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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

/// @custom:authors: [@unknownunknown1, @jaybuidl]
/// @custom:reviewers: []
/// @custom:auditors: []
/// @custom:bounties: []
/// @custom:deployments: []

pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import "../KlerosCore.sol";
import "../interfaces/IDisputeKit.sol";
import "../../proxy/UUPSProxiable.sol";
import "../../proxy/Initializable.sol";

/// @title DisputeKitClassic
/// Dispute kit implementation of the Kleros v1 features including:
/// - a drawing system: proportional to staked PNK,
/// - a vote aggregation system: plurality,
/// - an incentive system: equal split between coherent votes,
/// - an appeal system: fund 2 choices only, vote on any choice.
contract DisputeKitClassic is IDisputeKit, Initializable, UUPSProxiable {
    // ************************************* //
    // *             Structs               * //
    // ************************************* //

    struct Dispute {
        Round[] rounds; // Rounds of the dispute. 0 is the default round, and [1, ..n] are the appeal rounds.
        uint256 numberOfChoices; // The number of choices jurors have when voting. This does not include choice `0` which is reserved for "refuse to arbitrate".
        bool jumped; // True if dispute jumped to a parent dispute kit and won't be handled by this DK anymore.
        mapping(uint256 => uint256) coreRoundIDToLocal; // Maps id of the round in the core contract to the index of the round of related local dispute.
        bytes extraData; // Extradata for the dispute.

    struct Round {
        Vote[] votes; // Former votes[_appeal][].
        uint256 winningChoice; // The choice with the most votes. Note that in the case of a tie, it is the choice that reached the tied number of votes first.
        mapping(uint256 => uint256) counts; // The sum of votes for each choice in the form `counts[choice]`.
        bool tied; // True if there is a tie, false otherwise.
        uint256 totalVoted; // Former uint[_appeal] votesInEachRound.
        uint256 totalCommitted; // Former commitsInRound.
        mapping(uint256 choiceId => uint256) paidFees; // Tracks the fees paid for each choice in this round.
        mapping(uint256 choiceId => bool) hasPaid; // True if this choice was fully funded, false otherwise.
        mapping(address account => mapping(uint256 choiceId => uint256)) contributions; // Maps contributors to their contributions for each choice.
        uint256 feeRewards; // Sum of reimbursable appeal fees available to the parties that made contributions to the ruling that ultimately wins a dispute.
        uint256[] fundedChoices; // Stores the choices that are fully funded.
        uint256 nbVotes; // Maximal number of votes this dispute can get.

    struct Vote {
        address account; // The address of the juror.
        bytes32 commit; // The commit of the juror. For courts with hidden votes.
        uint256 choice; // The choice of the juror.
        bool voted; // True if the vote has been cast.

    // ************************************* //
    // *             Storage               * //
    // ************************************* //

    uint256 public constant WINNER_STAKE_MULTIPLIER = 10000; // Multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner has to pay as fee stake for a round in basis points. Default is 1x of appeal fee.
    uint256 public constant LOSER_STAKE_MULTIPLIER = 20000; // Multiplier of the appeal cost that the loser has to pay as fee stake for a round in basis points. Default is 2x of appeal fee.
    uint256 public constant LOSER_APPEAL_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER = 5000; // Multiplier of the appeal period for the choice that wasn't voted for in the previous round, in basis points. Default is 1/2 of original appeal period.
    uint256 public constant ONE_BASIS_POINT = 10000; // One basis point, for scaling.

    address public governor; // The governor of the contract.
    KlerosCore public core; // The Kleros Core arbitrator
    Dispute[] public disputes; // Array of the locally created disputes.
    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public coreDisputeIDToLocal; // Maps the dispute ID in Kleros Core to the local dispute ID.

