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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {IArbitrableV2, IArbitratorV2} from "../interfaces/IArbitratorV2.sol";
import {IDisputeKit} from "../interfaces/IDisputeKit.sol";
import {ISortitionModuleUniversity} from "./ISortitionModuleUniversity.sol";
import {SafeERC20, IERC20} from "../../libraries/SafeERC20.sol";
import "../../libraries/Constants.sol";
import {UUPSProxiable} from "../../proxy/UUPSProxiable.sol";
import {Initializable} from "../../proxy/Initializable.sol";

/// @title KlerosCoreUniversity
/// Core arbitrator contract for educational purposes.
contract KlerosCoreUniversity is IArbitratorV2, UUPSProxiable, Initializable {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

    // ************************************* //
    // *         Enums / Structs           * //
    // ************************************* //

    enum Period {
        evidence, // Evidence can be submitted. This is also when drawing has to take place.
        commit, // Jurors commit a hashed vote. This is skipped for courts without hidden votes.
        vote, // Jurors reveal/cast their vote depending on whether the court has hidden votes or not.
        appeal, // The dispute can be appealed.
        execution // Tokens are redistributed and the ruling is executed.

    struct Court {
        uint96 parent; // The parent court.
        bool hiddenVotes; // Whether to use commit and reveal or not.
        uint256[] children; // List of child courts.
        uint256 minStake; // Minimum PNKs needed to stake in the court.
        uint256 alpha; // Basis point of PNKs that are lost when incoherent.
        uint256 feeForJuror; // Arbitration fee paid per juror.
        uint256 jurorsForCourtJump; // The appeal after the one that reaches this number of jurors will go to the parent court if any.
        uint256[4] timesPerPeriod; // The time allotted to each dispute period in the form `timesPerPeriod[period]`.
        mapping(uint256 disputeKitId => bool) supportedDisputeKits; // True if DK with this ID is supported by the court. Note that each court must support classic dispute kit.
        bool disabled; // True if the court is disabled. Unused for now, will be implemented later.

    struct Dispute {
        uint96 courtID; // The ID of the court the dispute is in.
        IArbitrableV2 arbitrated; // The arbitrable contract.
        Period period; // The current period of the dispute.
        bool ruled; // True if the ruling has been executed, false otherwise.
        uint256 lastPeriodChange; // The last time the period was changed.
        Round[] rounds;

    struct Round {
        uint256 disputeKitID; // Index of the dispute kit in the array.
        uint256 pnkAtStakePerJuror; // The amount of PNKs at stake for each juror in this round.
        uint256 totalFeesForJurors; // The total juror fees paid in this round.
        uint256 nbVotes; // The total number of votes the dispute can possibly have in the current round. Former votes[_round].length.
        uint256 repartitions; // A counter of reward repartitions made in this round.
        uint256 pnkPenalties; // The amount of PNKs collected from penalties in this round.
        address[] drawnJurors; // Addresses of the jurors that were drawn in this round.
        uint256 sumFeeRewardPaid; // Total sum of arbitration fees paid to coherent jurors as a reward in this round.
        uint256 sumPnkRewardPaid; // Total sum of PNK paid to coherent jurors as a reward in this round.
        IERC20 feeToken; // The token used for paying fees in this round.
        uint256 drawIterations; // The number of iterations passed drawing the jurors for this round.

    // Workaround "stack too deep" errors
    struct ExecuteParams {
        uint256 disputeID; // The ID of the dispute to execute.
        uint256 round; // The round to execute.
        uint256 coherentCount; // The number of coherent votes in the round.
        uint256 numberOfVotesInRound; // The number of votes in the round.
        uint256 feePerJurorInRound; // The fee per juror in the round.
        uint256 pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound; // The amount of PNKs at stake for each juror in the round.
        uint256 pnkPenaltiesInRound; // The amount of PNKs collected from penalties in the round.
        uint256 repartition; // The index of the repartition to execute.

    struct CurrencyRate {
        bool feePaymentAccepted;
        uint64 rateInEth;
        uint8 rateDecimals;

    // ************************************* //
    // *             Storage               * //
    // ************************************* //

    uint256 private constant ALPHA_DIVISOR = 1e4; // The number to divide `Court.alpha` by.
    uint256 private constant NON_PAYABLE_AMOUNT = (2 ** 256 - 2) / 2; // An amount higher than the supply of ETH.

    address public governor; // The governor of the contract.
    address public instructor; // The instructor who is allowed to choose the jurors.
    IERC20 public pinakion; // The Pinakion token contract.
    address public jurorProsecutionModule; // The module for juror's prosecution.
    ISortitionModuleUniversity public sortitionModule; // Sortition module for drawing.
    Court[] public courts; // The courts.
    IDisputeKit[] public disputeKits; // Array of dispute kits.
    Dispute[] public disputes; // The disputes.
    mapping(IERC20 => CurrencyRate) public currencyRates; // The price of each token in ETH.

