

Test Coverage
- controller = (@new_item_controller || params[:controller])
- # @new_item_controller is passed in from the ajax add item forms (to replace the basket controller assignment)
- zoom_class = zoom_class_from_controller(controller)
- # If we are adding the item from the site basket into the about basket, neither @site_basket nor @current_basket
- # helps here. We have to pass in the intended basket via an instance variable (used in ajax add item forms)
- @basket = (Basket.find_by_urlified_name(@new_item_basket) || @current_basket)
- @relate_to_item = (@relate_to_item || params[:relate_to_item])
- @relate_to_type = (@relate_to_type || params[:relate_to_type])
- @related_item_private = (@related_item_private || params[:related_item_private])
- # @item is passed in from the ajax add item forms, so only set it if not already set
- @item ||= current_item
- @item_name = zoom_class_humanize(zoom_class)
- @item_type = zoom_class.underscore.to_sym
- @editing = !@item.new_record?
- if @item.new_record? && %w(StillImage Document Video AudioRecording).include?(zoom_class)
  - @as_service = params[:as_service].present? && params[:as_service] == 'true'
  - if @as_service
    - @service_target = params[:service_target]
    - @append_show_url = params[:append_show_url].present?  && params[:append_show_url] == 'true'

- if @editing
  - @title = "#{t('topics.form.editing')} #{@item_name}"
  - @url = { urlified_name: @basket.urlified_name, controller: controller, action: 'update', id: @item,private: params[:private] }
  - @submit_text = t('topics.form.update')
- else
  - @title =  "#{t('')} #{@item_name}"
  - @url = { urlified_name: @basket.urlified_name, controller: controller, action: 'create', private: params[:private] }
  - @submit_text = t('topics.form.create')
  - if params[:controller] == 'web_links' && params[:action] == 'create' && @item.errors.present? && @item.errors.size == 1
    - @submit_text = t('topics.form.confirm')
    - @force_url = true
    - # !! someone elses error, but should probably be fixed.
    - # HACK
    - # TODO: replace this in the model in Rails 3x
    - # in Rails 2.3.5 passing in a custom message to WebLink validates_http_url didn't work
    - @item.errors.add('url', t('.invalid_url'))

%h2= @title
= form_for(@item, url: @url, html: { multipart: true }) do |form|
    - if @item.errors.any?
      = @item.errors.full_messages do |message|
        %p message
      %em= t 'topics.form.required_fields'

    - if @as_service
      = hidden_field_tag 'as_service', @as_service
      = hidden_field_tag 'service_target', @service_target
      = hidden_field_tag 'append_show_url', @append_show_url

    - if @item_type == :still_image
      = error_messages_for 'image_file'
      - if @editing
        = hidden_field_tag 'image_file[still_image_id]',, id: "image_file_still_image_id"
        - @image_file = ImageFile.find_by_thumbnail_and_still_image_id("medium",
          %label= t 'topics.form.current_image'
          = render(partial: "images/image_file",
            locals: { still_image: @item,
            image_file: @image_file,
            without_controls: true })
      - if params[:portrait] || params[:selected_portrait]
        = hidden_field_tag 'portrait', (params[:portrait] || params[:selected_portrait])
      - if params[:selected_portrait]
        = hidden_field_tag 'selected_portrait', params[:selected_portrait]

    - unless @relate_to_item.nil?
      = hidden_field_tag "relate_to_item", @relate_to_item
      = hidden_field_tag "relate_to_type", @relate_to_type

    - if @item_type == :document && !params[:is_theme].nil? && @site_admin
      = hidden_field_tag "is_theme", params[:is_theme]

    - if @editing && @site_admin
      = label_tag 'basket_id', t('topics.form.move_baskets')
      = 'basket_id', @baskets, {}, { tabindex: '1' }
    - else
      = form.hidden_field :basket_id, value:

    - if @item_type == :topic
      - unless params[:index_for_basket].nil?
        = hidden_field_tag "index_for_basket", params[:index_for_basket]
        - unless params[:return_to_homepage].nil?
          = hidden_field_tag "return_to_homepage", params[:return_to_homepage]
      - if @editing
        = render partial: 'topic_types', locals: { topic_types: @topic_types }
      - else
        = form.hidden_field :topic_type_id, value: params[:topic][:topic_type_id]

    = embedded_enabled_message("<p class='help'>#{t('topics.form.note')} ", " #{t('topics.form.embedded_note')}</p>") if ATTACHABLE_CLASSES.include?(zoom_class) && !@editing

    = add_ons_item_form_beginning(form)

      = label_tag :title, t('topics.form.title')
      = form.text_field :title, { tabindex: '1', required: true }
    - if [:document, :topic].include?(@item_type)
        = label_tag :short_summary, t('topics.form.short_summary')
        = form.text_area :short_summary, { class: "text-area", cols: 120, rows: 2, tabindex: '1' }