    // ************************************* //
    // *              Events               * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _numberOfChoices The number of choices available in the dispute.
    /// @param _extraData The extra data for the dispute.
    event DisputeCreation(uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID, uint256 _numberOfChoices, bytes _extraData);

    /// @dev To be emitted when a vote commitment is cast.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _juror The address of the juror casting the vote commitment.
    /// @param _voteIDs The identifiers of the votes in the dispute.
    /// @param _commit The commitment of the juror.
    event CommitCast(uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID, address indexed _juror, uint256[] _voteIDs, bytes32 _commit);

    /// @dev To be emitted when a funding contribution is made.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The identifier of the round in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _choice The choice that is being funded.
    /// @param _contributor The address of the contributor.
    /// @param _amount The amount contributed.
    event Contribution(
        uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 indexed _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _choice,
        address indexed _contributor,
        uint256 _amount

    /// @dev To be emitted when the contributed funds are withdrawn.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The identifier of the round in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _choice The choice that is being funded.
    /// @param _contributor The address of the contributor.
    /// @param _amount The amount withdrawn.
    event Withdrawal(
        uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 indexed _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _choice,
        address indexed _contributor,
        uint256 _amount

    /// @dev To be emitted when a choice is fully funded for an appeal.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The identifier of the round in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _choice The choice that is being funded.
    event ChoiceFunded(uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID, uint256 indexed _coreRoundID, uint256 indexed _choice);

    // ************************************* //
    // *              Modifiers            * //
    // ************************************* //

    modifier onlyByGovernor() {
        require(governor == msg.sender, "Access not allowed: Governor only.");

    modifier onlyByCore() {
        require(address(core) == msg.sender, "Access not allowed: KlerosCore only.");

    modifier notJumped(uint256 _coreDisputeID) {
        require(!disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]].jumped, "Dispute jumped to a parent DK!");

    // ************************************* //
    // *            Constructor            * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Constructor, initializing the implementation to reduce attack surface.
    constructor() {

    /// @dev Initializer.
    /// @param _governor The governor's address.
    /// @param _core The KlerosCore arbitrator.
    function initialize(address _governor, KlerosCore _core) external reinitializer(1) {
        governor = _governor;
        core = _core;

    // ************************ //
    // *      Governance      * //
    // ************************ //

    /// @dev Access Control to perform implementation upgrades (UUPS Proxiable)
    ///      Only the governor can perform upgrades (`onlyByGovernor`)
    function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal view override onlyByGovernor {
        // NOP

    /// @dev Allows the governor to call anything on behalf of the contract.
    /// @param _destination The destination of the call.
    /// @param _amount The value sent with the call.
    /// @param _data The data sent with the call.
    function executeGovernorProposal(
        address _destination,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _data
    ) external onlyByGovernor {
        (bool success, ) = _destination.call{value: _amount}(_data);
        require(success, "Unsuccessful call");

    /// @dev Changes the `governor` storage variable.
    /// @param _governor The new value for the `governor` storage variable.
    function changeGovernor(address payable _governor) external onlyByGovernor {
        governor = _governor;

    /// @dev Changes the `core` storage variable.
    /// @param _core The new value for the `core` storage variable.
    function changeCore(address _core) external onlyByGovernor {
        core = KlerosCore(_core);

    // ************************************* //
    // *         State Modifiers           * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Creates a local dispute and maps it to the dispute ID in the Core contract.
    /// Note: Access restricted to Kleros Core only.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @param _numberOfChoices Number of choices of the dispute
    /// @param _extraData Additional info about the dispute, for possible use in future dispute kits.
    /// @param _nbVotes Number of votes for this dispute.
    function createDispute(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _numberOfChoices,
        bytes calldata _extraData,
        uint256 _nbVotes
    ) external override onlyByCore {
        uint256 localDisputeID = disputes.length;
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes.push();
        dispute.numberOfChoices = _numberOfChoices;
        dispute.extraData = _extraData;

        // New round in the Core should be created before the dispute creation in DK.
        dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[core.getNumberOfRounds(_coreDisputeID) - 1] = dispute.rounds.length;

        Round storage round = dispute.rounds.push();
        round.nbVotes = _nbVotes;
        round.tied = true;

        coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID] = localDisputeID;
        emit DisputeCreation(_coreDisputeID, _numberOfChoices, _extraData);

    /// @dev Draws the juror from the sortition tree. The drawn address is picked up by Kleros Core.
    /// Note: Access restricted to Kleros Core only.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @param _nonce Nonce of the drawing iteration.
    /// @return drawnAddress The drawn address.
    function draw(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _nonce
    ) external override onlyByCore notJumped(_coreDisputeID) returns (address drawnAddress) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];

        ISortitionModule sortitionModule = core.sortitionModule();
        (uint96 courtID, , , , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        bytes32 key = bytes32(uint256(courtID)); // Get the ID of the tree.

