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# MAX Exchange API Ruby SDK

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A ruby implementation of MAX exchange API

* Websocket API

## Documentations

* [REST API Introduction](
* [REST API End Points](
* [WebSocket API Documentation](

## Supports
- Ruby 2.2 ~ 2.7, 3.0

## Installation

gem 'max_exchange_api'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install max_exchange_api

## Configuration

### Set timeout time

# Set default timeout time
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.timeout = 3 # seconds

# Create an api instance with custom timeout time
api = { timeout: 12 })
api =, secret_key, config: { timeout: 12 })

### Logging

require 'logger'

# Print log to standard output
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.logger =

# Print log to file
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.logger ='log/api.log')

# Create an api instance with custom logger
api = { logger: })
api =, secret_key, config: { logger: })

## Usage

### Public Api Examples

@api =

#### [GET /api/v2/vip_levels](!/public/getApiV2VipLevels)

> Get all VIP level fees.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/vip_levels/{level}](!/public/getApiV2VipLevelsLevel)

> Get VIP level fee by level.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/currencies](!/public/getApiV2Currencies)

> Get all available currencies.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/k](!/public/getApiV2K)

> Get OHLC(k line) of a specific market.

  <summary>Show code</summary>
# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.k('btctwd', limit: 30, period: 1, timestamp: 1624705402)

#### [GET /api/v2/depth](!/public/getApiV2Depth)

> Get depth of a specified market.

  <summary>Show code</summary>
# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.depth('maxtwd', limit: 10, sort_by_price: true)

#### [GET /api/v2/trades](!/public/getApiV2Trades)

> Get recent trades on market, sorted in reverse creation order.

  <summary>Show code</summary>
# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  timestamp: 1624705402,
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  order_by: 'asc',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/markets](!/public/getApiV2Markets)

> Get all available markets.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/summary](!/public/getApiV2Summary)

> Overview of market data for all tickers.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/tickers/{path_market}](!/public/getApiV2TickersPathMarket)

> Get ticker of specific market.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/tickers](!/public/getApiV2Tickers)

> Get ticker of all markets.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

#### [GET /api/v2/timestamp](!/public/getApiV2Timestamp)

> Get server current time, in seconds since Unix epoch.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

### Private Api Examples

access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
secret_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'

@api =, secret_key)

### Trade
#### [GET /api/v2/trades/my/of_order](!/private/getApiV2TradesMyOfOrder)

> get your executed trades related to a order

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.my_trades_of_order('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

#### [GET /api/v2/trades/my](!/private/getApiV2TradesMy)

> get your executed trades, sorted in reverse creation order

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  timestamp: 1624705402,
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  order_by: 'asc',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

### Withdrawal
#### [GET /api/v2/withdrawals](!/private/getApiV2Withdrawals)

> get your external withdrawals history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  state: 'confirmed',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/withdrawal](!/private/getApiV2Withdrawal)

> get details of a specific external withdraw

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [POST /api/v2/withdrawal](!/private/postApiV2Withdrawal)

> submit a withdrawal. IP whitelist for api token is required.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

@api.create_withdrawal!('twd', 'withdraw_address_id', 100000)

### Profile
#### [GET /api/v2/members/profile](!/private/getApiV2MembersProfile)

> get personal profile information

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [GET /api/v2/members/me](!/private/getApiV2MembersMe)

> get your profile and accounts information

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [GET /api/v2/members/vip_level](!/private/getApiV2MembersVipLevel)

> get VIP level info

  <summary>Show code</summary>


### Account
#### [GET /api/v2/members/accounts](!/private/getApiV2MembersAccounts)

> get personal accounts information

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [GET /api/v2/members/accounts/{path_currency}](!/private/getApiV2MembersAccountsPathCurrency)

> get personal accounts information of a currency

  <summary>Show code</summary>


### Deposit
#### [GET /api/v2/deposits](!/private/getApiV2Deposits)

> get your deposits history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  state: 'accepted',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/deposit](!/private/getApiV2Deposit)

> get details of a specific deposit

  <summary>Show code</summary>


### Address
#### [GET /api/v2/deposit_addresses](!/private/getApiV2DepositAddresses)

> The addresses could be empty before generated, please call POST /deposit_addresses in that case

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.deposit_addresses(currency: 'twd', pagination: true, page: 3, limit: 15, offset: 5)

#### [POST /api/v2/deposit_addresses](!/private/postApiV2DepositAddresses)

> Address creation is asynchronous, please call GET /deposit_addresses later to get generated addresses

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [GET /api/v2/withdraw_addresses](!/private/getApiV2WithdrawAddresses)

> get withdraw addresses

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.withdraw_addresses('usdt', pagination: true, page: 3, limit: 15, offset: 5)

### Internal Transfer
#### [GET /api/v2/internal_transfers](!/private/getApiV2InternalTransfers)

> get internal transfers history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'btc',
  side: 'in',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true, 
  page: 3, 
  limit: 15, 
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/internal_transfer](!/private/getApiV2InternalTransfer)

> get details of a specific internal transfer

  <summary>Show code</summary>


### Reward
#### [GET /api/v2/rewards](!/private/getApiV2Rewards)

> get rewards history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'btc',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/rewards/{path_reward_type}](!/private/getApiV2RewardsPathRewardType)

> get specific rewards history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters
@api.rewards(reward_type: 'airdrop_rewards')

# provide all possible parameters
  reward_type: 'airdrop_rewards',
  currency: 'btc',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/max_rewards/yesterday](!/private/getApiV2MaxRewardsYesterday)

> get max rewards yesterday

  <summary>Show code</summary>


#### [GET /api/v2/yields](!/private/getApiV2Yields)

> get yields history

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'usdt',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

### Order
#### [GET /api/v2/orders](!/private/getApiV2Orders)

> get your orders, results is paginated.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  state: 'done',
  order_by: 'desc',
  group_id: 12345,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

#### [GET /api/v2/order](!/private/getApiV2Order)

> get a specific order.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.order('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

#### [POST /api/v2/orders/clear](!/private/postApiV2OrdersClear)

> cancel all your orders with given market and side

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.cancel_orders!(market: 'maxtwd', side: 'sell', group_id: '123456')

#### [POST /api/v2/order/delete](!/private/postApiV2OrderDelete)

> cancel an order

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.cancel_order!('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

#### [POST /api/v2/orders](!/private/postApiV2Orders)

> create a sell/buy order

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters
@api.create_order!('maxtwd', 'buy', 1000, price: 7.5)

# provide all possible parameters
  price: 7.5,
  client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12345',
  stop_price: 8,
  ord_type: 'limit',
  group_id: 12345678,

#### [POST /api/v2/orders/multi/onebyone](!/private/postApiV2OrdersMultiOnebyone)

> Create multiple sell/buy orders, orders may be partially accepted, please put your orders as an array in json body.

  <summary>Show code</summary>

# use default parameters
@api.create_orders!('maxtwd', [
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1000', price: '7.5' },
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1500', price: '7.2' },

# provide all possible parameters
@api.create_orders!('maxtwd', [
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1000', price: '7.5', client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12345', stop_price: '8', ord_type: 'limit' },
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1500', price: '7.2', client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12346', stop_price: '8', ord_type: 'limit' },
], group_id: 12345)

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](