      = label_tag :description, t('topics.form.description'), class: 'cleared-right'
      = form.text_area :description,
        { class: "tinymce", cols: 120, tabindex: '1',
        example: "#{t('topics.form.description_example')} #{t('topics.form.description_example_exception') if @site_admin}." }

    - if @site_admin
        = label_tag :do_not_sanitize, t('topics.form.allow_insecure_elements')
        = check_box_tag :do_not_sanitize, { tabindex: '1' }

    - if show_notification_controls?(@basket)
      <div id="skip_email_notification_div"#{"style='display:none;'"}>
      - if params[@item_type] && params[@item_type][:skip_email_notification]
        - skip = (params[@item_type][:skip_email_notification] == '1' ? true : false)
      - elsif @editing
        - skip = @item.skip_email_notification
      - else
        - skip = false
      = label_tag :skip_email_notification, t('topics.form.skip_email_notification', role_type: Basket.level_value_from(@basket.setting(:private_item_notification)).downcase.pluralize)
      = form.check_box :skip_email_notification, { tabindex: '1', checked: skip }

    - if @item_type == :web_link && (show_privacy_controls_for?(@item, @basket) || !@editing)
      = label :url, t('topics.form.url')
      = form.text_field :url, { tabindex: '1', required: true }
      - if @force_url
        - Rails.logger.debug("what are errors: " + @item.errors.inspect)
        = form.hidden_field :force_url, value: @force_true

      %label{ for: "#{@item_type}_tag_list" }= t 'topics.form.tags'
      = text_field(@item_type, :tag_list, { tabindex: '1', tokens: ',', indicator: 'data_spinner_tags' })
      <img src='#{image_path("indicator.gif").html_safe}' width='16' height='16' alt='#{t 'topics.form.getting_tags'}' id='data_spinner_tags' style='display:none;' />

    - # disabling overwriting of original file for the timebeing
    - # when we support versioning of files, we'll likely re-enable this
    - unless [:topic, :web_link].include?(@item_type) || @editing
      - if @item_type == :still_image
          %label.required{for: "image_file_uploaded_data"}
            = t 'topics.form.upload_image'
            %em *
          = file_field_tag 'image_file[uploaded_data]', { id: 'image_file_uploaded_data', tabindex: '1' }
      - else
          = label_tag :uploaded_data, "#{t('topics.form.upload')} #{@item_name}"
          = form.file_field :uploaded_data, { tabindex: '1', required: true }

    = add_ons_item_form_mid(form)

    - if @item_type == :topic
      - @self_topic_type_and_ancestors = @editing ? @item.topic_type.self_and_ancestors : TopicType.find(params[:topic][:topic_type_id]).self_and_ancestors
      - @self_topic_type_and_ancestors.each do |topic_type|
        - form_fields = topic_type.topic_type_to_field_mappings
        - if form_fields.size > 0
          = render(partial: 'extended_fields/extended_field_mapping',
            collection: form_fields,
            locals: { form_fields: form_fields,
            edit: @editing,
            extended_item: @item,
            item_key: @item_type.to_s})
    - else
      - form_fields = @content_type.content_type_to_field_mappings
      - if form_fields.size > 0
        = render(partial: 'extended_fields/extended_field_mapping',
          collection: form_fields,
          locals: { form_fields: form_fields,
          edit: @editing,
          extended_item: @item,
          item_key: @item_type.to_s })

    -# --- ROB: I don't think these were even producing any output, but they break the HAML parser.
    -#- if SystemSetting.enable_maps? && @maps_callbacks.present?
    -#  - @maps_callbacks.each do |map_callback|
    -#- if show_privacy_controls_for?(@item, @basket)
    - if @editing
      = label_tag :version_comment, t('topics.form.comment_on_edit')
      = form.text_field :version_comment, { tabindex: '1',
        value: (!params[@item_type].blank? ? params[@item_type][:version_comment] : '') }

    = render partial: 'topics/license_chooser_or_agreement', locals: { item: @item }

    - if SystemSetting.hide_related_items_position_field
      = form.hidden_field :related_items_position, value: SystemSetting.related_items_position_default
    - else
      - if params[@item_type] && params[@item_type][:related_items_position]
        - position = params[@item_type][:related_items_position]
      - elsif @editing && !@item.related_items_position.nil?
        - position = @item.related_items_position
      - else
        - position = SystemSetting.related_items_position_default
      = label_tag :related_items_position, t('topics.form.related_items_position')
      = :related_items_position, related_items_positions, { selected: position }, { tabindex: '1' }

  = add_ons_item_form_end(form)
    = form.submit @submit_text, { class: "save-button", tabindex: '1' }

= link_to_cancel.html_safe
\#{link_to(t(''), { controller: 'index_page', action: :help_file }, popup: ['help', 'height=500,width=780,scrollbars=yes,top=100,left=100'], tabindex: '1')}