        // TODO: Handle the situation when no one has staked yet.
        drawnAddress = sortitionModule.draw(key, _coreDisputeID, _nonce);

        if (_postDrawCheck(_coreDisputeID, drawnAddress)) {
            round.votes.push(Vote({account: drawnAddress, commit: bytes32(0), choice: 0, voted: false}));
        } else {
            drawnAddress = address(0);

    /// @dev Sets the caller's commit for the specified votes. It can be called multiple times during the
    /// commit period, each call overrides the commits of the previous one.
    /// `O(n)` where
    /// `n` is the number of votes.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @param _voteIDs The IDs of the votes.
    /// @param _commit The commit. Note that justification string is a part of the commit.
    function castCommit(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256[] calldata _voteIDs,
        bytes32 _commit
    ) external notJumped(_coreDisputeID) {
        (, , KlerosCore.Period period, , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        require(period == KlerosCoreBase.Period.commit, "The dispute should be in Commit period.");
        require(_commit != bytes32(0), "Empty commit.");

        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _voteIDs.length; i++) {
            require(round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].account == msg.sender, "The caller has to own the vote.");
            round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].commit = _commit;
        round.totalCommitted += _voteIDs.length;
        emit CommitCast(_coreDisputeID, msg.sender, _voteIDs, _commit);

    /// @dev Sets the caller's choices for the specified votes.
    /// `O(n)` where
    /// `n` is the number of votes.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @param _voteIDs The IDs of the votes.
    /// @param _choice The choice.
    /// @param _salt The salt for the commit if the votes were hidden.
    /// @param _justification Justification of the choice.
    function castVote(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256[] calldata _voteIDs,
        uint256 _choice,
        uint256 _salt,
        string memory _justification
    ) external notJumped(_coreDisputeID) {
        (, , KlerosCore.Period period, , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        require(period == KlerosCoreBase.Period.vote, "The dispute should be in Vote period.");
        require(_voteIDs.length > 0, "No voteID provided");

        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        require(_choice <= dispute.numberOfChoices, "Choice out of bounds");

        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        (uint96 courtID, , , , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        (, bool hiddenVotes, , , , , ) = core.courts(courtID);

        //  Save the votes.
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _voteIDs.length; i++) {
            require(round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].account == msg.sender, "The caller has to own the vote.");
                !hiddenVotes || round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].commit == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_choice, _salt)),
                "The commit must match the choice in courts with hidden votes."
            require(!round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].voted, "Vote already cast.");
            round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].choice = _choice;
            round.votes[_voteIDs[i]].voted = true;

        round.totalVoted += _voteIDs.length;

        round.counts[_choice] += _voteIDs.length;
        if (_choice == round.winningChoice) {
            if (round.tied) round.tied = false;
        } else {
            // Voted for another choice.
            if (round.counts[_choice] == round.counts[round.winningChoice]) {
                // Tie.
                if (!round.tied) round.tied = true;
            } else if (round.counts[_choice] > round.counts[round.winningChoice]) {
                // New winner.
                round.winningChoice = _choice;
                round.tied = false;
        emit VoteCast(_coreDisputeID, msg.sender, _voteIDs, _choice, _justification);

    /// @dev Manages contributions, and appeals a dispute if at least two choices are fully funded.
    /// Note that the surplus deposit will be reimbursed.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID Index of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @param _choice A choice that receives funding.
    function fundAppeal(uint256 _coreDisputeID, uint256 _choice) external payable notJumped(_coreDisputeID) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        require(_choice <= dispute.numberOfChoices, "There is no such ruling to fund.");

        (uint256 appealPeriodStart, uint256 appealPeriodEnd) = core.appealPeriod(_coreDisputeID);
        require(block.timestamp >= appealPeriodStart && block.timestamp < appealPeriodEnd, "Appeal period is over.");

        uint256 multiplier;
        (uint256 ruling, , ) = this.currentRuling(_coreDisputeID);
        if (ruling == _choice) {
            multiplier = WINNER_STAKE_MULTIPLIER;
        } else {
                block.timestamp - appealPeriodStart <
                    ((appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) * LOSER_APPEAL_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER) / ONE_BASIS_POINT,
                "Appeal period is over for loser"
            multiplier = LOSER_STAKE_MULTIPLIER;

