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Test Coverage
# 0.16.0

- Revise support for customizable/themeable border-radius.
  Currently we can only support vertically-stacked fields.
- Add support for themeable Dropdown.

# 0.15.0

- Add support for wide `Dialog`

# 0.14.1

- Fixed missing borderColor on themeable Installments

# 0.14.0

- Add Theme and themeable for several components

# 0.13.2

- Fix dynamic styling of input border

# 0.13.0

- Update `Dialog` component

# 0.12.11

- Add alert box

# 0.12.10

- Spread props in Dropdown options to be able to set hidden and disabled
- Set `describe` and `it` as globals for standard in the package.json

# 0.12.9

- Fix horizontal positioning of the Loader inside a Button

# 0.12.8

- Add dynamic styling support to Field, Switch, Button and Link

# 0.12.7

- Fix 'aria-labelledby' attribute on SVG in Checklist component

# 0.12.6

- Update Switch "checked" state in `componentWillReceiveProps`, based on the "checked" prop.

# 0.12.5

- Add `Dropdown` component

# 0.12.4

- Add a field with details icon inside

# 0.12.3

- Icons can receive `className` prop

# 0.12.2

- Add Cancel icon

# 0.12.1

- Add `viewBox` property to all icons

# 0.12.0

- Update all icons to use the CSS classes
- Remove the icon HOC

# 0.11.0

- Update CSS components with default margins to 0
- Add the `margins` flag to text components so text margins can be re enabled
- Use components consistently throughout the showroom

# 0.10.2

- Add pad lock icon
- Updated the css component version to support ie9 fields

# 0.10.1

- Change prop type of menu label to node

# 0.10.0

- Add legal variation of the Switch component

# 0.9.0

- Add Checklist component

# 0.8.6

- Added white loaders

# 0.8.4

- Merge 0.7.5 into 0.8.3

# 0.8.0

- New approach using decorators for adding the Uncontrolled versions
Complete rewrite of the icon approach (needs review since some icons are clearly - meant for buttons)
- Update naming convention (from stateless/stateful to controlled/uncontrolled)
Add support for Field and Input stacking (buggy in the case of Input, but that's - probably due to ui-css-components shortcomings)
- Add support for declarative focus in Field and Input
- Cleanup composition of features in Field and Input
- Added propType for fractional props

# 0.7.5

- Using ui-css-components to v5.6.5 to get some minor margins improvements

# 0.7.4

- Selector onChange callback called with an object instead of id

# 0.7.2 & 0.7.3

- Hotfixes for AnimatedMenu's transition

# 0.7.0

- Borderless input fields
- Adds 'giant' input type
- Controlled/uncontrolled inputs

# 0.6.0

- Adds white versions for texts

# 0.5.4

- Fixes ContextMenu prop types

# 0.5.3

- Adds ContextMenu

# 0.5.2

- Adds Selector with check icon

# 0.5.1

- Adds IconButtons with correct palette

# 0.5.0

- Adds LICENSE and open source

# 0.4.0

- Moves all icons from ui-illustrations
- Use these icons for the Field

# 0.3.0

- Adds Switch error state

# 0.2.5

- Adds Label
- Adds Dialog.Icon

# 0.2.4

- Adds Dialog

# 0.2.3

- Quickfix for AnimatedMenu

# 0.2.2

- Adds Tooltip with border

# 0.2.1

- Adds AnimatedMenu

# 0.2.0

- Adds Block
- Adds Ammount
- Reorganize Text components
- Refactos Menus (breaking change)

# 0.1.4

- Adds TabMenu

# 0.1.3

- Adds RadioGroup & Stateteful.RadioGroup

# 0.1.2

- Adds Tooltip

# 0.1.1

- Adds Preview
- Adds Switch

# 0.1.0

- Adds PayButton
- Adds Field
- Adds Icon
- Adds Loader
- Adds Button
- Setup