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'use strict'

import Configuration from './configuration'
import Debug from 'debug'
import { ServiceManager } from './serviceManager'
import { createTransport, TransportConfig, Transport } from './services/transport'
import { FeatureManager } from './featureManager'
import { ActionService } from './services/actions'
import { NotifyFeature, ErrorContext } from './features/notify'
import { Metric, MetricService, HistogramOptions, MetricBulk, MetricType, MetricMeasurements } from './services/metrics'
import Meter from './utils/metrics/meter'
import Histogram from './utils/metrics/histogram'
import Gauge from './utils/metrics/gauge'
import Counter from './utils/metrics/counter'
import { EventsFeature } from './features/events'
import { TracingConfig, TracingFeature } from './features/tracing'
import { InspectorService } from './services/inspector'
import { canUseInspector } from './constants'
import { MetricConfig } from './features/metrics'
import { ProfilingConfig } from './features/profiling'
import { RuntimeStatsService } from './services/runtimeStats'
import { Entrypoint } from './features/entrypoint'
import { Tracer } from '@opencensus/core'

export class IOConfig {
   * Automatically catch unhandled errors
  catchExceptions?: boolean = true
   * Configure the metrics to add automatically to your process
  metrics?: MetricConfig
   * Configure the default actions that you can run
  actions?: {
    eventLoopDump?: boolean
   * Configure availables profilers that will be exposed
  profiling?: ProfilingConfig | boolean = true
   * Configure the transaction tracing options
  tracing?: TracingConfig | boolean = false
   * If you want to connect to PM2 Enterprise without using PM2, you should enable
   * the standalone mode
  standalone?: boolean = false
   * Define custom options for the standalone mode
  apmOptions?: TransportConfig

export const defaultConfig: IOConfig = {
  catchExceptions: true,
  profiling: true,
  metrics: {
    v8: true,
    network: false,
    eventLoop: true,
    runtime: true,
    http: true
  standalone: false,
  apmOptions: undefined,
  tracing: {
    enabled: false,
    outbound: false

export default class PMX {

  private initialConfig: IOConfig
  private featureManager: FeatureManager = new FeatureManager()
  private transport: Transport | null = null
  private actionService: ActionService | null = null
  private metricService: MetricService | null = null
  private runtimeStatsService: RuntimeStatsService | null = null
  private logger: Function = Debug('axm:main')
  private initialized: boolean = false
  public Entrypoint: { new(): Entrypoint } = Entrypoint

   * Init the APM instance, you should *always* init it before using any method
  init (config?: IOConfig) {
    const callsite = (new Error().stack || '').split('\n')[2]
    if (callsite && callsite.length > 0) {
      this.logger(`init from ${callsite}`)

    if (this.initialized === true) {
      this.logger(`Calling init but was already the case, destroying and recreating`)
    if (config === undefined) {
      config = defaultConfig
    if (!config.standalone) {
      const autoStandalone = process.env.PM2_SECRET_KEY && process.env.PM2_PUBLIC_KEY && process.env.PM2_APP_NAME
      config.standalone = !!autoStandalone
      config.apmOptions = autoStandalone ? {
        secretKey: process.env.PM2_SECRET_KEY,
        publicKey: process.env.PM2_PUBLIC_KEY,
        appName: process.env.PM2_APP_NAME
      } as TransportConfig : undefined

    // Register the transport before any other service
    this.transport = createTransport(config.standalone === true ? 'websocket' : 'ipc', config.apmOptions as TransportConfig)
    ServiceManager.set('transport', this.transport)

    if (canUseInspector()) {
      const Inspector = require('./services/inspector')
      const inspectorService = new Inspector()
      ServiceManager.set('inspector', inspectorService)

    // register the action service
    this.actionService = new ActionService()
    ServiceManager.set('actions', this.actionService)

    // register the metric service
    this.metricService = new MetricService()
    ServiceManager.set('metrics', this.metricService)

    this.runtimeStatsService = new RuntimeStatsService()
    if (this.runtimeStatsService.isEnabled()) {
      ServiceManager.set('runtimeStats', this.runtimeStatsService)

    // init features

    // save the configuration
    this.initialConfig = config
    this.initialized = true

    return this

   * Destroy the APM instance, every method will stop working afterwards
  destroy () {

    if (this.actionService !== null) {
    if (this.transport !== null) {
    if (this.metricService !== null) {
    if (this.runtimeStatsService !== null) {
    const inspectorService: InspectorService | undefined = ServiceManager.get('inspector')
    if (inspectorService !== undefined) {

