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Kill Bill Ruby client library.

Kill Bill compatibility

| Client version | Kill Bill version |
| -------------: | ----------------: |
| 0.x.y          | 0.16.z            |
| 1.x.y          | 0.18.z            |
| 2.x.y          | 0.20.z            |
| 3.x.y          | 0.22.z            |
| 4.x.y          | 0.24.z            |


Get the [killbill-client]( gem:

gem install killbill-client

Alternatively, add the dependency in your Gemfile:

gem 'killbill-client'


A username and password can be set directly in the `options` hash (accepted by each API method):
options = {
  :username => 'admin',
  :password => 'password'
These credentials are validated by Kill Bill either directly (users managed by Kill Bill) or via a third-party (LDAP, Okta, Auth0, etc.).

Alternatively, a bearer token can be passed as such:
options = {
  :bearer => 'token'
The security token would be validated by Kill bill via a third-party (e.g. Auth0).

By default, Kill Bill won't maintain sessions, except when calling the API `/1.0/kb/security/permissions` (`JSESSIONID`, present in the `Set-Cookie` response header).
This session id can be passed instead:
options = {
  :session_id => 'JSESSIONID'
Using this session mechanism is recommend for user interfaces or to minimize the runtime dependency with a third-party provider.

Note: if a timed out session is re-used (`last_access_time` older than 60 minutes by default), a `HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized` is returned with `Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=deleteMe`, and the session is deleted from the database (and cache) on the server side.


Here is a snippet creating your first account and subscription:

require 'killbill_client'

KillBillClient.url = ''

# Multi-tenancy and RBAC credentials
options = {
  :username => 'admin',
  :password => 'password',
  :api_key => 'bob',
  :api_secret => 'lazar'

# Audit log data
user = 'me'
reason = 'Going through my first tutorial'
comment = 'I like it!'

# Create an account
account = = 'John Doe'
account.first_name_length = 4
account.external_key = 'john-doe'
account.currency = 'USD'
account = account.create(user, reason, comment, options)

# Add a subscription
subscription =
subscription.account_id = account.account_id
subscription.product_name = 'Sports'
subscription.product_category = 'BASE'
subscription.billing_period = 'MONTHLY'
subscription.price_list = 'DEFAULT'
subscription = subscription.create(user, reason, comment, nil, true, options)

# List invoices
account.invoices(true, options).each do |invoice|
  puts invoice.inspect

The following script will tag a list of accounts with OVERDUE_ENFORCEMENT_OFF and AUTO_PAY_OFF:

require 'killbill_client'

KillBillClient.url = ''

AUDIT_USER = 'pierre (via ruby script)' + '/accounts.txt') do |kb_account_id|
  account = KillBillClient::Model::Account.find_by_id kb_account_id
  puts "Current tags for #{} (#{account.account_id}): #{', ')}"

  account.add_tag 'AUTO_PAY_OFF', AUDIT_USER

  puts "New tags for #{} (#{account.account_id}): #{', ')}"

We have lots of examples in our [integration tests](


To run the integration tests:

rake test:remote:spec

You need to set in spec/spec_helper.rb the url of your instance, e.g. `KillBillClient.url = ''` and the username and password to authenticate the API, e.g. `KillBillClient.username = 'admin'` and `KillBillClient.password = 'password'`

## License

The Kill Bill Ruby client is released under the [Apache license](