    // ************************************* //
    // *              Events               * //
    // ************************************* //

    event NewPeriod(uint256 indexed _disputeID, Period _period);
    event AppealPossible(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrableV2 indexed _arbitrable);
    event AppealDecision(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrableV2 indexed _arbitrable);
    event Draw(address indexed _address, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _roundID, uint256 _voteID);
    event CourtCreated(
        uint256 indexed _courtID,
        uint96 indexed _parent,
        bool _hiddenVotes,
        uint256 _minStake,
        uint256 _alpha,
        uint256 _feeForJuror,
        uint256 _jurorsForCourtJump,
        uint256[4] _timesPerPeriod,
        uint256[] _supportedDisputeKits
    event CourtModified(
        uint96 indexed _courtID,
        bool _hiddenVotes,
        uint256 _minStake,
        uint256 _alpha,
        uint256 _feeForJuror,
        uint256 _jurorsForCourtJump,
        uint256[4] _timesPerPeriod
    event DisputeKitCreated(uint256 indexed _disputeKitID, IDisputeKit indexed _disputeKitAddress);
    event DisputeKitEnabled(uint96 indexed _courtID, uint256 indexed _disputeKitID, bool indexed _enable);
    event CourtJump(
        uint256 indexed _disputeID,
        uint256 indexed _roundID,
        uint96 indexed _fromCourtID,
        uint96 _toCourtID
    event DisputeKitJump(
        uint256 indexed _disputeID,
        uint256 indexed _roundID,
        uint256 indexed _fromDisputeKitID,
        uint256 _toDisputeKitID
    event TokenAndETHShift(
        address indexed _account,
        uint256 indexed _disputeID,
        uint256 indexed _roundID,
        uint256 _degreeOfCoherency,
        int256 _pnkAmount,
        int256 _feeAmount,
        IERC20 _feeToken
    event LeftoverRewardSent(
        uint256 indexed _disputeID,
        uint256 indexed _roundID,
        uint256 _pnkAmount,
        uint256 _feeAmount,
        IERC20 _feeToken

    // ************************************* //
    // *        Function Modifiers         * //
    // ************************************* //

    modifier onlyByGovernor() {
        if (governor != msg.sender) revert GovernorOnly();

    modifier onlyByInstructor() {
        if (instructor != msg.sender) revert InstructorOnly();

    modifier onlyByGovernorOrInstructor() {
        if (msg.sender != governor && msg.sender != instructor) revert GovernorOrInstructorOnly();

    // ************************************* //
    // *            Constructor            * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Constructor, initializing the implementation to reduce attack surface.
    constructor() {

    /// @dev Initializer (constructor equivalent for upgradable contracts).
    /// @param _governor The governor's address.
    /// @param _instructor The address of the instructor.
    /// @param _pinakion The address of the token contract.
    /// @param _jurorProsecutionModule The address of the juror prosecution module.
    /// @param _disputeKit The address of the default dispute kit.
    /// @param _hiddenVotes The `hiddenVotes` property value of the general court.
    /// @param _courtParameters Numeric parameters of General court (minStake, alpha, feeForJuror and jurorsForCourtJump respectively).
    /// @param _timesPerPeriod The `timesPerPeriod` property value of the general court.
    /// @param _sortitionModuleAddress The sortition module responsible for sortition of the jurors.
    function initialize(
        address _governor,
        address _instructor,
        IERC20 _pinakion,
        address _jurorProsecutionModule,
        IDisputeKit _disputeKit,
        bool _hiddenVotes,
        uint256[4] memory _courtParameters,
        uint256[4] memory _timesPerPeriod,
        ISortitionModuleUniversity _sortitionModuleAddress
    ) external reinitializer(1) {
        governor = _governor;
        instructor = _instructor;
        pinakion = _pinakion;
        jurorProsecutionModule = _jurorProsecutionModule;
        sortitionModule = _sortitionModuleAddress;

        // NULL_DISPUTE_KIT: an empty element at index 0 to indicate when a dispute kit is not supported.


        emit DisputeKitCreated(DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC, _disputeKit);

        // FORKING_COURT
        // TODO: Fill the properties for the Forking court, emit CourtCreated.

        // GENERAL_COURT
        Court storage court = courts.push();
        court.parent = FORKING_COURT;
        court.children = new uint256[](0);
        court.hiddenVotes = _hiddenVotes;
        court.minStake = _courtParameters[0];
        court.alpha = _courtParameters[1];
        court.feeForJuror = _courtParameters[2];
        court.jurorsForCourtJump = _courtParameters[3];
        court.timesPerPeriod = _timesPerPeriod;

        emit CourtCreated(
            new uint256[](0)
        _enableDisputeKit(GENERAL_COURT, DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC, true);

    // ************************************* //
    // *             Governance            * //
    // ************************************* //

    /* @dev Access Control to perform implementation upgrades (UUPS Proxiable)
     * @dev Only the governor can perform upgrades (`onlyByGovernor`)
    function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal view override onlyByGovernor {
        // NOP

    /// @dev Allows the governor to call anything on behalf of the contract.
    /// @param _destination The destination of the call.
    /// @param _amount The value sent with the call.
    /// @param _data The data sent with the call.
    function executeGovernorProposal(
        address _destination,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _data
    ) external onlyByGovernor {
        (bool success, ) = _destination.call{value: _amount}(_data);
        if (!success) revert UnsuccessfulCall();

    /// @dev Changes the `governor` storage variable.
    /// @param _governor The new value for the `governor` storage variable.
    function changeGovernor(address payable _governor) external onlyByGovernor {
        governor = _governor;

    /// @dev Changes the `instructor` storage variable.
    /// @param _instructor The new value for the `instructor` storage variable.
    function changeInstructor(address _instructor) external onlyByGovernorOrInstructor {
        instructor = _instructor;

    /// @dev Changes the `pinakion` storage variable.
    /// @param _pinakion The new value for the `pinakion` storage variable.
    function changePinakion(IERC20 _pinakion) external onlyByGovernor {
        pinakion = _pinakion;

