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# Mailrunner config file. 
#To use the config file, just add teh -c flag when launching mailrunner.
# mailrunner -c /absolute/path_to/config.yml
#absolute means '~/' must be written as '/home/username/...'

:mailbox: my_mailbox        #mbox file name
:webhook: localhost:port_num/webhook  #or any remote or local url endpoint
#:logfile: /home/username/log_folder/mailrunner.log 
:daemon:  false
:verbose: false           #run in debug mode - adds a few more notes to help track down bugs.

#comment out all below to skip archive feature.
  :destination: local               #local or cloud
  :local_archive: /path/to/local_archive #path/to/archive_directory #only if destination set to local. folder must exist prior to launching!!
  :provider: rackspace              #Rackspace, AWS
  :username: my_name                #Rackspace only 
  :api_key: some_key                #rackspace 'api_key' or aws 'access_key_id'
# :secret_key: some_key             #aws only - 'secret_access_key'
  :region: :iad                     #must be set for aws & Rackspace
  :directory: raw_msg_archive       #name of cloud directory