

Test Coverage
/* global describe, it */
var check = require('check-more-types');
var _ = require('lodash');

import { cleanEnteredSearchText, cleanHtmlTags, cleanTickerSearchHtml } from './clean-text.es6';

describe('cleanEnteredSearchText', function () {

  it('is a function', function () {
    la(check.fn(cleanEnteredSearchText), 'missing clean function', cleanEnteredSearchText);

  it('removes non breaking space', function () {
    var result = cleanEnteredSearchText('foo b');
    la(result === 'foo b');

  it('restores &', function () {
    la(cleanEnteredSearchText('FOO b') === 'foo b');
    la(cleanEnteredSearchText('foo&bar') === 'foo&bar');

  it('trims spaces on the ends after conversion', function () {
    la(cleanEnteredSearchText('foo ') === 'foo');
    la(cleanEnteredSearchText(' foo') === 'foo');

describe('cleanHtmlTags', function () {

  it('is a function', function () {
    la(check.fn(cleanHtmlTags), 'has cleanHtmlTags', cleanHtmlTags);

  it('passes string unchanged', function () {
    var result;
    result = cleanHtmlTags('GOOG');
    la(result === 'GOOG', result);

    result = cleanHtmlTags('f');
    la(result === 'f', result);

  it('removes b and i tags', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<b>foo</b>') === 'foo');
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<i>foo</i>') === 'foo');

  it('removes mismatched tags', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<b>foo</i>') === 'foo');
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<no>foo</yes>') === 'foo');

  it('removes tags with dashes', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<foo-bar>foo</foo-bar>') === 'foo');

  it('removes html tags, can leaves space', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<a></a>') === '');
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<a>f</a>', ' ') === ' f ');
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<h3>author here</h3>') === 'author here');

  it('leaves words after closing tag', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('<a>link</a> after') === 'link after');

  it('leaves words before and after closing tag', function () {
    la(cleanHtmlTags('before <a>link</a> after') === 'before link after');

  it('cleans complex tag', function () {
    var text = 'b <a rel="noopener noreferrer" ' +
      'target="_blank">link</a> after 2';
    var cleaned = cleanHtmlTags(text);
    var expected = 'b link after 2';
    la(cleaned === expected, 'could not clean', text, 'got', cleaned);

  it('cleans tag with href attribute correctly', function () {
    var text = 'b <a href="http://foo" rel="noopener noreferrer" ' +
      'target="_blank">link</a> after 2';
    var cleaned = cleanHtmlTags(text);
    var expected = 'b link after 2';
    la(cleaned === expected, 'could not clean', text, 'got', cleaned);

  it('can cleanup attributes', function () {
    var html = '<a id="a">f</a>';
    la(cleanHtmlTags(html) === 'f');

  it('can cleanup styles', function () {
    var html = '<a style="margin-bottom: 20px;">f</a>';
    la(cleanHtmlTags(html) === 'f');

  it('can cleanup multiple styles', function () {
    var html = '<a style="margin-bottom: 20px; max-width: 560px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">f</a>';
    la(cleanHtmlTags(html) === 'f');

  it('can cleanup font names', function () {
    var html = '<a style="font-family: Palatino, \'Palatino Linotype\', Georgia, serif;">f</a>';
    la(cleanHtmlTags(html) === 'f');

  it('can clean gradients', function () {
    var html = '<h2 class="story" style="background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, ' +
      'from(rgb(0, 102, 102)), to(rgb(0, 66, 66))) rgb(0, 66, 66);">foo</h2>';
    la(cleanHtmlTags(html) === 'foo');

describe('cleanTickerSearchHtml', function () {
  var clean = cleanTickerSearchHtml;

  it('is a function', function () {
    la(check.fn(clean), 'missing clean fn');

  it('passes string unchanged', function () {
    la(clean('GOOG') === 'GOOG');
    la(clean('f') === 'f');

  it('removes white space', function () {
    la(clean(' GOOG') === 'GOOG');
    la(clean('   GOOG') === 'GOOG');

  it('keeps white space at the end', function () {
    la(clean('GOOG ') === 'GOOG ');
    la(clean('GOOG  ') === 'GOOG  ');

  it('replaces white space at the end with space', function () {
    la(clean('GOOG\t') === 'GOOG ');

  it('removes html tags, leaves space', function () {
    la(clean('<a></a>') === '');
    la(clean('<a>f</a>') === 'f ');

  it('removes html tags leaves space', function () {
    la(clean('<a>f </a>') === 'f  ');

  it('removes tags with spaces', function () {
    la(clean('<this is tag>f') === 'f');
    la(clean('<this is tag>f</this is tag>') === 'f ', 'has closing tag');

  it('removes tags with dashes', function () {
    la(clean('<this-is-tag>f') === 'f');
    la(clean('<this-is-tag>f</this-is-tag>') === 'f ', 'has closing tag');

  it('removes tags with attributes', function () {
    la(clean('<a id="a">f</a>') === 'f ');

  it('removes tags with guids', function () {
    la(clean('<span id="docs-internal-guid-3f7bace0-cee6-dba1-d26d05895">f</span>') === 'f ');

  it('removes tags with styles', function () {
    la(clean('<span style="font-size: 15px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">f</span>') === 'f ');