        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        uint256 coreRoundID = core.getNumberOfRounds(_coreDisputeID) - 1;

        require(!round.hasPaid[_choice], "Appeal fee is already paid.");
        uint256 appealCost = core.appealCost(_coreDisputeID);
        uint256 totalCost = appealCost + (appealCost * multiplier) / ONE_BASIS_POINT;

        // Take up to the amount necessary to fund the current round at the current costs.
        uint256 contribution;
        if (totalCost > round.paidFees[_choice]) {
            contribution = totalCost - round.paidFees[_choice] > msg.value // Overflows and underflows will be managed on the compiler level.
                ? msg.value
                : totalCost - round.paidFees[_choice];
            emit Contribution(_coreDisputeID, coreRoundID, _choice, msg.sender, contribution);

        round.contributions[msg.sender][_choice] += contribution;
        round.paidFees[_choice] += contribution;
        if (round.paidFees[_choice] >= totalCost) {
            round.feeRewards += round.paidFees[_choice];
            round.hasPaid[_choice] = true;
            emit ChoiceFunded(_coreDisputeID, coreRoundID, _choice);

        if (round.fundedChoices.length > 1) {
            // At least two sides are fully funded.
            round.feeRewards = round.feeRewards - appealCost;

            if (core.isDisputeKitJumping(_coreDisputeID)) {
                // Don't create a new round in case of a jump, and remove local dispute from the flow.
                dispute.jumped = true;
            } else {
                // Don't subtract 1 from length since both round arrays haven't been updated yet.
                dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[coreRoundID + 1] = dispute.rounds.length;

                Round storage newRound = dispute.rounds.push();
                newRound.nbVotes = core.getNumberOfVotes(_coreDisputeID);
                newRound.tied = true;
            core.appeal{value: appealCost}(_coreDisputeID, dispute.numberOfChoices, dispute.extraData);

        if (msg.value > contribution) payable(msg.sender).send(msg.value - contribution);

    /// @dev Allows those contributors who attempted to fund an appeal round to withdraw any reimbursable fees or rewards after the dispute gets resolved.
    /// Note that withdrawals are not possible if the core contract is paused.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID Index of the dispute in Kleros Core contract.
    /// @param _beneficiary The address whose rewards to withdraw.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The round in the Kleros Core contract the caller wants to withdraw from.
    /// @param _choice The ruling option that the caller wants to withdraw from.
    /// @return amount The withdrawn amount.
    function withdrawFeesAndRewards(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        address payable _beneficiary,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _choice
    ) external returns (uint256 amount) {
        (, , , bool isRuled, ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        require(isRuled, "Dispute should be resolved.");
        require(!core.paused(), "Core is paused");

        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]];
        (uint256 finalRuling, , ) = core.currentRuling(_coreDisputeID);

        if (!round.hasPaid[_choice]) {
            // Allow to reimburse if funding was unsuccessful for this ruling option.
            amount = round.contributions[_beneficiary][_choice];
        } else {
            // Funding was successful for this ruling option.
            if (_choice == finalRuling) {
                // This ruling option is the ultimate winner.
                amount = round.paidFees[_choice] > 0
                    ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][_choice] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[_choice]
                    : 0;
            } else if (!round.hasPaid[finalRuling]) {
                // The ultimate winner was not funded in this round. In this case funded ruling option(s) are reimbursed.
                amount =
                    (round.contributions[_beneficiary][_choice] * round.feeRewards) /
                    (round.paidFees[round.fundedChoices[0]] + round.paidFees[round.fundedChoices[1]]);
        round.contributions[_beneficiary][_choice] = 0;

        if (amount != 0) {
            _beneficiary.send(amount); // Deliberate use of send to prevent reverting fallback. It's the user's responsibility to accept ETH.
            emit Withdrawal(_coreDisputeID, _coreRoundID, _choice, _beneficiary, amount);

    // ************************************* //
    // *           Public Views            * //
    // ************************************* //

    function getFundedChoices(uint256 _coreDisputeID) public view returns (uint256[] memory fundedChoices) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage lastRound = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        return lastRound.fundedChoices;