    /// @dev Changes the `jurorProsecutionModule` storage variable.
    /// @param _jurorProsecutionModule The new value for the `jurorProsecutionModule` storage variable.
    function changeJurorProsecutionModule(address _jurorProsecutionModule) external onlyByGovernor {
        jurorProsecutionModule = _jurorProsecutionModule;

    /// @dev Changes the `_sortitionModule` storage variable.
    /// Note that the new module should be initialized for all courts.
    /// @param _sortitionModule The new value for the `sortitionModule` storage variable.
    function changeSortitionModule(ISortitionModuleUniversity _sortitionModule) external onlyByGovernor {
        sortitionModule = _sortitionModule;

    /// @dev Add a new supported dispute kit module to the court.
    /// @param _disputeKitAddress The address of the dispute kit contract.
    function addNewDisputeKit(IDisputeKit _disputeKitAddress) external onlyByGovernor {
        uint256 disputeKitID = disputeKits.length;
        emit DisputeKitCreated(disputeKitID, _disputeKitAddress);

    /// @dev Creates a court under a specified parent court.
    /// @param _parent The `parent` property value of the court.
    /// @param _hiddenVotes The `hiddenVotes` property value of the court.
    /// @param _minStake The `minStake` property value of the court.
    /// @param _alpha The `alpha` property value of the court.
    /// @param _feeForJuror The `feeForJuror` property value of the court.
    /// @param _jurorsForCourtJump The `jurorsForCourtJump` property value of the court.
    /// @param _timesPerPeriod The `timesPerPeriod` property value of the court.
    /// @param _supportedDisputeKits Indexes of dispute kits that this court will support.
    function createCourt(
        uint96 _parent,
        bool _hiddenVotes,
        uint256 _minStake,
        uint256 _alpha,
        uint256 _feeForJuror,
        uint256 _jurorsForCourtJump,
        uint256[4] memory _timesPerPeriod,
        uint256[] memory _supportedDisputeKits
    ) external onlyByGovernor {
        if (courts[_parent].minStake > _minStake) revert MinStakeLowerThanParentCourt();
        if (_supportedDisputeKits.length == 0) revert UnsupportedDisputeKit();
        if (_parent == FORKING_COURT) revert InvalidForkingCourtAsParent();

        uint256 courtID = courts.length;
        Court storage court = courts.push();

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _supportedDisputeKits.length; i++) {
            if (_supportedDisputeKits[i] == 0 || _supportedDisputeKits[i] >= disputeKits.length) {
                revert WrongDisputeKitIndex();
            court.supportedDisputeKits[_supportedDisputeKits[i]] = true;
        // Check that Classic DK support was added.
        if (!court.supportedDisputeKits[DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC]) revert MustSupportDisputeKitClassic();

        court.parent = _parent;
        court.children = new uint256[](0);
        court.hiddenVotes = _hiddenVotes;
        court.minStake = _minStake;
        court.alpha = _alpha;
        court.feeForJuror = _feeForJuror;
        court.jurorsForCourtJump = _jurorsForCourtJump;
        court.timesPerPeriod = _timesPerPeriod;

        // Update the parent.
        emit CourtCreated(

    function changeCourtParameters(
        uint96 _courtID,
        bool _hiddenVotes,
        uint256 _minStake,
        uint256 _alpha,
        uint256 _feeForJuror,
        uint256 _jurorsForCourtJump,
        uint256[4] memory _timesPerPeriod
    ) external onlyByGovernor {
        Court storage court = courts[_courtID];
        if (_courtID != GENERAL_COURT && courts[court.parent].minStake > _minStake) {
            revert MinStakeLowerThanParentCourt();
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < court.children.length; i++) {
            if (courts[court.children[i]].minStake < _minStake) {
                revert MinStakeLowerThanParentCourt();
        court.minStake = _minStake;
        court.hiddenVotes = _hiddenVotes;
        court.alpha = _alpha;
        court.feeForJuror = _feeForJuror;
        court.jurorsForCourtJump = _jurorsForCourtJump;
        court.timesPerPeriod = _timesPerPeriod;
        emit CourtModified(

    /// @dev Adds/removes court's support for specified dispute kits.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court.
    /// @param _disputeKitIDs The IDs of dispute kits which support should be added/removed.
    /// @param _enable Whether add or remove the dispute kits from the court.
    function enableDisputeKits(uint96 _courtID, uint256[] memory _disputeKitIDs, bool _enable) external onlyByGovernor {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _disputeKitIDs.length; i++) {
            if (_enable) {
                if (_disputeKitIDs[i] == 0 || _disputeKitIDs[i] >= disputeKits.length) {
                    revert WrongDisputeKitIndex();
                _enableDisputeKit(_courtID, _disputeKitIDs[i], true);
            } else {
                // Classic dispute kit must be supported by all courts.
                if (_disputeKitIDs[i] == DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC) {
                    revert CannotDisableClassicDK();
                _enableDisputeKit(_courtID, _disputeKitIDs[i], false);

    /// @dev Changes the supported fee tokens.
    /// @param _feeToken The fee token.
    /// @param _accepted Whether the token is supported or not as a method of fee payment.
    function changeAcceptedFeeTokens(IERC20 _feeToken, bool _accepted) external onlyByGovernor {
        currencyRates[_feeToken].feePaymentAccepted = _accepted;
        emit AcceptedFeeToken(_feeToken, _accepted);

