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35 mins
Test Coverage
package should

import (


// RESTHarness provides an engine that can construct requests, run them, and
// prepare the results for testing.
type RESTHarness struct {
    API       rest.Describer
    Requester RequestMaker
    Parser    StructureParser

// RESTExchange holds one HTTP request, expected response, and actual response
type RESTExchange struct {
    Request  *http.Request   // The request
    Expected *BodiedResponse // The response we have got
    Actual   *BodiedResponse // The response we actually got
    Err      error           // any error running the request

// RequesterMaker is a function that the tested code will use to simulate or actually perform a request.
type RequestMaker func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

// BodiedResponse holds a response with the Body already read and parsed
type BodiedResponse struct {
    Response *http.Response    // incorporate response
    Raw      string            // the raw body
    Parsed   StructureExplorer // parsed body

func ReadResponseBody(rsp *http.Response, parser StructureParser) (result *BodiedResponse, err error) {
    result = &BodiedResponse{Response: rsp}
    if rsp.Body != nil {
        buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
        result.Raw = buf.String()
    if result.Raw != "" {
        result.Parsed, err = parser(result.Raw)

// RunRequest executes an HTTP request and returns the expected and actual response in a
// *RESTExchange. For the format of params, see rest.Describer's documentation, currently:
// Params is a list of strings, [name1, value1, name2, value2, ...]. Keys have one
// of these prefixes:
//       ":" - indicates an html header as a string
//    "&" - indicates a URL param as a string
//    "=" - treated as a raw string in path and body templating, ADD QUOTES if you want quotes.
func (har *RESTHarness) RunRequest(requestID string, body string, params ...string) (result *RESTExchange) {
    var expected, actual *http.Response
    // Grab information from the Describer (API specification)
    result = &RESTExchange{}
    result.Request, expected, result.Err = har.API.GetRequest(requestID, body, params...)
    if result.Err != nil {

    if expected != nil {
        result.Expected, result.Err = ReadResponseBody(expected, har.Parser)
        if result.Err != nil {

    // // Run the request
    if har.Requester == nil {
        result.Err = fmt.Errorf("a RESTHarness needs a request function to run a request")
    actual, result.Err = har.Requester(result.Request)
    if result.Err != nil {
    result.Actual, result.Err = ReadResponseBody(actual, har.Parser)
    if result.Err != nil {


// TestRequest works like RunRequest but makes some basic assertions about the return.
func (har *RESTHarness) TestRequest(t *testing.T, requestID string, body string, params ...string) (result *RESTExchange) {
    result = har.RunRequest(requestID, body, params...)

    fail := ""
    if result.Err != nil {
        fail = result.Err.Error()
    if fail == "" && (result.Expected == nil || result.Expected.Response == nil) {
        fail = "No expected response supplied for this path"
    if fail == "" && (result.Actual == nil || result.Actual.Response == nil) {
        fail = "No actual response supplied for this path"
    if fail == "" {
        fail = MatchHTTPStatusCode(result.Actual.Response, result.Expected.Response.StatusCode)

    if fail != "" {

    // could check JSON:API content type