
Test Coverage
= Upgrading From Kete 1.0 through Kete 1.2 =
For detailed instructions on upgrading from Kete 1.1 to Kete 1.2, please refer to
the online documentation at


For detailed instructions on upgrading from Kete 1.0 to Kete 1.1, please refer to
the online documentation at


You can safely ignore everything below here if you follow the online topic.

= Incremental Upgrade Instructions
Originally contributed by James Stradling <james@katipo.co.nz> - 2008-05-16

The following steps are only necessary if you continuously upgrade your code base to the latest Kete trunk.
Occasionally there are additional minor steps needed to update your Kete installation between revisions.
You can find these by scrolling down to the time where you last updated Kete, and going up through the additional steps.

GENERAL NOTE: If you have a lot of things to do, you could alternatively follow the upgrade guide mentioned above, which is
essentially a collection of all the commands used below into one step by step guide.

GENERAL NOTE: It is assumed you are upgrading from an earlier functional and unmodified trunk version. If not, be sure to preserve
the customizations you want to keep when you upgrade the code base.

GENERAL NOTE: Quite often you'll only have to do steps once to get the changes from multiple revisions.  In other words,
if a step is listed from multiple revisions, you only have to do it once.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For any steps where you run, "rake db:migrate", it is a good idea to back up your database before you run that step.

GENERAL NOTE: if you are upgrading your production Kete instance rather than development, you'll add "RAILS_ENV=production" to all rake tasks.

GENERAL NOTE: if you are running in production mode, you may also want to do a "rake tmp:cache:clear" as your last step to any of these.
However, if you updated your code via a Capistrano deploy, this is probably not necessary.

== 2011/09/24 - TinyMCE needs to be version 0.1.7 or greater and new imageselector plugin needs to be installed.

1.      gem uninstall tiny_mce
2.    gem install tiny_mce
3.    gem install tiny_mce_plugin_imageselector
4.      run "rake kete:tools:tiny_mce:configure_imageselector"
5.    restart your rails instance

== 2011/09/20 - New dependency on Google-Maps-for-Rails

1.      gem install gmaps4rails
2.     restart your rails instance

== 2011/08/22 - Locations on search/browse results map fix (only necessary if your data has geolocation data)

1.      visit Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases and submit the form to rebuild all your search records

== 2011/08/03 - Zebra/YAZ compatibility

1.      Stop your Zebra server by running "rake zebra:stop"
2.      edit zebradb/conf/kete-zebra-servers.xml in a text editor by deleting all lines that look like "<cql2rpn>../conf/cql2pqf.txt</cql2rpn>" and save the file
3.      Start your Zebra server by running "rake zebra:start"

== 2011/02/16 - #299 - Added oEmbed provider service for Still Images and Topics

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      gem install oembed_provider (do this as root if necessary)
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      run "rake kete:upgrade"
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2010/07/12 - #284 - System Setting for basket list under site name.

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake kete:upgrade"
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2010/07/12 - #283 - Adding ability to change Attached File Privacy for imports.

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake db:migrate"
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2010/06/04 - #281, #280, #279 - Adding case for web link validity checking for Forbidden responses & moved http_url_validation_improved to gem. Also moved TinyMCE to gem, too.

1.      run "gem install http_url_validation_improved tiny_mce" - as root user if necessary for your platform
2.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      run "rake kete:upgrade"
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2010/02/19 - Fixing creation of related items from topic type extended fields

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake kete:repair:extended_fields:repopulate_related_items_from_topic_type_choices"
4.      run "rake tmp:cache:clear"
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/09/01 - Search Record Speed Optmizations

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake zebra:stop"
4.      run "rake zebra:start"
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/05/12 - Added Basket Id column to Taggings table

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake db:migrate" in the proper environment
4.      run "rake kete:upgrade" in the proper environment
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/04/30 - Did supporting work to make Kete work with latest Zebra and YAZ

Note: after this Kete WILL NOT WORK WITH EARLIER Zebra and YAZ, you MUST upgrade them!

1.      Stop your zebra instances with "rake zebra:stop"
2.      upgrade your underlying Zebra and YAZ instances to be the following or later versions:


3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Start you Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb
6.      Start zebra up with "rake zebra:start"

Possible additional step -
If you encounter problems with your zebra queries (browse and search results, etc.), use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time).