    /// @dev Changes the currency rate of a fee token.
    /// @param _feeToken The fee token.
    /// @param _rateInEth The new rate of the fee token in ETH.
    /// @param _rateDecimals The new decimals of the fee token rate.
    function changeCurrencyRates(IERC20 _feeToken, uint64 _rateInEth, uint8 _rateDecimals) external onlyByGovernor {
        currencyRates[_feeToken].rateInEth = _rateInEth;
        currencyRates[_feeToken].rateDecimals = _rateDecimals;
        emit NewCurrencyRate(_feeToken, _rateInEth, _rateDecimals);

    // ************************************* //
    // *         State Modifiers           * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Sets the caller's stake in a court.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court.
    /// @param _newStake The new stake.
    /// Note that the existing delayed stake will be nullified as non-relevant.
    function setStake(uint96 _courtID, uint256 _newStake) external {
        _setStake(msg.sender, _courtID, _newStake, false, OnError.Revert);

    /// @dev Sets the stake of a specified account in a court, typically to apply a delayed stake or unstake inactive jurors.
    /// @param _account The account whose stake is being set.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court.
    /// @param _newStake The new stake.
    /// @param _alreadyTransferred Whether the PNKs have already been transferred to the contract.
    function setStakeBySortitionModule(
        address _account,
        uint96 _courtID,
        uint256 _newStake,
        bool _alreadyTransferred
    ) external {
        if (msg.sender != address(sortitionModule)) revert SortitionModuleOnly();
        _setStake(_account, _courtID, _newStake, _alreadyTransferred, OnError.Return);

    /// @inheritdoc IArbitratorV2
    function createDispute(
        uint256 _numberOfChoices,
        bytes memory _extraData
    ) external payable override returns (uint256 disputeID) {
        if (msg.value < arbitrationCost(_extraData)) revert ArbitrationFeesNotEnough();

        return _createDispute(_numberOfChoices, _extraData, NATIVE_CURRENCY, msg.value);

    /// @inheritdoc IArbitratorV2
    function createDispute(
        uint256 _numberOfChoices,
        bytes calldata _extraData,
        IERC20 _feeToken,
        uint256 _feeAmount
    ) external override returns (uint256 disputeID) {
        if (!currencyRates[_feeToken].feePaymentAccepted) revert TokenNotAccepted();
        if (_feeAmount < arbitrationCost(_extraData, _feeToken)) revert ArbitrationFeesNotEnough();

        if (!_feeToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _feeAmount)) revert TransferFailed();
        return _createDispute(_numberOfChoices, _extraData, _feeToken, _feeAmount);

    function _createDispute(
        uint256 _numberOfChoices,
        bytes memory _extraData,
        IERC20 _feeToken,
        uint256 _feeAmount
    ) internal returns (uint256 disputeID) {
        (uint96 courtID, , uint256 disputeKitID) = _extraDataToCourtIDMinJurorsDisputeKit(_extraData);
        if (!courts[courtID].supportedDisputeKits[disputeKitID]) revert DisputeKitNotSupportedByCourt();

        disputeID = disputes.length;
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes.push();
        dispute.courtID = courtID;
        dispute.arbitrated = IArbitrableV2(msg.sender);
        dispute.lastPeriodChange = block.timestamp;

        IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[disputeKitID];
        Court storage court = courts[courtID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds.push();

        // Obtain the feeForJuror in the same currency as the _feeAmount
        uint256 feeForJuror = (_feeToken == NATIVE_CURRENCY)
            ? court.feeForJuror
            : convertEthToTokenAmount(_feeToken, court.feeForJuror);
        round.nbVotes = _feeAmount / feeForJuror;
        round.disputeKitID = disputeKitID;
        round.pnkAtStakePerJuror = (court.minStake * court.alpha) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;
        round.totalFeesForJurors = _feeAmount;
        round.feeToken = IERC20(_feeToken);

        sortitionModule.createDisputeHook(disputeID, 0); // Default round ID.

        disputeKit.createDispute(disputeID, _numberOfChoices, _extraData, round.nbVotes);
        emit DisputeCreation(disputeID, IArbitrableV2(msg.sender));

    /// @dev Passes the period of a specified dispute.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    function passPeriod(uint256 _disputeID) external {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        Court storage court = courts[dispute.courtID];

        uint256 currentRound = dispute.rounds.length - 1;
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[currentRound];
        if (dispute.period == Period.evidence) {
            if (
                currentRound == 0 &&
                block.timestamp - dispute.lastPeriodChange < court.timesPerPeriod[uint256(dispute.period)]
            ) {
                revert EvidenceNotPassedAndNotAppeal();
            if (round.drawnJurors.length != round.nbVotes) revert DisputeStillDrawing();
            dispute.period = court.hiddenVotes ? Period.commit : Period.vote;
        } else if (dispute.period == Period.commit) {
            if (
                block.timestamp - dispute.lastPeriodChange < court.timesPerPeriod[uint256(dispute.period)] &&
            ) {
                revert CommitPeriodNotPassed();
            dispute.period = Period.vote;
        } else if (dispute.period == Period.vote) {
            if (
                block.timestamp - dispute.lastPeriodChange < court.timesPerPeriod[uint256(dispute.period)] &&
            ) {
                revert VotePeriodNotPassed();
            dispute.period = Period.appeal;
            emit AppealPossible(_disputeID, dispute.arbitrated);
        } else if (dispute.period == Period.appeal) {
            if (block.timestamp - dispute.lastPeriodChange < court.timesPerPeriod[uint256(dispute.period)]) {
                revert AppealPeriodNotPassed();
            dispute.period = Period.execution;
        } else if (dispute.period == Period.execution) {
            revert DisputePeriodIsFinal();

        dispute.lastPeriodChange = block.timestamp;
        emit NewPeriod(_disputeID, dispute.period);

