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# Custom PyTorch distribution classes to be registered in
# Mainly used by policy_util action distribution
from torch import distributions
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Argmax(distributions.Categorical):
    Special distribution class for argmax sampling, where probability is always 1 for the argmax.
    NOTE although argmax is not a sampling distribution, this implementation is for API consistency.

    def __init__(self, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None):
        if probs is not None:
            new_probs = torch.zeros_like(probs, dtype=torch.float)
            new_probs[probs == probs.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]] = 1.0
            probs = new_probs
        elif logits is not None:
            new_logits = torch.full_like(logits, -1e8, dtype=torch.float)
            new_logits[logits == logits.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]] = 1.0
            logits = new_logits

        super().__init__(probs=probs, logits=logits, validate_args=validate_args)

class GumbelSoftmax(distributions.RelaxedOneHotCategorical):
    A differentiable Categorical distribution using reparametrization trick with Gumbel-Softmax
    NOTE: use this in place PyTorch's RelaxedOneHotCategorical distribution since its log_prob is not working right (returns positive values)
    [1] The Concrete Distribution: A Continuous Relaxation of Discrete Random Variables (Maddison et al, 2017)
    [2] Categorical Reparametrization with Gumbel-Softmax (Jang et al, 2017)

    def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()):
        '''Gumbel-softmax sampling. Note rsample is inherited from RelaxedOneHotCategorical'''
        u = torch.empty(self.logits.size(), device=self.logits.device, dtype=self.logits.dtype).uniform_(0, 1)
        noisy_logits = self.logits - torch.log(-torch.log(u))
        return torch.argmax(noisy_logits, dim=-1)

    def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()):
        Gumbel-softmax resampling using the Straight-Through trick.
        Credit to Ian Temple for bringing this to our attention. To see standalone code of how this works, refer to
        rout = super().rsample(sample_shape)  # differentiable
        out = F.one_hot(torch.argmax(rout, dim=-1), self.logits.shape[-1]).float()
        return (out - rout).detach() + rout

    def log_prob(self, value):
        '''value is one-hot or relaxed'''
        if value.shape != self.logits.shape:
            value = F.one_hot(value.long(), self.logits.shape[-1]).float()
            assert value.shape == self.logits.shape
        return - torch.sum(- value * F.log_softmax(self.logits, -1), -1)

class MultiCategorical(distributions.Categorical):
    '''MultiCategorical as collection of Categoricals'''

    def __init__(self, probs=None, logits=None, validate_args=None):
        self.categoricals = []
        if probs is None:
            probs = [None] * len(logits)
        elif logits is None:
            logits = [None] * len(probs)
            raise ValueError('Either probs or logits must be None')

        for sub_probs, sub_logits in zip(probs, logits):
            categorical = distributions.Categorical(probs=sub_probs, logits=sub_logits, validate_args=validate_args)

    def logits(self):
        return [cat.logits for cat in self.categoricals]

    def probs(self):
        return [cat.probs for cat in self.categoricals]

    def param_shape(self):
        return [cat.param_shape for cat in self.categoricals]

    def mean(self):
        return torch.stack([cat.mean for cat in self.categoricals])

    def variance(self):
        return torch.stack([cat.variance for cat in self.categoricals])

    def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()):
        return torch.stack([cat.sample(sample_shape=sample_shape) for cat in self.categoricals])

    def log_prob(self, value):
        value_t = value.transpose(0, 1)
        return torch.stack([cat.log_prob(value_t[idx]) for idx, cat in enumerate(self.categoricals)])

    def entropy(self):
        return torch.stack([cat.entropy() for cat in self.categoricals])

    def enumerate_support(self):
        return [cat.enumerate_support() for cat in self.categoricals]