  it('removes data tag with &', function () {
    la(clean('<td data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;GOOG&quot;]">GOOG</td>') === 'GOOG ');

  it('removes data tag with ^', function () {
    la(clean('<td data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;^GOOG&quot;]">^GSPC</td>') === '^GSPC ');

  it('removes data tag with $', function () {
    la(clean('<td data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;$GOOG&quot;]">$RR</td>') === '$RR ');

  it('cleans pasted styled cells 1', function () {
    var text = '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;" ' +
    var cleaned = clean(text);
    la(cleaned === 'goog', cleaned);

  it('cleans pasted styled cells 2', function () {
    var text = '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;" ' +
    var cleaned = clean(text);
    la(cleaned === 'goog', cleaned);

  it('cleans pasted styled cells 3', function () {
    var text = '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;background-color:#ea9999;" ' +
    var cleaned = clean(text);
    la(cleaned === 'goog', cleaned);

  it('cleans pasted styled cells with color', function () {
    var text = '<td style="background-color:#ea9999;" >goog';
    var cleaned = clean(text);
    la(cleaned === 'goog', cleaned);

  it('removes data tag with .', function () {
    la(clean('<td something="[.something]">$CL</td>') === '$CL ');

  it('splits tags into new lines', function () {
    var result = clean('<div>F</div><div>BA</div>');
    la(result === 'F\nBA ');

  it('cleans as expected', function () {
    var txt = 'foo &nbsp; &nbsp; bar';
    var reg = /&nbsp;/g;
    var cleaned = txt.replace(reg, '');
    la(cleaned === 'foo   bar');

  it('cleans non-breaking spaces', function () {
    var txt = 'foo &nbsp; &nbsp; bar';
    la(clean(txt) === 'foo     bar');

  it('allows ampersands', function () {
    var txt = 'foo &amp; bar';
    la(clean(txt) === 'foo & bar');

  it('handles entire table with comments', function () {
    var txt = '\n\n\n<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="65" style="width: 65pt;">' +
      '<!--StartFragment-->\n' +
      '<colgroup><col width="65" style="width:65pt">' +
      '</colgroup><tbody><tr height="15" style="height:15.0pt">' +
      '  <td height="15" width="65" style="height:15.0pt;width:65pt">one</td>' +
      '</tr>' +
      '<tr height="15" style="height:15.0pt">' +
        '<td height="15" style="height:15.0pt">two</td>' +
      '</tr>' +
      '<tr height="15" style="height:15.0pt">' +
      '<td height="15" style="height:15.0pt">three</td>' +
      '</tr>' +
      '<tr height="15" style="height:15.0pt">' +
      '<td height="15" style="height:15.0pt">four</td>' +
      '</tr>' +
      '<!--EndFragment-->' +
    var cleaned = clean(txt);
    la(cleaned.indexOf('StartFragment') === -1,
      'could not clean start HTML comment', cleaned);
    la(cleaned.indexOf('EndFragment') === -1,
      'could not clean end HTML comment', cleaned);
    var strings = cleaned.split(/\s/).filter(check.unemptyString);
    la(_.isEqual(strings, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']),
      'invalid extracted strings', strings);

  it('handles hairy attributes', function () {
    var txt = '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;" ' +
      'data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2 &quot;2&quot;:&quot;^GSPC&quot;}">^GSPC';
    var cleaned = clean(txt);
    la(cleaned === '^GSPC', cleaned);

  it('cleans multiple hairy tags', function () {
    var txt = '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;border-top:1px solid ' +
      '#000000;border-right:1px solid #000000;border-bottom:1px solid #000000;border-left:1px ' +
      'solid #000000;" data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;F&quot;}">F\n' +
      '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;" ' +
      'data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;^GSPC&quot;}">^GSPC\n\n' +
      '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;background-color:#ea9999;" ' +
      'data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;GOOG&quot;}">GOOG\n' +
      '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;" ' +
      'data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;A&quot;}">A\n\n\n' +
      '<td style="padding:2px 3px 2px 3px;vertical-align:bottom;" ' +
    var cleaned = clean(txt);
    var ts = cleaned.split('\n').map(_.trim).filter(check.unemptyString);
    var expected = ['F', '^GSPC', 'GOOG', 'A', 'AMZN'];
    la(_.isEqual(ts, expected), ts);

  it('removes style tag experiment', function () {
    var STYLE_TAG1 = /<style><\/style>/g;
    var text1 = 'foo <style></style>';
    la(STYLE_TAG1.test(text1), 'found style in text 1');

    var STYLE_TAG2 = /<style>[\w\W]*<\/style>/g;
    var text2 = 'foo <style>foo</style>';
    la(STYLE_TAG2.test(text2), 'found style in text 2');

  it('removes style tag', function () {
    var txt = [
      '<style type="text/css">',
      'p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 26.0px \'Helvetica Neue\'; color: #000000}',
      '<p class="p1">GOOG APPL</p>'
    var cleaned = clean(txt);
    console.log('cleaned', cleaned);
    var ts = cleaned.split(' ').map(_.trim).filter(check.unemptyString);
    var expected = ['GOOG', 'APPL'];
    la(_.isEqual(ts, expected), ts);