    /// @dev Draws one juror for the dispute until the number votes paid for is reached.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @param _juror The address of the juror to draw.
    function draw(uint256 _disputeID, address _juror) external onlyByGovernorOrInstructor {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        uint256 currentRound = dispute.rounds.length - 1;
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[currentRound];
        if (dispute.period != Period.evidence) revert NotEvidencePeriod();
        if (round.drawnJurors.length >= round.nbVotes) revert AllJurorsDrawn();

            IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[round.disputeKitID];
            uint256 iteration = round.drawIterations + 1;
            address drawnAddress = disputeKit.draw(_disputeID, iteration);
            if (drawnAddress == address(0)) {
                revert NoJurorDrawn();
            sortitionModule.lockStake(drawnAddress, round.pnkAtStakePerJuror);
            emit Draw(drawnAddress, _disputeID, currentRound, round.drawnJurors.length);
            if (round.drawnJurors.length == round.nbVotes) {
                sortitionModule.postDrawHook(_disputeID, currentRound);
            round.drawIterations = iteration;

    /// @dev Appeals the ruling of a specified dispute.
    /// Note: Access restricted to the Dispute Kit for this `disputeID`.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @param _numberOfChoices Number of choices for the dispute. Can be required during court jump.
    /// @param _extraData Extradata for the dispute. Can be required during court jump.
    function appeal(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _numberOfChoices, bytes memory _extraData) external payable {
        if (msg.value < appealCost(_disputeID)) revert AppealFeesNotEnough();

        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        if (dispute.period != Period.appeal) revert DisputeNotAppealable();

        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        if (msg.sender != address(disputeKits[round.disputeKitID])) revert DisputeKitOnly();

        uint96 newCourtID = dispute.courtID;
        uint256 newDisputeKitID = round.disputeKitID;

        // Warning: the extra round must be created before calling disputeKit.createDispute()
        Round storage extraRound = dispute.rounds.push();

        if (round.nbVotes >= courts[newCourtID].jurorsForCourtJump) {
            // Jump to parent court.
            newCourtID = courts[newCourtID].parent;

            if (!courts[newCourtID].supportedDisputeKits[newDisputeKitID]) {
                // Switch to classic dispute kit if parent court doesn't support the current one.
                newDisputeKitID = DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC;

            if (newCourtID != dispute.courtID) {
                emit CourtJump(_disputeID, dispute.rounds.length - 1, dispute.courtID, newCourtID);

        dispute.courtID = newCourtID;
        dispute.period = Period.evidence;
        dispute.lastPeriodChange = block.timestamp;

        Court storage court = courts[newCourtID];
        extraRound.nbVotes = msg.value / court.feeForJuror; // As many votes that can be afforded by the provided funds.
        extraRound.pnkAtStakePerJuror = (court.minStake * court.alpha) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;
        extraRound.totalFeesForJurors = msg.value;
        extraRound.disputeKitID = newDisputeKitID;

        sortitionModule.createDisputeHook(_disputeID, dispute.rounds.length - 1);

        // Dispute kit was changed, so create a dispute in the new DK contract.
        if (extraRound.disputeKitID != round.disputeKitID) {
            emit DisputeKitJump(_disputeID, dispute.rounds.length - 1, round.disputeKitID, extraRound.disputeKitID);

        emit AppealDecision(_disputeID, dispute.arbitrated);
        emit NewPeriod(_disputeID, Period.evidence);

    /// @dev Distribute the PNKs at stake and the dispute fees for the specific round of the dispute. Can be called in parts.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @param _round The appeal round.
    /// @param _iterations The number of iterations to run.
    function execute(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _round, uint256 _iterations) external {
        Round storage round;
            Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
            if (dispute.period != Period.execution) revert NotExecutionPeriod();

            round = dispute.rounds[_round];
        } // stack too deep workaround

        uint256 start = round.repartitions;
        uint256 end = round.repartitions + _iterations;

        uint256 pnkPenaltiesInRound = round.pnkPenalties; // Keep in memory to save gas.
        uint256 numberOfVotesInRound = round.drawnJurors.length;
        uint256 feePerJurorInRound = round.totalFeesForJurors / numberOfVotesInRound;
        uint256 pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound = round.pnkAtStakePerJuror;
        uint256 coherentCount;
            IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[round.disputeKitID];
            coherentCount = disputeKit.getCoherentCount(_disputeID, _round); // Total number of jurors that are eligible to a reward in this round.
        } // stack too deep workaround

        if (coherentCount == 0) {
            // We loop over the votes once as there are no rewards because it is not a tie and no one in this round is coherent with the final outcome.
            if (end > numberOfVotesInRound) end = numberOfVotesInRound;
        } else {
            // We loop over the votes twice, first to collect the PNK penalties, and second to distribute them as rewards along with arbitration fees.
            if (end > numberOfVotesInRound * 2) end = numberOfVotesInRound * 2;
        round.repartitions = end;

        for (uint256 i = start; i < end; i++) {
            if (i < numberOfVotesInRound) {
                pnkPenaltiesInRound = _executePenalties(
                        disputeID: _disputeID,
                        round: _round,
                        coherentCount: coherentCount,
                        numberOfVotesInRound: numberOfVotesInRound,
                        feePerJurorInRound: feePerJurorInRound,
                        pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound: pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound,
                        pnkPenaltiesInRound: pnkPenaltiesInRound,
                        repartition: i
            } else {
                        disputeID: _disputeID,
                        round: _round,
                        coherentCount: coherentCount,
                        numberOfVotesInRound: numberOfVotesInRound,
                        feePerJurorInRound: feePerJurorInRound,
                        pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound: pnkAtStakePerJurorInRound,
                        pnkPenaltiesInRound: pnkPenaltiesInRound,
                        repartition: i
        if (round.pnkPenalties != pnkPenaltiesInRound) {
            round.pnkPenalties = pnkPenaltiesInRound; // Reentrancy risk: breaks Check-Effect-Interact