   * Fetch current configuration of the APM
  getConfig (): IOConfig {
    return this.initialConfig

   * Notify an error to PM2 Plus/Enterprise, note that you can attach a context to it
   * to provide more insight about the error
  notifyError (error: Error | string | {}, context?: ErrorContext) {
    const notify = this.featureManager.get('notify') as NotifyFeature
    return notify.notifyError(error, context)

   * Register metrics in bulk
  metrics (metric: MetricBulk | Array<MetricBulk>): any[] {

    const res: any[] = []
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (metric === undefined || metric === null) {
      console.error(`Received empty metric to create`)
      return []

    let metrics: Array<MetricBulk> = !Array.isArray(metric) ? [ metric ] : metric
    for (let metric of metrics) {
      if (typeof !== 'string') {
        console.error(`Trying to create a metrics without a name`, metric)
      // tslint:disable-next-line
      if (metric.type === undefined) {
        metric.type = MetricType.gauge
      switch (metric.type) {
        case MetricType.counter : {
        case MetricType.gauge : {
        case MetricType.histogram : {
          res.push(this.histogram(metric as any))
        case MetricType.meter : {
        case MetricType.metric : {
        default: {
          console.error(`Invalid metric type ${metric.type} for metric ${}`)

    return res

   * Create an histogram metric
  histogram (config: HistogramOptions): Histogram {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      config = {
        name: config as string,
        measurement: MetricMeasurements.mean
    if (this.metricService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a metric without initializing @pm2/io`)

    return this.metricService.histogram(config)

   * Create a gauge metric
  metric (config: Metric): Gauge {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      config = {
        name: config as string
    if (this.metricService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a metric without initializing @pm2/io`)
    return this.metricService.metric(config)

   * Create a gauge metric
  gauge (config: Metric): Gauge {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      config = {
        name: config as string
    if (this.metricService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a metric without initializing @pm2/io`)
    return this.metricService.metric(config)

   * Create a counter metric
  counter (config: Metric): Counter {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      config = {
        name: config as string
    if (this.metricService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a metric without initializing @pm2/io`)

    return this.metricService.counter(config)

   * Create a meter metric
  meter (config: Metric): Meter {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      config = {
        name: config as string
    if (this.metricService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a metric without initializing @pm2/io`)

    return this.metricService.meter(config)

   * Register a custom action that will be executed when the someone called
   * it from the API
  action (name: string, opts?: Object, fn?: Function) {
    // backward compatiblity
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof name === 'object') {
      const tmp: any = name
      name =
      opts = tmp.options
      fn = tmp.action
    if (this.actionService === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // thanks mr typescript but it's in real specific case and want to have type completion
      return console.trace(`Tried to register a action without initializing @pm2/io`)
    return this.actionService.registerAction(name, opts, fn)

  onExit (callback: Function) {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    if (typeof callback === 'function') {
      const onExit = require('signal-exit')

      return onExit(callback)

   * Emit a custom event to Keymetrics
   * @deprecated
   * The feature has been removed from PM2 Plus and will be removed in future release
  emit (name: string, data: Object) {
    const events = this.featureManager.get('events') as EventsFeature
    return events.emit(name, data)

   * Get the tracing agent to add more information about traces
  getTracer (): Tracer | undefined {
    const tracing = this.featureManager.get('tracing') as TracingFeature
    return tracing.getTracer()

  initModule (opts: any, cb?: Function) {
    if (!opts) opts = {}

    if (opts.reference) { = opts.reference
      delete opts.reference

    opts = Object.assign({
      widget: {}
    }, opts)

    opts.widget = Object.assign({
      type : 'generic',
      logo : '',
      theme            : ['#111111', '#1B2228', '#807C7C', '#807C7C']
    }, opts.widget)

    opts.isModule = true
    opts = Configuration.init(opts)

    return typeof cb === 'function' ? cb(null, opts) : opts

   * Return a custom express middleware that will send an error to the backend
   * with all the details of the http request
  expressErrorHandler () {
    const notify = this.featureManager.get('notify') as NotifyFeature
    return notify.expressErrorHandler()

   * Return a custom koa middleware that will send an error to the backend
   * with all the details of the http request
  koaErrorHandler () {
    const notify = this.featureManager.get('notify') as NotifyFeature
    return notify.koaErrorHandler()