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# snake-pit
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*It's Five O'clock Somewhere*

## Introduction

### Design Concepts

I'm using ordinary [pip-tools](https://github.com/nvie/pip-tools) . pip-tools is great, but the package of installation, is to edit the `requirements.in` file every time the uninstall in the editor it was somewhat cumbersome. So, I have developed a snake-pit. snake-pit, which takes you by writing automatically package name to `requirements.in` After the installation of the package is successful. Even when the uninstall, will remove the automatically package name from requirements.in.

### Stand-alone

snake-pit is desirable to use in combination with a pip-tools, but it does not mean that its never dependent to pip-tools. snake-pit is available in stand-alone. It is a good idea to use instead of `pip freeze> requirements.txt`.

## Installation

### Using pip

snake-pit is possible to install pip.


$ pip install snake-pit

### Get the Code

It is also possible to get the source code from Github.


$ git clone git@github.com:kk6/snake-pit.git


You may want to install in the pip editable mode.


$ pip install -e .


## Usage

### Installing Packages

To install the Python package using the snake-pit, do the following. It is only different character and if you use a pip.


$ pit install flask


Unlike pip, snake-pit will write the package name to automatically requirements file. Once you have successfully installed the package.

### Requirements Files

Although I mentioned earlier, snake-pit has been designed to be aware of the combination of the pip-tools. Therefore, the **Requirements file** to say here, as that term is pip-tools, is a file, such as a specified to `requirements.in` to pip-tools's `pip-compile` command.

As below, it is possible to specify a file path to reference `--requirements, in -r` option. This is priority than the set of configuration files, which will be described later.


$ pit install pytest -r dev-requirements.in


### Configuration Files

If the `--requirements` option is not specified, snake-pit uses the configuration file to search for the requirements file.

Config file is intended to be managed by a name in the path to the requirements file. Please describe in YAML format file.In hash it will describe as `<name of the file path> : <path to file>`. The only required key is `default`. This is referred to by default when `--name, -n` option is not specified.

If there is no configuration file, or if the configuration file can not be read, the default configuration is used. By default, it will read and write `requirements.in`.

For example, you are managing by dividing the requirements file as follows:

├── base.in
└── dev
    ├── base.in
    └── mysql.in

As follows, It is troublesome to specify the long file path for each installation.


$ pit install mycli -r requirements/dev/mysql.in


So, we will use the configuration file. Let's described as follows:




Save as `pit.yml`. By default, snake-pit enforce this file name, but this can be changed by setting environment variables (see below).

Now you need only to specify the name to `--name` option.


$ pit install mycli -n mysql
Successfully installed PyMySQL-0.6.7 Pygments-2.0.2 configobj-5.0.6 mycli-1.5.2 prompt-toolkit-0.46 pycrypto-2.6.1 six-1.10.0 sqlparse-0.1.18 wcwidth-0.1.5
Append the following packages in requirements/dev/mysql.in: mycli
requirements/dev/mysql.in has been updated as follows:
# requirements.mysql.in


### Default Configuration

If the configuration file fails to load or did not exist, the default configuration is used. By default, this is as follows.




### Set the configuration file name in the environment variable

It is possible to set the path to the configuration file in the environment variable `PIT_CONFIG_PATH`. If this environment variable is set, snake-pit looks for a there instead of `pit.yml` immediately below.


$ mv pit.yml .pitrc
$ export PIT_CONFIG_PATH=.pitrc


### Uninstall Packages

Uninstall Packages also, is almost the same as the installation.


$ pit uninstall nose


As well as the installation, `--requirements, -r` and ` --name, -n` options are available.


$ pit uninstall pytest -n test


Further, by using the `--auto, -a` options, of all the packages to the specified package depends, is possible to remove at once what is unnecessary.

$ pit uninstall bpython httpie --auto
Specified package and becomes unnecessary by which they are removed, it will remove the following packages:


Are you sure? [y/N]:

## Aliases

snake-pit You can also use the alias of sub-command.

$ pit i django  # install django
$ pit u django  # uninstall django

## License

Licensed under the MIT, see `LICENSE`.