    /// @dev Distribute the PNKs at stake and the dispute fees for the specific round of the dispute, penalties only.
    /// @param _params The parameters for the execution, see `ExecuteParams`.
    /// @return pnkPenaltiesInRoundCache The updated penalties in round cache.
    function _executePenalties(ExecuteParams memory _params) internal returns (uint256) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_params.disputeID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[_params.round];
        IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[round.disputeKitID];

        // [0, 1] value that determines how coherent the juror was in this round, in basis points.
        uint256 degreeOfCoherence = disputeKit.getDegreeOfCoherence(
        if (degreeOfCoherence > ALPHA_DIVISOR) {
            // Make sure the degree doesn't exceed 1, though it should be ensured by the dispute kit.
            degreeOfCoherence = ALPHA_DIVISOR;

        // Fully coherent jurors won't be penalized.
        uint256 penalty = (round.pnkAtStakePerJuror * (ALPHA_DIVISOR - degreeOfCoherence)) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;
        _params.pnkPenaltiesInRound += penalty;

        // Unlock the PNKs affected by the penalty
        address account = round.drawnJurors[_params.repartition];
        sortitionModule.unlockStake(account, penalty);

        // Apply the penalty to the staked PNKs.
        sortitionModule.penalizeStake(account, penalty);
        emit TokenAndETHShift(

        if (!disputeKit.isVoteActive(_params.disputeID, _params.round, _params.repartition)) {
            // The juror is inactive, unstake them.
        if (_params.repartition == _params.numberOfVotesInRound - 1 && _params.coherentCount == 0) {
            // No one was coherent, send the rewards to the governor.
            if (round.feeToken == NATIVE_CURRENCY) {
                // The dispute fees were paid in ETH
            } else {
                // The dispute fees were paid in ERC20
                round.feeToken.safeTransfer(governor, round.totalFeesForJurors);
            pinakion.safeTransfer(governor, _params.pnkPenaltiesInRound);
            emit LeftoverRewardSent(
        return _params.pnkPenaltiesInRound;

    /// @dev Distribute the PNKs at stake and the dispute fees for the specific round of the dispute, rewards only.
    /// @param _params The parameters for the execution, see `ExecuteParams`.
    function _executeRewards(ExecuteParams memory _params) internal {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_params.disputeID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[_params.round];
        IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[round.disputeKitID];

        // [0, 1] value that determines how coherent the juror was in this round, in basis points.
        uint256 degreeOfCoherence = disputeKit.getDegreeOfCoherence(
            _params.repartition % _params.numberOfVotesInRound,

        // Make sure the degree doesn't exceed 1, though it should be ensured by the dispute kit.
        if (degreeOfCoherence > ALPHA_DIVISOR) {
            degreeOfCoherence = ALPHA_DIVISOR;

        address account = round.drawnJurors[_params.repartition % _params.numberOfVotesInRound];
        uint256 pnkLocked = (round.pnkAtStakePerJuror * degreeOfCoherence) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;

        // Release the rest of the PNKs of the juror for this round.
        sortitionModule.unlockStake(account, pnkLocked);

        // Give back the locked PNKs in case the juror fully unstaked earlier.
        if (!sortitionModule.isJurorStaked(account)) {
            pinakion.safeTransfer(account, pnkLocked);

        // Transfer the rewards
        uint256 pnkReward = ((_params.pnkPenaltiesInRound / _params.coherentCount) * degreeOfCoherence) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;
        round.sumPnkRewardPaid += pnkReward;
        uint256 feeReward = ((round.totalFeesForJurors / _params.coherentCount) * degreeOfCoherence) / ALPHA_DIVISOR;
        round.sumFeeRewardPaid += feeReward;
        pinakion.safeTransfer(account, pnkReward);
        if (round.feeToken == NATIVE_CURRENCY) {
            // The dispute fees were paid in ETH
        } else {
            // The dispute fees were paid in ERC20
            round.feeToken.safeTransfer(account, feeReward);
        emit TokenAndETHShift(

        // Transfer any residual rewards to the governor. It may happen due to partial coherence of the jurors.
        if (_params.repartition == _params.numberOfVotesInRound * 2 - 1) {
            uint256 leftoverPnkReward = _params.pnkPenaltiesInRound - round.sumPnkRewardPaid;
            uint256 leftoverFeeReward = round.totalFeesForJurors - round.sumFeeRewardPaid;
            if (leftoverPnkReward != 0 || leftoverFeeReward != 0) {
                if (leftoverPnkReward != 0) {
                    pinakion.safeTransfer(governor, leftoverPnkReward);
                if (leftoverFeeReward != 0) {
                    if (round.feeToken == NATIVE_CURRENCY) {
                        // The dispute fees were paid in ETH
                    } else {
                        // The dispute fees were paid in ERC20
                        round.feeToken.safeTransfer(governor, leftoverFeeReward);
                emit LeftoverRewardSent(

    /// @dev Executes a specified dispute's ruling.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeID) external {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        if (dispute.period != Period.execution) revert NotExecutionPeriod();
        if (dispute.ruled) revert RulingAlreadyExecuted();

