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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import "./RNG.sol";

/// @title Random Number Generator using blockhash with fallback.
/// @author Clément Lesaege - <clement@lesaege.com>
/// @dev
///  Random Number Generator returning the blockhash with a fallback behaviour.
///  In case no one called it within the 256 blocks, it returns the previous blockhash.
///  This contract must be used when returning 0 is a worse failure mode than returning another blockhash.
///  Allows saving the random number for use in the future. It allows the contract to still access the blockhash even after 256 blocks.
contract BlockHashRNG is RNG {
    mapping(uint256 block => uint256 number) public randomNumbers; // randomNumbers[block] is the random number for this block, 0 otherwise.

    /// @dev Request a random number.
    /// @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
    function requestRandomness(uint256 _block) external override {
        // nop

    /// @dev Return the random number. If it has not been saved and is still computable compute it.
    /// @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
    /// @return randomNumber The random number or 0 if it is not ready or has not been requested.
    function receiveRandomness(uint256 _block) external override returns (uint256 randomNumber) {
        randomNumber = randomNumbers[_block];
        if (randomNumber != 0) {
            return randomNumber;

        if (_block < block.number) {
            // The random number is not already set and can be.
            if (blockhash(_block) != 0x0) {
                // Normal case.
                randomNumber = uint256(blockhash(_block));
            } else {
                // The contract was not called in time. Fallback to returning previous blockhash.
                randomNumber = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1));
        randomNumbers[_block] = randomNumber;