
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true

@ci_files = ['Dangerfile', 'Fastfile', 'config.yml', 'Matchfile', 'Deliverfile', 'Precheckfile', 'Appfile']
@watched_files = %w[Gemfile Cartfile Cartfile.private podfile Brewfile Makefile]

# determine if any of the files were modified
def did_modify(files_array)
  did_modify_files = false
  files_array.each do |file_name|
    next unless git.modified_files.include?(file_name) || git.deleted_files.include?(file_name)
    did_modify_files = true
    config_files = { |path| path.include? file_name }
    message "This PR changes #{github.html_link(config_files)}"

# Don't let testing shortcuts get into master by accident (e.g. fit -> focuses on a single test).
raise('fit left in tests') if `grep -r "fit Tests/ `.length > 1

### Warnings

warn('Changes to CI/CD files') if did_modify(@ci_files)
warn('Changes to dependency related files') if did_modify(@watched_files)

not_declared_trivial = !(github.pr_title.downcase.include? '#trivial')

warn('PR is classed as Work in Progress') if github.pr_title.include? '[WIP]'

warn('Big PR, try to keep changes smaller if you can') if git.lines_of_code > 500

# Milestones are required for all PRs to track what's included in each release
has_milestone = !github.pr_json['milestone'].nil?

warn('This PR is missing a milestone... please add one 😉', sticky: false) unless has_milestone

has_source_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/Sources/).empty?
has_test_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/Tests/).empty?

if has_source_changes && !has_test_changes && !not_declared_trivial
  warn('Library files were updated without test coverage.  
      Consider updating or adding tests to cover changes.')
  warn('Any major changes should be reflected in the Changelog.
      Please consider adding a note there and adhere to the
      [Changelog Guidelines](')

# Look through all changed Markdown files
markdown_files = (git.added_files.grep(%r{.*\.md/}) + git.modified_files.grep(%r{.*\.md/}))

unless markdown_files.empty?
  # Run proselint to lint and check spelling
  prose.language = 'en-us'
  prose.ignored_words = %w[dependabot kevnm67 podfile cartfile]
  prose.ignore_acronyms = true
  prose.ignore_numbers = true
  prose.lint_files markdown_files
  prose.check_spelling markdown_files