== 2009/04/09 - Adding google maps option to results pages
Same steps as 2009/04/08

== 2009/04/08 - Fixing issue with searches for choices and basket names as returning too many results, fixed searches for URLs, too

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrel or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Start you Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
4.      Restart backgroundrb
5.      Use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time)

== 2009/04/04 - Added support for latest YAZ (3.0.45) and Zebra (2.0.36) required software (older Zebra 2.0.6 no longer compatible)

1.      Upgrade YAZ and Zebra and then reinstall the zoom gem.
2.      Stop your Kete server (mongrel or mod_rails).
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Start you Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb
6.      Use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time)

== 2009/04/03 - Switching RSS Feed parsing from feed-normalizer to Feedzirra

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrel or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Install the Feedzirra gem.
            sudo gem install kete-feedzirra -s http://gems.github.com
4.      (note) We no longer use feed-normalizer and it can be uninstalled if no other Kete instances need it
            sudo gem uninstall feed-normalizer
5.      Start you Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/03/26 - Switched RSS Feed generation to Nokogiri for big speed boosts

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrel or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Update the Nokogiri gem. We require an edge version not yet released, so make sure you do
            rake manage_gems:required:install
4.      Start you Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/02/19 - Adding missing excel mime type variants to accepted Document Content Types

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      run "rake kete:upgrade" in the proper environment
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/02/16 - Repairing Item Relations

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
4.      Restart backgroundrb
5.      Use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time)

== 2009/02/03 - Extra deployment task : Copy bootstrap.xml.erb

1.      Update to the latest Kete version using Git (and Capistrano if you've chosen this deployment method)
2.      Follow all other upgrade proceedures (db:migrate, kete:upgrade etc)
3.      Run the following (change to suit deployment path)
           cd /path/to/apps/your_app/shared && cp cached-copy/zebradb/bootstrap.xml.erb system/zebradb/bootstrap.xml.erb
4.      Use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time)

== 2009/01/29 - Fixing incorrect storage location of image thumbnails

1.      Update to the latest Kete version using Git (and Capistrano if you've chosen this deployment method)
2.      Run the following:
           rake kete:repair:make_thumbnails_private
3.      Restart your mongrels or mod_rails
4.      Clear your sites cache
           rake tmp:cache:clear
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/01/27 - Enable Harvesting of Embedded Metadata in Uploaded Files

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run Kete upgrade: 'rake kete:upgrade'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/01/26 - Results with related counts and display of related images for topics, as well as, support for Podcasting and Media RSS

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Clear your sites cache (rake tmp:cache:clear)
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb
6.      Use Administrator's Toolbox > Rebuild search databases to update all your search records (sites with a lot of items may take a long time)

== 2009/01/22 - Portrait UI refinements

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Clear your sites cache (rake tmp:cache:clear)
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
5.      Restart backgroundrb

== 2009/01/20 - Updates to Webrat for better Selenium testing

1.      Update your webrat gem to >= 0.4.0
           (you should be able to run  'rake manage_gems:testing:update')
2.      Run  rake test:selenium   to get going

== 2009/01/13 - user_name moved to display_name and resolved_name

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the migrations: 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Run Kete upgrade: 'rake kete:upgrade'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)
6.      Restart backgrounrb

== 2008/12/09 - Webrat integration tests

You will need to install the webrat, shoulda, and factory-girl gems in order to perform integration tests. In order to do this, please run the following as root (or a super-user):
  rake manage_gems:testing:install

If you are not planning on running the integration test suite for Kete, you can safely ignore this upgrade step.

== 2008/12/06 - Adding choices for extended fields

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the migrations: 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)

== 2008/12/05 - Fixing Zebra configuration that wasn't allowing for large sets of search records to be handled

1.      Update to the latest Kete version using Git (and Capistrano if you've chosen this deployment method)
        If using Capistrano, you will want to make sure the new code from shared/cached-copy/zebradb/conf/zebra-public.cfg (also, the zebra-private.cfg) is in place.  This may require a manual cp to shared/system/zebradb/conf/
2.      Stop zebra with "rake zebra:stop"
3.      Start zebra with "rake zebra:start"

== 2008/11/12 - Better handling of unicode characters in search records

1.      Update to the latest Kete version using Git (and Capistrano if you've chosen this deployment method)
2.      Install the htmlentities gem by running
           sudo gem install htmlentities
3.      Restart your mongrels or mod_rails
4.      Restart your backgroundrb instance
5.      If you have existing records that have non-latin characters in them, rebuild your search records (see other tasks below for summary under "Use the web interface to repopulate your Zebra database...")

