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Test Coverage
Feature: Edit existing giving games
  As a user who made a giving game
  So that I can provide new updated information on my existing and current giving games
  I want to be able to edit my giving game
  Background: Users with games exist
    Given some games and some users exist:
    #Happy Path
    Scenario: Edit a game
      Given I am logged in as "" with password "TRAITORJOE"
      When I am on the user page for ""
      And I go to the edit page for "Game 1"
      And I fill in "Title" with "Game 1000"
      And I press "Submit Changes"
      And I should see "Successfully edited."

    Scenario: Edit a game leaving title as is
      Given I am logged in as "" with password "TRAITORJOE"
      When I am on the user page for ""
      And I go to the edit page for "Game 1"
      And I fill in "TotalMoney" with "1000"
      And I press "Submit Changes"
      And I should see "Successfully edited."

    #Sad Path
    Scenario: Attempt to edit a game to a name that already exists
      Given I am logged in as "" with password "TRAITORJOE"
      When I am on the user page for ""
      And I go to the edit page for "Game 1"
      And I fill in "Title" with "Game 2"
      And I press "Submit Changes"
      And I should see "Title has already been taken"
    Scenario: Attempt to edit a game with invalid values
      Given I am logged in as "" with password "TRAITORJOE"
      When I am on the user page for ""
      And I go to the edit page for "Game 1"
      And I fill in "TotalMoney" with "alotofmoney"
      And I press "Submit Changes"
      And I should see "is not a number"