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Test Coverage
'use strict'

var low = require('./low-level')
var verify = require('./verify')
var curry2 = require('./utils').curry2

  Checks if the given index is valid in an array or string or -1

  @method found
function found (index) {
  return index >= 0

function startsWith (prefix, x) {
  return low.string(prefix) &&
  low.string(x) &&
  x.indexOf(prefix) === 0

  Checks if given number is even

  @method even
function even (n) {
  return n % 2 === 0

  Checks if given number is odd

  @method odd
function odd (n) {
  return n % 2 === 1

  Checks if the given item is the given {arrya, string}

  @method contains
function contains (where, what) {
  if (Array.isArray(where)) {
    return where.indexOf(what) !== -1
  if (typeof where === 'string') {
    if (typeof what !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Contains in string should search for string also ' + what)
    return where.indexOf(what) !== -1
  return false

  Checks if the type of second argument matches the name in the first

  @method type
function type (expectedType, x) {
  return typeof x === expectedType // eslint-disable-line valid-typeof

  Returns true if the index is valid for give string / array

  @method index
function index (list, k) {
  return low.defined(list) &&
  low.has(list, 'length') &&
  k >= 0 &&
  k < list.length

  Returns true if both objects are the same type and have same length property

  @method sameLength
function sameLength (a, b) {
  return typeof a === typeof b &&
  a && b &&
  a.length === b.length

  Returns true if all items in an array are the same reference

  @method allSame
function allSame (arr) {
  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
    return false
  if (!arr.length) {
    return true
  var first = arr[0]
  return arr.every(function (item) {
    return item === first

  Returns true if given item is in the array

  @method oneOf
function oneOf (arr, x) {
  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
    throw new Error('expected an array')
  return arr.indexOf(x) !== -1

  Returns true if 0 <= value <= 1
  @method unit
function unit (value) {
  return low.number(value) &&
  value >= 0.0 && value <= 1.0

var rgb = /^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$/
  Returns true if value is hex RGB between '#000000' and '#FFFFFF'
  @method hexRgb
function hexRgb (value) {
  return low.string(value) &&

/** Checks if given function raises an error. Alias "throws"

  @method raises
  @alias throws
function raises (fn, errorValidator) {
  verify(low.fn(fn), 'expected function that raises')
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    if (typeof errorValidator === 'undefined') {
      return true
    if (typeof errorValidator === 'function') {
      return errorValidator(err)
    return false
  // error has not been raised
  return false

  Confirms that filename has expected extension

  @method extension
function extension (expectedExtension, filename) {
  verify(low.unemptyString(expectedExtension), 'missing expected extension', expectedExtension)
  verify(low.unemptyString(filename), 'missing filename', filename)
  var reg = new RegExp('.' + expectedExtension + '$')
  return reg.test(filename)

var extensionCurried = curry2(extension)
var isJpg = extensionCurried('jpg')

module.exports = {
  allSame: allSame,
  contains: contains,
  even: even,
  ext: extensionCurried,
  extension: extensionCurried,
  found: found,
  hexRgb: hexRgb,
  index: index,
  // a couple of shortcuts
  isCss: extensionCurried('css'),
  isJpg: isJpg,
  isJpeg: isJpg,
  isJs: extensionCurried('js'),
  isJson: extensionCurried('json'),
  odd: odd,
  oneOf: curry2(oneOf, true),
  raises: raises,
  throws: raises,
  sameLength: sameLength,
  startsWith: startsWith,
  type: curry2(type),
  unit: unit