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Test Coverage
## Change Log

### [v2.1.8]( 2021/04/01
- [#56]( update the dependency of request_store (@khiav223577)
- [#54]( Migrating from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (@khiav223577)
- [#53]( Fix: test files should not be included in coverage (@khiav223577)
- [#52]( Fix travis: ignore queries of table info (@khiav223577)
- [#51]( Support Ruby 2.7 (@khiav223577)

### [v2.1.7]( 2019/09/24
- [#50]( Support Rails 6.0 (@khiav223577)
- [#49]( Lock sqlite3 version to 1.3.x (@khiav223577)

### [v2.1.6]( 2019/01/20
- [#48]( Support `has_and_belongs_to_many` && `has_many through` (@khiav223577)
- [#47]( Fix: broken test cases after bundler 2.0 was released (@khiav223577)
- [#46]( fix typo in README (@Fatmylin)

### [v2.1.5]( 2018/08/03
- [#44]( should fire an extra query if the attribute used to clean cache is not selected (@khiav223577)
- [#45]( lazily add global callbacks to ActiveRecord::Base (@khiav223577)
- [#43]( Improve the structure of README. (@cybersol795)

### [v2.1.4]( 2018/06/14
- [#41]( Fix: binding problem (@khiav223577)
- [#40]( [Refactor] Solve warnings (@khiav223577)

### [v2.1.3]( 2018/06/07
- [#38]( Fix: Eager-loaded models will not register `after_commit` callback (@khiav223577)

### [v2.1.2]( 2018/06/01
- [#37]( Fix: ModelName cant be referred to in development (@khiav223577)

### [v2.1.1]( 2018/05/25
- [#35]( Preventing registering same callbacks in some cases (@khiav223577)
- [#34]( Enhance - automatically clean cache when `#touch` (@ff2248)
- [#33]( [Enhance] Code Climate Gem Deprecation (@berniechiu)

### [v2.1.0]( 2018/05/18
- [#32]( Add test cases to test "store all data in hash" (@khiav223577)
- [#31]( Change the syntax of getting self from cache (@khiav223577)
- [#29]( test assigning association (@khiav223577)

### [v2.0.3]( 2018/05/14
- [#28]( No need to dump all association caches (@khiav223577)

### [v2.0.2]( 2018/05/14
- [#27]( [Fix] will send query even if has one association is cached (@khiav223577)

### [v2.0.1]( 2018/05/13
- [#26]( Prevent infinite loop if someone override default associations' method (@khiav223577)

### [v2.0.0]( 2018/05/13
- [#25]( Support cache self by other column (@khiav223577)
- [#24]( Support cleaning the cache manually (@khiav223577)
- [#23]( use loaded model if possible to prevent extra queries (@khiav223577)
- [#22]( Support caching result from outer service (@khiav223577)
- [#21]( Support writing query in instance scope (@khiav223577)
- [#20]( instance cacher (@khiav223577)
- [#19]( Pass model to `delete` method to prevent an extra query (@khiav223577)
- [#18]( [Test] show all sql queries if query count doesn't equal to expected count. (@khiav223577)
- [#17]( Support cache at has_many association II - add test cases (@khiav223577)
- [#16]( Support cache at has_many association I (@khiav223577)
- [#15]( Adjust file structures (@khiav223577)
- [#14]( Support cache at belongs_to association (@khiav223577)
- [#13]( Fix that cache not cleaned if foreign_key is not `id` and calling `mode.delete` (@khiav223577)
- [#12]( [Refactor] move the active_record extension to proper directory (@khiav223577)
- [#11]( Fix id problem by specify foreign_key manually (@khiav223577)
- [#10]( cache on falsy result (@khiav223577)
- [#9]( Fix that all models cache with same id will be cleaned if any of one is cleaned (@khiav223577)
- [#8](  allow developer to specify whether the cache should expire (@khiav223577)
- [#7]( custom query which allow you to specify how to expire the cache by `expire_by` option (@khiav223577)
- [#6]( test cache self (@khiav223577)
- [#5]( Deal with delete, dependent: :delete that do not fire after_commit callback (@khiav223577)
- [#4]( split test cases to several files and refactor the code (@khiav223577)
- [#3]( Safer cache mechanism: Prevent cache from being left over if someone forgets to write `cache_self` (@khiav223577)
- [#2]( Adjust usage (@khiav223577)
- [#1]( use after_commit hook to expire cached associations  (@khiav223577)