been chunked
    assert pdparam.dim() > 1 and len(pdparam) == len(body_list), f'pdparam shape: {pdparam.shape}, bodies: {len(body_list)}'
    action_list = []
    for idx, sub_pdparam in enumerate(pdparam):
        body = body_list[idx]
        guard_tensor(states[idx], body)  # for consistency with singleton inner logic
        action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, sub_pdparam)
    action_a = torch.tensor(action_list,
    return action_a

def multi_random(states, algorithm, body_list, pdparam):
    '''Apply random policy body-wise.'''
    action_list = []
    for idx, body in body_list:
        action = random(states[idx], algorithm, body)
    action_a = torch.tensor(action_list,
    return action_a

def multi_epsilon_greedy(states, algorithm, body_list, pdparam):
    '''Apply epsilon-greedy policy body-wise'''
    assert len(pdparam) > 1 and len(pdparam) == len(body_list), f'pdparam shape: {pdparam.shape}, bodies: {len(body_list)}'
    action_list = []
    for idx, sub_pdparam in enumerate(pdparam):
        body = body_list[idx]
        epsilon = body.explore_var
        if epsilon > np.random.rand():
            action = random(states[idx], algorithm, body)
            guard_tensor(states[idx], body)  # for consistency with singleton inner logic
            action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, sub_pdparam)
    action_a = torch.tensor(action_list,
    return action_a

def multi_boltzmann(states, algorithm, body_list, pdparam):
    '''Apply Boltzmann policy body-wise'''
    assert len(pdparam) > 1 and len(pdparam) == len(body_list), f'pdparam shape: {pdparam.shape}, bodies: {len(body_list)}'
    action_list = []
    for idx, sub_pdparam in enumerate(pdparam):
        body = body_list[idx]
        guard_tensor(states[idx], body)  # for consistency with singleton inner logic
        tau = body.explore_var
        sub_pdparam /= tau
        action = sample_action(body.ActionPD, sub_pdparam)
    action_a = torch.tensor(action_list,
    return action_a

# action policy update methods

class VarScheduler:
    Variable scheduler for decaying variables such as explore_var (epsilon, tau) and entropy

    e.g. spec
    "explore_var_spec": {
        "name": "linear_decay",
        "start_val": 1.0,
        "end_val": 0.1,
        "start_step": 0,
        "end_step": 800,

    def __init__(self, var_decay_spec=None):
        self._updater_name = 'no_decay' if var_decay_spec is None else var_decay_spec['name']
        self._updater = getattr(math_util, self._updater_name)
        util.set_attr(self, dict(
        util.set_attr(self, var_decay_spec, [
        if not getattr(self, 'end_val', None):
            self.end_val = self.start_val

    def update(self, algorithm, clock):
        '''Get an updated value for var'''
        if (util.in_eval_lab_mode()) or self._updater_name == 'no_decay':
            return self.end_val
        step = clock.get()
        val = self._updater(self.start_val, self.end_val, self.start_step, self.end_step, step)
        return val