require 'timeout'require 'colored2'require_relative 'adapter' module Turnstile module Redis module Connection include Timeout attr_accessor :config def exec(redis_method, *args, &block) send_proc = redis_method if redis_method.respond_to?(:call) send_proc ||= ->(redis) { redis.send(redis_method, *args, &block) } with_redis { |redis| } end %i(set get incr decr setex expire del setnx exists zadd zrange flushdb).each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| self.exec method, *args end end def with_redis with_retries do pool.with do |redis| yield(Turnstile.debug? ? : redis) end end end def with_pipelined with_retries do with_redis do |redis| redis.pipelined do yield(redis) end end end end def with_multi with_retries do with_redis do |redis| redis.multi do yield(redis) end end end end Method `with_retries` has a Cognitive Complexity of 9 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def with_retries(tries = 3) yield(tries) rescue Errno::EINVAL => e on_error e rescue ::Redis::BaseConnectionError => e if (tries -= 1) > 0 sleep rand(0..0.01) retry else on_error e end rescue ::Redis::CommandError => e (e.message =~ /loading/i || e.message =~ /connection/i) ? on_error(e) : raise(e) end # This is how we'll be creating redis; depending on input arguments: def redis_proc @redis_proc ||= (config.redis.url ? redis_proc_from_url : redis_proc_from_opts) end # Connection pool to the Redis server def pool @pool ||= config.redis.pool_size, &redis_proc) end def on_error(e) raise end def redis_proc_from_url @redis_proc_from_url ||= proc do config.redis.url)).tap do |conn| log_connection(conn) end end end def redis_opts(opts) opts.tap do |hash| hash[:driver] = 'hiredis' if config.redis_use_hiredis end end def redis_proc_from_opts @redis_proc_from_opts ||= proc {, port: config.redis.port, db: config.redis.db)).tap do |conn| log_connection(conn) end } end private def log_connection(conn) if config.trace tdb "created a new redis connection: #{conn}" tdb "driver: #{conn.instance_variable_get(:@client).driver}" end end end endend