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# Klarna UI React Components

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## Note: This project and its sister project [klarna/ui-css-components](https://github.com/klarna/ui-css-components) are deprecated. Use [@klarna/ui](https://github.com/klarna/ui) instead.

This library is a [React](https://facebook.github.io/react/) wrapper on top of [ui-css-components](https://github.com/klarna/ui-css-components).

## Install

npm install @klarna/ui-react-components --save

This package doesn't have a build, so you must have a Babel pipeline to use it. The minimal set of loaders is:

test: /\.(jsx|es6)$/
loader: 'babel'

test: /\.scss$/,
loaders: [

test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg|ico|eot|woff|ttf|woff2)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/i,
loader: 'file' // or url

You can see more in the project's `webpack.config.js`.

## Run locally

> To run the project, NPM 3+ is required.

To run the showroom locally:

npm install
npm start

Open [localhost:7777](http://localhost:7777/).

## Using locally

Most of the time you'll want to change things in `ui-react-components` and see how they reflect in your project. To do that without having to push and publish versions, you need to create a global symlink from `ui-react-components` and then use this symlink in your project.

So first, create the global symlink by doing:

cd path/to/ui-react-components
npm link

Then go to your project and:

npm link @klarna/ui-react-components
UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=100 npm start

This uses the global symlink of `ui-react-components` that points to our local git copy. Replace `npm start` with the command you use to start your app, if you use something different.

The `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=100` solves a problem you may encounter with symlinks when importing Sass files [https://github.com/jtangelder/sass-loader/issues/100](https://github.com/jtangelder/sass-loader/issues/100).

### Running the tests in PhantomJS locally

npm test

## Running the tests in different browsers

### Prerequisites

First install the required npm packages.
npm install karma-chrome-launcher
npm install karma-firefox-launcher
npm install karma-ie-launcher
npm install karma-safari-launcher
npm install karma-webdriver-launcher

### Run the tests on OS X
BROWSER=PhantomJS,Chrome,Safari,Firefox npm test

### Run the tests on Windows
BROWSER=PhantomJS,Chrome,Firefox npm test

## License

Please check the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.

## Contributing

Make sure:

1. Your contribution is aligned with the styleguide.
2. Your contribution doesn't break the grid. To avoid that, always use the `$grid` variable to define your sizes, as in `line-height: ($grid * 4)`. As a rule of thumb, if your element total height (sum of content, paddings, margins, etc.) has an integer multiple of `$grid` you should be good.
3. Your code is linted: `npm run lint`.
4. It works in the major browsers, the simplest way is to spawn [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) and use the cloud service of your choice. Else, you can download IE virtual machines for VirtualBox using `curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdissent/ievms/master/ievms.sh | env IEVMS_VERSIONS="9" bash`.


1. Send a PR to GitHub.
2. Once approved:
    1. Update the version using `npm version` (tag will have `v` prefix) & update `CHANGELOG.md`.
    2. Merge to master and push (with the new tag as well).

Travis will take care of publishing your new version to npm.