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Setting up a local development environment

Get source code

The Kiwi TCMS source code is available at

    git clone
    cd Kiwi/

Install Python 3

Kiwi TCMS is a Python 3 project! Linux is our preferred environment but
you can work on Kiwi TCMS on Windows as well!

Download & install Python from
All further instructions assume that you have Python 3 enabled.

.. note::

    At the moment Kiwi TCMS is developed and tested with Python 3.9.
    You can always consult ``Dockerfile`` to find out the exact version which we use!

Setup virtualenv

Create a virtual environment for Kiwi TCMS::

    $ python3 -m venv ~/kiwi-env
    $ source ~/kiwi-env/bin/activate

On Windows, activating the virtual environment is different::

    > python3 -m venv C:\kiwi-env
    > C:\kiwi-env\Scripts\activate

See for more information!


On Linux you have to install packages which are needed to compile some of the
Python dependencies::

    sudo yum install gcc python-devel mariadb-devel libffi-devel npm graphviz

.. note::

    Graphviz is only used to build model diagrams from source code!

Then install the necessary Python packages inside your virtual environment::

    pip install -r requirements/mariadb.txt
    pip install -r requirements/devel.txt

.. note::

    Alternatively you can use ``requirements/postgres.txt`` for PostgreSQL!

The user interface needs several Node.js packages.
`Download & install Node first <>`_ and then::

    cd tcms/

inside the ``Kiwi/`` directory.

Initialize database

.. note::

    In development mode Kiwi TCMS is configured to use SQLite!
    You may want to adjust the database and/or other configuration settings.
    Override them in ``./tcms/settings/`` if necessary.

Load database schema and create initial user::

    ./ migrate
    ./ createsuperuser

Let's run Kiwi TCMS

You're now ready to start the server::

    ./node_modules/.bin/webpack watch
    ./ runserver

Now, open and should be presented with your brand new Kiwi TCMS homepage!