import { describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
import { createResultObject } from "../src/dataMappings/utils/createResultObject";
import { executeActions, populateTemplate } from "../src";
import {
} from "../src/dataMappings/utils/actionTypes";
import { jsonAction } from "../src/dataMappings/actions/jsonAction";
import { subgraphAction } from "../src/dataMappings/actions/subgraphAction";
import { callAction } from "../src/dataMappings/actions/callAction";
import { eventAction } from "../src/dataMappings/actions/eventAction";
import { fetchIpfsJsonAction } from "../src/dataMappings/actions/fetchIpfsJsonAction";
global.fetch = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({
json: async () => ({
data: {
escrows: [
{ id: "1", amount: "1000", status: "Pending" },
{ id: "2", amount: "500", status: "Completed" },
vi.mock("../src/sdk", () => ({
configureSDK: vi.fn(),
getPublicClient: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
readContract: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue([BigInt(1), false, false]),
createEventFilter: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
getFilterLogs: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue([
args: {
from: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
to: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
value: BigInt(100),
interface CallActionResult {
ruling: bigint;
tied: boolean;
overridden: boolean;
interface EventActionResult {
fromAddress: string;
toAddress: string;
transferValue: bigint;
interface SubgraphActionResult {
escrowsData: { id: string; amount: string; status: string }[];
interface FetchIpfsJsonActionResult {
name: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
anotherFile: string;
const exampleObject = {
evidence: {
fileURI: {
photo: "https://photo.url",
video: "https://video.url",
vi.mock("src/dataMappings/actions/subgraphAction", () => ({
subgraphAction: vi.fn(async (mapping) => {
return createResultObject(
escrows: [
{ id: "1", amount: "1000", status: "Pending" },
{ id: "2", amount: "500", status: "Completed" },
vi.mock("src/dataMappings/actions/callAction", () => ({
callAction: vi.fn(async (mapping) => {
return createResultObject([BigInt(1), false, false], mapping.seek, mapping.populate);
vi.mock("src/dataMappings/actions/eventAction", () => ({
eventAction: vi.fn(async (mapping) => {
const mockEventData = {
from: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
to: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
value: BigInt(100),
return createResultObject(mockEventData, mapping.seek, mapping.populate);
vi.mock("../src/dataMappings/actions/fetchIpfsJsonAction", () => ({
fetchIpfsJsonAction: vi.fn(async (mapping) => {
return createResultObject(
name: "Mezozoic",
firstName: "Rafael",
lastName: "Camargo",
anotherFile: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
describe("full flow test", () => {
it("should execute a full flow and return populated dispute details", async () => {
const dataMappingsInput = JSON.stringify([
type: "graphql",
endpoint: "https://mocked_endpoint.com",
query: `query GetEscrows($buyer: Bytes!) {
escrows(where: {buyer: $buyer}) {
variables: { buyer: "0x74199ddaC9607A3a694011793f674FA1E0d0Fe2D" },
seek: ["escrows"],
populate: ["escrowsData"],
type: "abi/call",
abi: "function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) public view returns (uint256 ruling, bool tied, bool overridden)",
address: "0xA54e7A16d7460e38a8F324eF46782FB520d58CE8",
functionName: "currentRuling",
args: ["0"],
seek: ["0", "1", "2"],
populate: ["ruling", "tied", "overridden"],
type: "abi/event",
abi: "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)",
address: "0xa8e4235129258404A2ed3D36DAd20708CcB2d0b7",
eventFilter: {
fromBlock: "123",
toBlock: "latest",
args: [],
seek: ["from", "to", "value"],
populate: ["fromAddress", "toAddress", "transferValue"],
type: "json",
value: {
title: "Dispute: Did the user break the rules?",
description: "Detailed description of the dispute",
category: "General",
seek: ["title", "description", "category"],
populate: ["disputeTitle", "disputeDescription", "disputeCategory"],
const disputeTemplateInput = JSON.stringify({
title: "{{disputeTitle}}",
description: "{{disputeDescription}}",
question: "Is the user responsible?",
category: "{{disputeCategory}}",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
{ title: "Yes", description: "User is responsible", id: "0x01" },
{ title: "No", description: "User is not responsible", id: "0x02" },
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
details: {
ruling: "{{ruling}}",
tied: "{{tied}}",
overridden: "{{overridden}}",
fromAddress: "{{fromAddress}}",
toAddress: "{{toAddress}}",
transferValue: "{{transferValue}}",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
version: "1.0",
const initialContext = { alchemyApiKey: "mocked_api_key" };
const data = await executeActions(JSON.parse(dataMappingsInput), initialContext);
const finalDisputeDetails = populateTemplate(disputeTemplateInput, data);
title: "Dispute: Did the user break the rules?",
description: "Detailed description of the dispute",
question: "Is the user responsible?",
category: "General",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
{ title: "Yes", description: "User is responsible", id: "0x01" },
{ title: "No", description: "User is not responsible", id: "0x02" },
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
details: {
ruling: "1",
