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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

/// @custom:authors: [@unknownunknown1, @jaybuidl]
/// @custom:reviewers: []
/// @custom:auditors: []
/// @custom:bounties: []
/// @custom:deployments: []

pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import "./IArbitratorV2.sol";

/// @title IDisputeKit
/// An abstraction of the Dispute Kits intended for interfacing with KlerosCore.
/// It does not intend to abstract the interactions with the user (such as voting or appeal funding) to allow for implementation-specific parameters.
interface IDisputeKit {
    // ************************************ //
    // *             Events               * //
    // ************************************ //

    /// @dev Emitted when casting a vote to provide the justification of juror's choice.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The identifier of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
    /// @param _juror Address of the juror.
    /// @param _voteIDs The identifiers of the votes in the dispute.
    /// @param _choice The choice juror voted for.
    /// @param _justification Justification of the choice.
    event VoteCast(
        uint256 indexed _coreDisputeID,
        address indexed _juror,
        uint256[] _voteIDs,
        uint256 indexed _choice,
        string _justification

    // ************************************* //
    // *         State Modifiers           * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Creates a local dispute and maps it to the dispute ID in the Core contract.
    /// Note: Access restricted to Kleros Core only.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _numberOfChoices Number of choices of the dispute
    /// @param _extraData Additional info about the dispute, for possible use in future dispute kits.
    function createDispute(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _numberOfChoices,
        bytes calldata _extraData,
        uint256 _nbVotes
    ) external;

    /// @dev Draws the juror from the sortition tree. The drawn address is picked up by Kleros Core.
    /// Note: Access restricted to Kleros Core only.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _nonce Nonce.
    /// @return drawnAddress The drawn address.
    function draw(uint256 _coreDisputeID, uint256 _nonce) external returns (address drawnAddress);

    // ************************************* //
    // *           Public Views            * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Gets the current ruling of a specified dispute.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @return ruling The current ruling.
    /// @return tied Whether it's a tie or not.
    /// @return overridden Whether the ruling was overridden by appeal funding or not.
    function currentRuling(uint256 _coreDisputeID) external view returns (uint256 ruling, bool tied, bool overridden);

    /// @dev Gets the degree of coherence of a particular voter. This function is called by Kleros Core in order to determine the amount of the reward.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _voteID The ID of the vote.
    /// @param _feePerJuror The fee per juror.
    /// @param _pnkAtStakePerJuror The PNK at stake per juror.
    /// @return The degree of coherence in basis points.
    function getDegreeOfCoherence(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _voteID,
        uint256 _feePerJuror,
        uint256 _pnkAtStakePerJuror
    ) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Gets the number of jurors who are eligible to a reward in this round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @return The number of coherent jurors.
    function getCoherentCount(uint256 _coreDisputeID, uint256 _coreRoundID) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Returns true if all of the jurors have cast their commits for the last round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @return Whether all of the jurors have cast their commits for the last round.
    function areCommitsAllCast(uint256 _coreDisputeID) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Returns true if all of the jurors have cast their votes for the last round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @return Whether all of the jurors have cast their votes for the last round.
    function areVotesAllCast(uint256 _coreDisputeID) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Returns true if the specified voter was active in this round.
    /// @param _coreDisputeID The ID of the dispute in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _coreRoundID The ID of the round in Kleros Core, not in the Dispute Kit.
    /// @param _voteID The ID of the voter.
    /// @return Whether the voter was active or not.
    function isVoteActive(uint256 _coreDisputeID, uint256 _coreRoundID, uint256 _voteID) external view returns (bool);

    function getRoundInfo(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _choice
        returns (
            uint256 winningChoice,
            bool tied,
            uint256 totalVoted,
            uint256 totalCommited,
            uint256 nbVoters,
            uint256 choiceCount

    function getVoteInfo(
        uint256 _coreDisputeID,
        uint256 _coreRoundID,
        uint256 _voteID
    ) external view returns (address account, bytes32 commit, uint256 choice, bool voted);