# @kleros/kleros-v2-contracts
Smart contracts for Kleros v2
## Deployments
Refresh the list of deployed contracts by running `./scripts/` or `./scripts/`.
## Getting Started
### Install the Dependencies
yarn install
### Run Tests
yarn test
### Compile the Contracts
yarn build
### Run Linter on Files
yarn lint
### Fix Linter Issues on Files
yarn fix
### Deploy Instructions
**NOTICE:** the commands below work only if you are inside the `contracts/` directory.
#### 0. Set the Environment Variables
Copy `.env.example` file as `.env` and edit it accordingly.
cp .env.example .env
The following env vars are required:
- `PRIVATE_KEY`: the private key of the deployer account used for the testnets.
- `MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY`: the private key of the deployer account used for Mainnet.
- `INFURA_API_KEY`: the API key for infura.
The ones below are optional:
- `ETHERSCAN_API_KEY`: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on **Etherscan**.
- `ARBISCAN_API_KEY`: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on **Arbitrum**.
- `GNOSISSCAN_API_KEY`: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on **Gnosis chain**.
#### 1. Update the Constructor Parameters (optional)
If some of the constructor parameters (such as the Meta Evidence) needs to change, you need to update the files in the `deploy/` directory.
#### 2. Deploy to a Local Network
The complete deployment is multi-chain, so a deployment to the local network can only simulate either the Home chain or the Foreign chain.
**Shell 1: the node**
yarn hardhat node --tags nothing
**Shell 2: the deploy script**
yarn deploy --network localhost --tags <Arbitration|VeaMock|ForeignGatewayOnEthereum|HomeGateway>
#### 3. Deploy to Public Testnets
# ArbitrumSepolia to Chiado
yarn deploy --network arbitrumSepolia --tags Arbitration
yarn deploy --network arbitrumSepolia --tags HomeArbitrable
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags ForeignGatewayOnGnosis
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags KlerosLiquidOnGnosis
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags ForeignArbitrable
yarn deploy --network arbitrumSepolia --tags HomeGatewayToGnosis
# Sepolia
yarn deploy --network sepolia --tags ForeignGatewayOnEthereum
yarn deploy --network sepolia --tags ForeignArbitrable
yarn deploy --network arbitrumSepolia --tags HomeGatewayToEthereum
The deployed addresses should be displayed to the screen after the deployment is complete. If you missed them, you can always go to the `deployments/<network>` directory and look for the respective file.
#### 4. Deploy a Devnet on Public Testnets
Same steps as above but append `Devnet` to the `--network` parameter.
#### Running Test Fixtures
**Shell 1: the node**
yarn hardhat node --tags Arbitration,VeaMock
**Shell 2: the test scripts**
yarn test --network localhost
#### 4. Verify the Source Code
This must be done for each network separately.
# explorer
yarn etherscan-verify --network <arbitrumSepolia|arbitrum|chiado|gnosischain|sepolia|mainnet>
yarn etherscan-verify-proxies
# sourcify
yarn sourcify --network <arbitrumSepolia|arbitrum|chiado|gnosischain|sepolia|mainnet>
## Ad-hoc procedures
### Populating the policy registry and courts
The policy registry and courts configuration can be found in `config/policies.*.json` and `config/courts.*.json`.
#### 1/ Export the registry data from V1
for network in mainnet gnosischain
yarn hardhat run scripts/getPoliciesV1.ts --network $network | tee config/policies.v1.$network.json
yarn hardhat run scripts/getCourtsV1.ts --network $network | tee config/courts.v1.$network.json
#### 2/ Import the data to V2 - Local Network
Shell 1:
yarn hardhat node --tags Arbitration
Shell 2:
yarn hardhat run scripts/populateCourts.ts --network localhost
yarn hardhat run scripts/populatePolicyRegistry.ts --network localhost
#### 3/ Import the data to V2 - Public Testnet
yarn hardhat run scripts/populateCourts.ts --network arbitrumSepolia
yarn hardhat run scripts/populatePolicyRegistry.ts --network arbitrumSepolia
### Generate deployment artifacts for existing contracts
#### Usage
scripts/ <network> <address>
#### Example: WETH on Gnosis chain
scripts/ gnosischain 0xf8d1677c8a0c961938bf2f9adc3f3cfda759a9d9 > deployments/gnosischain/WETH.json
### Push the contracts to a Tenderly project
Ensure that your `$TENDERLY_PROJECT` and `$TENDERLY_USERNAME` is set correctly in `.env`.
yarn tenderly-verify --network sepolia
yarn tenderly-verify --network arbitrumSepolia