import { parseUnits } from "ethers";
import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber";
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, HttpNetworkConfig } from "hardhat/types";
import { DeployFunction } from "hardhat-deploy/types";
import { getContractAddress } from "./utils/getContractAddress";
import { KlerosCore__factory } from "../typechain-types";
import { Courts, ForeignChains, isSkipped } from "./utils";
import { deployUpgradable } from "./utils/deployUpgradable";
const ONE_GWEI = BigNumber.from(parseUnits("1", "gwei"));
const deployForeignGateway: DeployFunction = async (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
const { ethers, deployments, getNamedAccounts, getChainId, config } = hre;
const { deploy, execute } = deployments;
const { zeroPadValue, toBeHex } = ethers;
// fallback to hardhat node signers on local network
const deployer = (await getNamedAccounts()).deployer ?? (await hre.ethers.getSigners())[0].address;
const chainId = Number(await getChainId());
console.log("deploying to chainId %s with deployer %s", chainId, deployer);
// Hack to predict the deployment address on the home chain.
// TODO: use deterministic deployments
const network = config.networks[];
const homeNetwork = config.networks[network.companionNetworks.home] as HttpNetworkConfig;
const homeChainProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(homeNetwork.url);
let nonce = await homeChainProvider.getTransactionCount(deployer);
nonce += 1; // HomeGatewayToEthereum Proxy deploy tx will be the 2nd tx after this on its home network, so we add 1 to the current nonce.
const homeGatewayAddress = getContractAddress(deployer, nonce); // HomeGateway deploy tx will be the next tx home network
console.log("calculated future HomeGatewayToEthereum address for nonce %d: %s", nonce, homeGatewayAddress);
const veaOutbox = await deployments.get("VeaOutboxArbToGnosisDevnet");
console.log("using VeaOutboxArbToGnosisDevnet at %s", veaOutbox.address);
const homeChainId = (await homeChainProvider.getNetwork()).chainId;
const homeChainIdAsBytes32 = zeroPadValue(toBeHex(homeChainId), 32);
await deployUpgradable(deployments, "ForeignGatewayOnGnosis", {
from: deployer,
contract: "ForeignGateway",
args: [deployer, veaOutbox.address, homeChainIdAsBytes32, homeGatewayAddress],
maxFeePerGas: ONE_GWEI,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: ONE_GWEI,
log: true,
// TODO: disable the gateway until fully initialized with the correct fees OR allow disputeCreators to add funds again if necessary.
const coreDeployment = await hre.companionNetworks.home.deployments.get("KlerosCore");
const core = await KlerosCore__factory.connect(coreDeployment.address, homeChainProvider);
// TODO: set up the correct fees for the FORKING_COURT
const fee = (await core.courts(Courts.GENERAL)).feeForJuror;
await execute("ForeignGatewayOnGnosis", { from: deployer, log: true }, "changeCourtJurorFee", Courts.GENERAL, fee);
// TODO: set up the correct fees for the lower courts
deployForeignGateway.tags = ["ForeignGatewayOnGnosis"];
deployForeignGateway.skip = async ({ network }) => {
return isSkipped(network, !ForeignChains[network.config.chainId ?? 0]);
export default deployForeignGateway;