

Test Coverage

Things we would like to remove

* History & versions
* comments completely - this would mean deleting existing comments in the DB

# Keeping

* Searching by plain text, author-name, tag, related-items

# Changed

* Replace commenting feature with a feedback email address

# Not implementing/hidden features

* No UI for creating new baskets
    * We will keep existing baskets
* Generate RSS feeds
* Flagging
    * the ability for any users to flag items
* Multiple licences
    * The whole kete install now uses one licence for all items
    * this is "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License"---the vast majority of objects are this.
* Related items slideshows
* Search result slideshows (at the top of an individual search result page)
* Any related items functionality that is not just displaying clickable links to
* Remove all old JS
* Comments will be read only - we will show existing comments but not allow
  users to create new ones
* There will be not interface for editing the XML schemas that go with items.
* Public/private flagging---from now on everything is public.
* OEmbed (embed in external pages)
* OAI (data format used by Digital NZ for tracking Kete content)