tied: "false",
overridden: "false",
fromAddress: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
toAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
transferValue: "100",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
version: "1.0",
describe("jsonAction", () => {
it("should extract and map data correctly", () => {
const mapping: JsonMapping = {
type: "json",
value: exampleObject.evidence.fileURI,
seek: ["photo", "video"],
populate: ["photoUrl", "videoUrl"],
const result = jsonAction(mapping);
photoUrl: "https://photo.url",
videoUrl: "https://video.url",
it("should handle empty JSON object gracefully", () => {
const mapping: JsonMapping = {
type: "json",
value: {},
seek: ["nonexistentField"],
populate: ["resultField"],
const result = jsonAction(mapping);
describe("subgraphAction with variables", () => {
it("should fetch GraphQL data with variables and return in expected format", async () => {
const mapping: SubgraphMapping = {
type: "graphql",
endpoint: "mocked_endpoint",
query: `query GetEscrows($buyer: Bytes!) {
escrows(where: {buyer: $buyer}) {
variables: { buyer: "0x74199ddaC9607A3a694011793f674FA1E0d0Fe2D" },
seek: ["escrows"],
populate: ["escrowsData"],
const result = (await subgraphAction(mapping)) as SubgraphActionResult;
result.escrowsData.forEach((escrow) => {
describe("callAction", () => {
it("should call the contract and return in expected format", async () => {
const mapping: AbiCallMapping = {
type: "abi/call",
abi: "function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) public view returns (uint256 ruling, bool tied, bool overridden)",
functionName: "currentRuling",
address: "0xA54e7A16d7460e38a8F324eF46782FB520d58CE8",
args: ["0"],
seek: ["0", "1", "2"],
populate: ["ruling", "tied", "overridden"],
const result = (await callAction(mapping)) as CallActionResult;
describe("eventAction", () => {
it("should fetch event data and return populated data", async () => {
const mapping: AbiEventMapping = {
type: "abi/event",
abi: "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)",
address: "0xa8e4235129258404A2ed3D36DAd20708CcB2d0b7",
eventFilter: {
fromBlock: "earliest",
toBlock: "latest",
args: [],
seek: ["from", "to", "value"],
populate: ["fromAddress", "toAddress", "transferValue"],
const result = (await eventAction(mapping)) as EventActionResult;
expect(result).to.have.property("fromAddress", "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
expect(result).to.have.property("toAddress", "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321");
expect(result).to.have.property("transferValue", BigInt(100));
describe("fetchIpfsJsonAction", () => {
it("should fetch JSON data from IPFS and return the expected result", async () => {
const mapping: FetchIpfsJsonMapping = {
type: "fetch/ipfs/json",
ipfsUri: "/ipfs/QmQ2XoA25HmnPUEWDduxj6LYwMwp6jtXPFRMHcNF2EvJfU/file.json",
seek: ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "anotherFile"],
populate: ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "anotherFile"],
const result = (await fetchIpfsJsonAction(mapping)) as FetchIpfsJsonActionResult;
expect(result).to.have.property("name", "Mezozoic");
expect(result).to.have.property("firstName", "Rafael");
expect(result).to.have.property("lastName", "Camargo");
expect(result).to.have.property("anotherFile", "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json");
describe("populateTemplate", () => {
it("should correctly populate the template with provided data", () => {
const template = JSON.stringify({
title: "Test Title",
description: "Test Description",
question: "{{question}}",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
title: "Yes",
description: "Affirmative",
id: "0x01",
reserved: false,
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
category: "General",
lang: "en_US",
specification: "Spec",
version: "1.0",
const data = {
question: "Did the user break the rules?",
const result = populateTemplate(template, data);
title: "Test Title",
description: "Test Description",
question: "Did the user break the rules?",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
title: "Yes",
description: "Affirmative",
id: "0x01",
reserved: false,
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
category: "General",
lang: "en_US",
specification: "Spec",
version: "1.0",
it("should handle missing template variables gracefully", () => {
const template = JSON.stringify({
title: "Test Title",
description: "Test Description",
question: "{{missingQuestion}}",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
title: "Yes",
description: "Affirmative",
id: "0x01",
reserved: false,
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
category: "General",
lang: "en_US",
specification: "Spec",
version: "1.0",
const data = {
question: "Actual question",
const result = populateTemplate(template, data);
title: "Test Title",
description: "Test Description",
question: "",
type: "single-select",
answers: [
title: "Yes",
description: "Affirmative",
id: "0x01",
reserved: false,
policyURI: "/ipfs/QmUnPyGi31RoF4DRR8vT3u13YsppxtsbBKbdQAbcP8be4M/file.json",
arbitratorChainID: "421614",
arbitratorAddress: "0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321",
category: "General",
lang: "en_US",
specification: "Spec",
version: "1.0",
it("should throw an error for invalid JSON", () => {
const template = '{"title": "{{name}"}';
const data = { name: "Jane" };
expect(() => populateTemplate(template, data)).to.throw();