    /// @dev Gets the current ruling of a specified dispute.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @return ruling The current ruling.
    /// @return tied Whether it's a tie or not.
    /// @return overridden Whether the ruling was overridden by appeal funding or not.
    function currentRuling(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID
    ) external view override returns (uint256 ruling, bool tied, bool overridden) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        tied = round.tied;
        ruling = tied ? 0 : round.winningChoice;
        (, , KlerosCore.Period period, , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        // Override the final ruling if only one side funded the appeals.
        if (period == KlerosCoreBase.Period.execution) {
            uint256[] memory fundedChoices = getFundedChoices(_coreDisputeID);
            if (fundedChoices.length == 1) {
                ruling = fundedChoices[0];
                tied = false;
                overridden = true;

    /// @dev Gets the degree of coherence of a particular voter. This function is called by Kleros Core in order to determine the amount of the reward.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _voteID The ID of the vote.
    /// @return The degree of coherence in basis points.
    function getDegreeOfCoherence(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _voteID,
        uint256 /* _feePerJuror */,
        uint256 /* _pnkAtStakePerJuror */
    ) external view override returns (uint256) {
        // In this contract this degree can be either 0 or 1, but in other dispute kits this value can be something in between.
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Vote storage vote = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]].votes[_voteID];
        (uint256 winningChoice, bool tied, ) = core.currentRuling(_coreDisputeID);

        if (vote.voted && (vote.choice == winningChoice || tied)) {
            return ONE_BASIS_POINT;
        } else {
            return 0;

    /// @dev Gets the number of jurors who are eligible to a reward in this round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @return The number of coherent jurors.
    function getCoherentCount(uint256 _coreDisputeID, uint256 _coreRoundID) external view override returns (uint256) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage currentRound = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]];
        (uint256 winningChoice, bool tied, ) = core.currentRuling(_coreDisputeID);

        if (currentRound.totalVoted == 0 || (!tied && currentRound.counts[winningChoice] == 0)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (tied) {
            return currentRound.totalVoted;
        } else {
            return currentRound.counts[winningChoice];

    /// @dev Returns true if all of the jurors have cast their commits for the last round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @return Whether all of the jurors have cast their commits for the last round.
    function areCommitsAllCast(uint256 _coreDisputeID) external view override returns (bool) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        return round.totalCommitted == round.votes.length;

    /// @dev Returns true if all of the jurors have cast their votes for the last round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core.
    /// @return Whether all of the jurors have cast their votes for the last round.
    function areVotesAllCast(uint256 _coreDisputeID) external view override returns (bool) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        return round.totalVoted == round.votes.length;

    /// @dev Returns true if the specified voter was active in this round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _voteID The ID of the voter.
    /// @return Whether the voter was active or not.
    function isVoteActive(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _voteID
    ) external view override returns (bool) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Vote storage vote = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]].votes[_voteID];
        return vote.voted;

    function getRoundInfo(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _choice
        returns (
            uint256 winningChoice,
            bool tied,
            uint256 totalVoted,
            uint256 totalCommited,
            uint256 nbVoters,
            uint256 choiceCount
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]];
        return (

    function getVoteInfo(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _voteID
    ) external view override returns (address account, bytes32 commit, uint256 choice, bool voted) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[coreDisputeIDToLocal[_coreDisputeID]];
        Vote storage vote = dispute.rounds[dispute.coreRoundIDToLocal[_coreRoundID]].votes[_voteID];
        return (vote.account, vote.commit, vote.choice, vote.voted);

    // ************************************* //
    // *            Internal               * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Checks that the chosen address satisfies certain conditions for being drawn.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID ID of the dispute in the core contract.
    /// @param _juror Chosen address.
    /// @return Whether the address can be drawn or not.
    function _postDrawCheck(uint256 _coreDisputeID, address _juror) internal view returns (bool) {
        (uint96 courtID, , , , ) = core.disputes(_coreDisputeID);
        uint256 lockedAmountPerJuror = core
            .getRoundInfo(_coreDisputeID, core.getNumberOfRounds(_coreDisputeID) - 1)
        (uint256 totalStaked, uint256 totalLocked, , ) = core.sortitionModule().getJurorBalance(_juror, courtID);
        return totalStaked >= totalLocked + lockedAmountPerJuror;