        (uint256 winningChoice, , ) = currentRuling(_disputeID);
        dispute.ruled = true;
        emit Ruling(dispute.arbitrated, _disputeID, winningChoice);
        dispute.arbitrated.rule(_disputeID, winningChoice);

    // ************************************* //
    // *           Public Views            * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Compute the cost of arbitration denominated in ETH.
    ///      It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be highly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation.
    /// @param _extraData Additional info about the dispute. We use it to pass the ID of the dispute's court (first 32 bytes), the minimum number of jurors required (next 32 bytes) and the ID of the specific dispute kit (last 32 bytes).
    /// @return cost The arbitration cost in ETH.
    function arbitrationCost(bytes memory _extraData) public view override returns (uint256 cost) {
        (uint96 courtID, uint256 minJurors, ) = _extraDataToCourtIDMinJurorsDisputeKit(_extraData);
        cost = courts[courtID].feeForJuror * minJurors;

    /// @dev Compute the cost of arbitration denominated in `_feeToken`.
    ///      It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be highly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation.
    /// @param _extraData Additional info about the dispute. We use it to pass the ID of the dispute's court (first 32 bytes), the minimum number of jurors required (next 32 bytes) and the ID of the specific dispute kit (last 32 bytes).
    /// @param _feeToken The ERC20 token used to pay fees.
    /// @return cost The arbitration cost in `_feeToken`.
    function arbitrationCost(bytes calldata _extraData, IERC20 _feeToken) public view override returns (uint256 cost) {
        cost = convertEthToTokenAmount(_feeToken, arbitrationCost(_extraData));

    /// @dev Gets the cost of appealing a specified dispute.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @return cost The appeal cost.
    function appealCost(uint256 _disputeID) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        Court storage court = courts[dispute.courtID];
        if (round.nbVotes >= court.jurorsForCourtJump) {
            // Jump to parent court.
            if (dispute.courtID == GENERAL_COURT) {
                // TODO: Handle the forking when appealed in General court.
                cost = NON_PAYABLE_AMOUNT; // Get the cost of the parent court.
            } else {
                cost = courts[court.parent].feeForJuror * ((round.nbVotes * 2) + 1);
        } else {
            // Stay in current court.
            cost = court.feeForJuror * ((round.nbVotes * 2) + 1);

    /// @dev Gets the start and the end of a specified dispute's current appeal period.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @return start The start of the appeal period.
    /// @return end The end of the appeal period.
    function appealPeriod(uint256 _disputeID) public view returns (uint256 start, uint256 end) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        if (dispute.period == Period.appeal) {
            start = dispute.lastPeriodChange;
            end = dispute.lastPeriodChange + courts[dispute.courtID].timesPerPeriod[uint256(Period.appeal)];
        } else {
            start = 0;
            end = 0;

    /// @dev Gets the current ruling of a specified dispute.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @return ruling The current ruling.
    /// @return tied Whether it's a tie or not.
    /// @return overridden Whether the ruling was overridden by appeal funding or not.
    function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) public view returns (uint256 ruling, bool tied, bool overridden) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        IDisputeKit disputeKit = disputeKits[round.disputeKitID];
        (ruling, tied, overridden) = disputeKit.currentRuling(_disputeID);

    function getRoundInfo(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _round) external view returns (Round memory) {
        return disputes[_disputeID].rounds[_round];

    function getNumberOfRounds(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256) {
        return disputes[_disputeID].rounds.length;

    function isSupported(uint96 _courtID, uint256 _disputeKitID) external view returns (bool) {
        return courts[_courtID].supportedDisputeKits[_disputeKitID];

    /// @dev Gets the timesPerPeriod array for a given court.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court to get the times from.
    /// @return timesPerPeriod The timesPerPeriod array for the given court.
    function getTimesPerPeriod(uint96 _courtID) external view returns (uint256[4] memory timesPerPeriod) {
        timesPerPeriod = courts[_courtID].timesPerPeriod;

    // ************************************* //
    // *   Public Views for Dispute Kits   * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Gets the number of votes permitted for the specified dispute in the latest round.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    function getNumberOfVotes(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        return dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1].nbVotes;

    /// @dev Returns true if the dispute kit will be switched to a parent DK.
    /// @param _disputeID The ID of the dispute.
    /// @return Whether DK will be switched or not.
    function isDisputeKitJumping(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (bool) {
        Dispute storage dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
        Round storage round = dispute.rounds[dispute.rounds.length - 1];
        Court storage court = courts[dispute.courtID];

        if (round.nbVotes < court.jurorsForCourtJump) {
            return false;

        // Jump if the parent court doesn't support the current DK.
        return !courts[court.parent].supportedDisputeKits[round.disputeKitID];

    function getDisputeKitsLength() external view returns (uint256) {
        return disputeKits.length;

    function convertEthToTokenAmount(IERC20 _toToken, uint256 _amountInEth) public view returns (uint256) {
        return (_amountInEth * 10 ** currencyRates[_toToken].rateDecimals) / currencyRates[_toToken].rateInEth;

    // ************************************* //
    // *            Internal               * //
    // ************************************* //

    /// @dev Toggles the dispute kit support for a given court.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court to toggle the support for.
    /// @param _disputeKitID The ID of the dispute kit to toggle the support for.
    /// @param _enable Whether to enable or disable the support. Note that classic dispute kit should always be enabled.
    function _enableDisputeKit(uint96 _courtID, uint256 _disputeKitID, bool _enable) internal {
        courts[_courtID].supportedDisputeKits[_disputeKitID] = _enable;
        emit DisputeKitEnabled(_courtID, _disputeKitID, _enable);