== 2008/11/05 - Added Basket Join Policy and Member List Policy

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the migrations: 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)

== 2008/11/04 - Added User contact form functionality

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the migrations: 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)

== 2008/10/16 - Location of uploaded files changed and corrected

Due to an error in recent Kete releases, uploaded audio recordings and videos were stored in an incorrect location. This version of Kete fixes this issue, and as a result you may need to move your uploaded files to the correct folder.

To upgrade, please follow these instructions:

1.      IMPORTANT: Back up your Kete instance, including MySQL and full application folder
2.      Update to the latest Kete version using Git (and Capistrano if you've chosen this deployment method)
3.      Run rake kete:repair:check_uploaded_files to see if any files need to be relocated in your Kete instance
4.      Run rake kete:repair:correct_upload_locations to move files ONLY if necessary

Note: If you're using Capistrano to manage your Kete instance deployments, you may also need to retrieve uploaded files from earlier releases as they may have been archived. See http://kete.net.nz/documentation/topics/show/207 for full details.

== 2008/10/14 - Add Gravatar support, and new user portrait related settings/migrations

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels or mod_rails).
2.      Install the avatar gem
          $ gem install avatar
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Run the migrations: 'rake db:migrate'
5.      Run the upgrade script: 'rake kete:upgrade'
6.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels or mod_rails)

== 2008/10/01 - Private files need to be copied to system folder

Due to a missing configuration in the Capistrano deployment recipes, private files were archived every time the site was deploy.
A fix has been committed which resolves the problem for future deployments. But you need to manually copy the old private files
from the releases/[timestamp]/private directory to the new system folder at shared/system/private

== 2008/09/26 - Backgroundrb configuration yml file updated

1.      Stop your Backgroundrb processes
2.      Update packet by running
           sudo gem update packet
3.      Open up background.yml and add the following line to the :backgroundrb: section and save
           :persistent_disabled: true
2.      Start your Backgroundrb processes

== 2008/09/17 - CSS "tags" Identifier Changed

To fix an IE6 specific printing bug, the CSS identifier "tags" has been changed to "tags-box". If you are running Kete with a custom theme, be sure to update your theme templates and CSS files to refer to the new "tags-box" CSS identifier, and not the older "tags".

The default Kete template has already been updated.

Once this has been completed, you may need to update and restart your Kete based website to effect the changes.

Complete steps are:

1.      Update all references to the "tags" CSS identifier in custom template(s) as mentioned below:
        a)  id="tags" should be changed to id="tags-box" in HTML templates
        b)  #tags should be changed to #tags-box in CSS templates
        The default Kete templates have already been updated.
2.      Run tmp:cache:clear (not necessary for capistrano deployments)
3.      Restart your Kete server

== 2008/09/12 - Adding Homepage Feed Reader

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Install the feed-normalizer gem
          $ gem install feed-normalizer
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

== 2008/08/07 - Fixing Caching Issues

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      rake tmp:cache:clear (not necessary for capistrano deployments)
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

== 2008/08/01 - Making search for contributions by a user be limited to login, rather than non-unique user name

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels)
4.      Rebuild your search records (see other tasks below for summary under "Use the web interface to repopulate your Zebra database...")

== 2008/08/01 - Adding system setting for Syntax Highlighting support

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels).
2.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Run the upgrade script: 'rake kete:upgrade'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels)

== 2008/07/18 - Upgrading backgroundrb and packet gem

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Down/Upgrade to packet 0.1.7 (the next version is buggy). You can skip this step if you already have packet 0.1.7 installed.
          $ gem uninstall packet --all
          $ gem install packet --version 0.1.7
3.      Edit config/backgroundrb.yml and update it to match the structure of config/backgroundrb.yml.example. Point the :memcached: section to the appropriate IP of the memcached server (default should usually suffice).
4.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
5.      Restart your Kete instance (mongrels)
6.      Restart your Backgroundrb instance:
          ./script/backgroundrb stop
          ./script/backgroundrb start

== Trunk r1324 - support for basket list navigation in a left column, experimental

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels).
2.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Run the upgrade script: 'rake kete:upgrade'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels)

== Trunk r1322 - ticket #206 simple bulk import of related items

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Run the upgrade script: 'rake kete:upgrade'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

== Trunk r1304 - Removal of foreign key constraint causing topic + related item deletion failure.

