"$schema": "../NewDisputeTemplate.schema.json",
"title": "{{title}}", // from the form
"description": "{{description}}", // from the contract terms form
"question": "Which party abided by the terms of the contract?",
"answers": [
"title": "Refund the Buyer",
"description": "Select this to return the funds to the Buyer."
"title": "Pay the Seller",
"description": "Select this to release the funds to the Seller."
"policyURI": "/ipfs/XxxxxXXX/escrow-general-policy.pdf", // not transaction-specific
"attachment": { // transaction-specific
"label": "Transaction Terms",
"uri": "{{extraDescriptionUri}}"
"frontendUrl": "https://escrow-v2.kleros.builders/#/myTransactions/%s", // deployment specific, might break over time
"arbitrableChainID": "421614",
"arbitrableAddress": "0x??", // Escrow, hardcode after deploy-time
"arbitratorChainID": "421614",
"arbitratorAddress": "0x??", // KlerosCore, hardcode after deploy-time
"metadata": {
"buyer": "{{buyer}}",
"seller": "{{seller}}",
"amount": "{{amount}}", // in Wei or ERC20 units
"asset": "{{asset}}", // "0" or "native" or "0x1234..." or "erc20:0x1234...", cf. CAIP-19,20,21
"deadline": "{{deadline}}",
"transactionUri": "{{transactionUri}}" // transaction-specific
"category": "Escrow",
"specification": "KIPXXX",
"aliases": {
"Buyer": "{{buyer}}",
"Seller": "{{seller}}"
"version": "1.0"