    /// @dev If called only once then set _onError to Revert, otherwise set it to Return
    /// @param _account The account to set the stake for.
    /// @param _courtID The ID of the court to set the stake for.
    /// @param _newStake The new stake.
    /// @param _alreadyTransferred Whether the PNKs were already transferred to/from the staking contract.
    /// @param _onError Whether to revert or return false on error.
    /// @return Whether the stake was successfully set or not.
    function _setStake(
        address _account,
        uint96 _courtID,
        uint256 _newStake,
        bool _alreadyTransferred,
        OnError _onError
    ) internal returns (bool) {
        if (_courtID == FORKING_COURT || _courtID > courts.length) {
            _stakingFailed(_onError, StakingResult.CannotStakeInThisCourt); // Staking directly into the forking court is not allowed.
            return false;
        if (_newStake != 0 && _newStake < courts[_courtID].minStake) {
            _stakingFailed(_onError, StakingResult.CannotStakeLessThanMinStake); // Staking less than the minimum stake is not allowed.
            return false;
        (uint256 pnkDeposit, uint256 pnkWithdrawal, StakingResult stakingResult) = sortitionModule.setStake(
        if (stakingResult != StakingResult.Successful) {
            _stakingFailed(_onError, stakingResult);
            return false;
        if (pnkDeposit > 0) {
            if (!pinakion.safeTransferFrom(_account, address(this), pnkDeposit)) {
                _stakingFailed(_onError, StakingResult.StakingTransferFailed);
                return false;
        if (pnkWithdrawal > 0) {
            if (!pinakion.safeTransfer(_account, pnkWithdrawal)) {
                _stakingFailed(_onError, StakingResult.UnstakingTransferFailed);
                return false;
        return true;

    /// @dev It may revert depending on the _onError parameter.
    function _stakingFailed(OnError _onError, StakingResult _result) internal pure virtual {
        if (_onError == OnError.Return) return;
        if (_result == StakingResult.StakingTransferFailed) revert StakingTransferFailed();
        if (_result == StakingResult.UnstakingTransferFailed) revert UnstakingTransferFailed();
        if (_result == StakingResult.CannotStakeInMoreCourts) revert StakingInTooManyCourts();
        if (_result == StakingResult.CannotStakeInThisCourt) revert StakingNotPossibeInThisCourt();
        if (_result == StakingResult.CannotStakeLessThanMinStake) revert StakingLessThanCourtMinStake();

    /// @dev Gets a court ID, the minimum number of jurors and an ID of a dispute kit from a specified extra data bytes array.
    /// Note that if extradata contains an incorrect value then this value will be switched to default.
    /// @param _extraData The extra data bytes array. The first 32 bytes are the court ID, the next are the minimum number of jurors and the last are the dispute kit ID.
    /// @return courtID The court ID.
    /// @return minJurors The minimum number of jurors required.
    /// @return disputeKitID The ID of the dispute kit.
    function _extraDataToCourtIDMinJurorsDisputeKit(
        bytes memory _extraData
    ) internal view returns (uint96 courtID, uint256 minJurors, uint256 disputeKitID) {
        // Note that if the extradata doesn't contain 32 bytes for the dispute kit ID it'll return the default 0 index.
        if (_extraData.length >= 64) {
            assembly {
                // solium-disable-line security/no-inline-assembly
                courtID := mload(add(_extraData, 0x20))
                minJurors := mload(add(_extraData, 0x40))
                disputeKitID := mload(add(_extraData, 0x60))
            if (courtID == FORKING_COURT || courtID >= courts.length) {
                courtID = GENERAL_COURT;
            if (minJurors == 0) {
                minJurors = DEFAULT_NB_OF_JURORS;
            if (disputeKitID == NULL_DISPUTE_KIT || disputeKitID >= disputeKits.length) {
                disputeKitID = DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC; // 0 index is not used.
        } else {
            courtID = GENERAL_COURT;
            minJurors = DEFAULT_NB_OF_JURORS;
            disputeKitID = DISPUTE_KIT_CLASSIC;

    // ************************************* //
    // *              Errors               * //
    // ************************************* //

    error GovernorOnly();
    error InstructorOnly();
    error GovernorOrInstructorOnly();
    error DisputeKitOnly();
    error SortitionModuleOnly();
    error UnsuccessfulCall();
    error InvalidDisputKitParent();
    error DepthLevelMax();
    error MinStakeLowerThanParentCourt();
    error UnsupportedDisputeKit();
    error InvalidForkingCourtAsParent();
    error WrongDisputeKitIndex();
    error CannotDisableClassicDK();
    error ArraysLengthMismatch();
    error StakingInTooManyCourts();
    error StakingNotPossibeInThisCourt();
    error StakingLessThanCourtMinStake();
    error StakingTransferFailed();
    error UnstakingTransferFailed();
    error ArbitrationFeesNotEnough();
    error DisputeKitNotSupportedByCourt();
    error MustSupportDisputeKitClassic();
    error TokenNotAccepted();
    error EvidenceNotPassedAndNotAppeal();
    error DisputeStillDrawing();
    error CommitPeriodNotPassed();
    error VotePeriodNotPassed();
    error AppealPeriodNotPassed();
    error NotEvidencePeriod();
    error AppealFeesNotEnough();
    error DisputeNotAppealable();
    error NotExecutionPeriod();
    error RulingAlreadyExecuted();
    error DisputePeriodIsFinal();
    error TransferFailed();
    error AllJurorsDrawn();
    error NoJurorDrawn();