import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { DeployFunction } from "hardhat-deploy/types";
import { ArbitrableExample } from "../typechain-types";
import { EventLog } from "ethers";
const deployResolver: DeployFunction = async (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
const { ethers } = hre;
const template = `{
"$schema": "../NewDisputeTemplate.schema.json",
"title": "Proof of Humanity Registration Request",
"description": "A request to register the specified entry to a list of provable humans.",
"question": "Should the request to register be accepted?",
"answers": [
"title": "Yes",
"description": "Accept the request to register the entry."
"title": "No",
"description": "Deny the request."
"policyURI": "/ipfs/QmXDiiBAizCPoLqHvcfTzuMT7uvFEe1j3s4TgoWWd4k5np/proof-of-humanity-registry-policy-v1.3.pdf",
"frontendUrl": "",
"arbitrableChainID": "1",
"arbitrableAddress": "0xc5e9ddebb09cd64dfacab4011a0d5cedaf7c9bdb",
"arbitratorChainID": "421614",
"arbitratorAddress": "0xD08Ab99480d02bf9C092828043f611BcDFEA917b",
"category": "Curated Lists",
"specification": "KIP88"
const arbitrable = (await ethers.getContract("ArbitrableExample")) as ArbitrableExample;
let tx = await (await arbitrable.changeDisputeTemplate(template, "disputeTemplateMapping: TODO")).wait();
tx?.logs?.forEach((event) => {
if (event instanceof EventLog) console.log("event: %O", event.args);
deployResolver.tags = ["ArbitrableDisputeTemplate"];
export default deployResolver;