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
3.      Restart your Kete instance (mongrels)

== Trunk r1254 - Adding OAI-PMH Repository functionality and significant refactoring of search.  This is a big one if you have lots of items in Kete.

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
3.      Stop your Kete instance (mongrels)

Next, You'll need to rebuild your Zebra indexes to have dates sort without error.  Here's how:
4.      Run this script to clear your public Zebra database: 'rake zebra:init'
5.      Run this script to clear your private Zebra database: 'rake zebra:init ZEBRA_DB=private'
6.      Run this script to stop your Zebra server: 'rake zebra:stop'
7.      Run this script to start your Zebra server: 'rake zebra:start'
8.      Run the kete upgrade steps with 'rake kete:upgrade'
8.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)
9.      Use the web interface to repopulate your Zebra databases with these steps:
        * make sure you are logged into the site as as the default administrator or an account that has been designated as a "tech admin" and have javascript enabled in your browser.

        * visit the following URLs (adjust for your site's URL) and let them click over (ajax update of page) until you get a "done"


        * then double check that search results are good to go by clicking on "Browse" from any page or doing a search

== Trunk r1251 - Workaround for 'svn up' issue regarding public/javascripts and vendor/plugins/acts_as_licensed

1.      Remove the folder public/javascripts
2.      Remove the folder vendor/plugins/acts_as_licensed
3.      Upgrade your code base
4.      Restart your Kete instance (mongrels)

== Trunk r1237 - Bug fixes for tagging on private item versions.

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
3.      Restart your Kete instance (mongrels)

== Trunk r1235 - Added system setting for the placeholder details used on public versions of items when no public version is available.

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Run the upgrade rake task 'rake kete:upgrade'
3.      Restart your Kete instance (mongrels)

== Trunk r1225 - MySQL only, change column definitions to allow for larger amount of text

1.      Upgrade your code base
2.      Run the migrate rake task 'rake db:migrate'

== Trunk r1196 - Added HTTPS/SSL support

To update from r1196 or later, follow these instructions:
1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the kete upgrade rake task 'rake kete:upgrade'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

Note: You must have a web server and SSL certificate correctly configured
in order to take advantage of SSL features in this version. The SSL features are
disabled by default and can be enabled in the Server advanced settings in the
configuration assistant/reconfigure site controls.

== Trunk r1174 - Added per basket privacy control enable/disable preferences

To update from r1169 through r1173, all you need to do is the following:
1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
4.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

If you are updating from an earlier version, please following the instructions for trunk r1169 below.

== Trunk r1169 - Content Licensing Controls Added

This version includes content licensing controls in addition to the privacy control functionality added in r1148.
The following instructions are for use when updating from a trunk version of Kete to a version r1169 or later.

NB: All commands must be made from the main Kete application directory.

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run the database migration 'rake db:migrate'
                NB: This adds new columns and tables in the kete database. If you have customized Kete or
                need to reverse the upgrade, this may cause issues. See migrations 046 through 060 in
                /db/migrate/ for an insight into the database schema changes made.
4.      Run the upgrade script: 'rake kete:upgrade'
5.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)

Optionally, you can run rake acts_as_licensed:import_nz_cc_licenses to
add Creative Commons New Zealand licenses options to your Kete
instance.  After that, you probably want to reconfigure your site in
Advanced Options > Server > Default Content License.

== Trunk r1107 - Search and Browse results sorting

You'll need to rebuild your Zebra indexes to have dates sort without error.  Here's how:

1.      Stop your Kete server (mongrels, backgroundrb).
2.      Upgrade your code base
3.      Run this script to clear your public Zebra database: 'rake zebra:init'
4.      Run this script to clear your private Zebra database: 'rake zebra:init ZEBRA_DB=private'
5.      Run this script to stop your Zebra server: 'rake zebra:stop'
6.      Run this script to start your Zebra server: 'rake zebra:start'
7.      Start your Kete server again (mongrels, backgroundrb)
8.      Use the web interface to repopulate your Zebra databases with these steps:
        * make sure you are logged into the site as as the default administrator or an account that has been designated as a "tech admin" and have javascript enabled in your browser.

        * visit the following URLs (adjust for your site's URL) and let them click over (ajax update of page) until you get a "done"


        * then double check that search results are good to go by clicking on "Browse" from any page or doing a search